Enterprise ficathon entry: "What we tell our grandparents" pg13

Sep 16, 2008 22:06

Title: What we tell our grandparents.

Fandom: Enterprise.
For the: Entficathon.

Written at the request of: distracted
Prompt: “E2: why didn’t Malcolm marry? (can’t kill him or have him be gay)”

Author: Keenir.
Summary: The reason Malcolm didn’t marry in that time loop, as relayed to us by himself and one of his students.

Author’s note: While the phrase “children of the mind” usually refers to Artificial Intelligences, I see no reason why it cannot also refer to adopted aliens…particularly given these circumstances.

Rating: PG-13
Author’s note: Watching ‘e2,’ I thought their summary of the intervening years was rather pat…too pat, too simplistic. Almost like it was an idealized form of their history, omitting the less palatable events.

…and then Mainea showed up.

speculation, elizabeth cutler, reed, malcolm reed, enterprise, cutler, enterprise fanfiction, e2

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