Meme: 15 OTPs...

Jan 16, 2009 17:33

meme found at AJ's lj...
Right, whatever, have a meme.

Pick up to 15 otp's. Describe them in 15 words or less. Others must guess the otp!

1. She'll guide you in, he'll help you out.
2. Not even the motion of time can keep them apart for long.
3. The tortoise and the mayfly.
4. Californian + Northerner = fun.
5. King of weevils, queen of, er. a clue: part of this line is a typo. Pimpmytardis got this.
6. Because "torchwood" is such a lovely name for a girl. Fififolle got it right.
7. He's hoping to rejoin his wife, and she's offered to be his wife - not that his wife knows.
8. He's very nearly a triune being, but his wife doesn't mind the company any more.
9. He turned away a queen for her & she'll never know.
10. She'll eat you alive, which is okay since he's dead anyway.

yeah, I probably didn't hold to the "15 words" limit too well. sorry.

meme, 15, 15 words

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