LIFE comments

Nov 05, 2008 21:19

* first time their boss said he wanted to talk to Dani {in this episode}, her face was one part deer in the headlights, and one part butterfly on a collection board.

* Dani gives new meaning to "compartmentalize memories & then lock them away and throw away the key (and maybe burn the box)"

...or she's their poster child.

* "does the apple help?" Crews looked fairly stumped - or stunned - by the question.

* jinx!
(sorry, Dani)

* by the third "she loved me for me", I was thinking, "yeah, there's a word for people like that; just not sure which one.

* never try to out-knife Crews.

* what did Dani say on the phone?

life, review, dani reese, reviews, dani reece, dani, meta, life comments

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