Question fanfic

Sep 10, 2008 17:20

fandom news: I just read (most of) the book form of the 52-comic sequel to Crisis on Infinite Earths, and now I want to ship Question I and Question II.

which brings me to this...
shades of Huntress/Question I, and suggestions of Question I/Question II...

Where'd he go?" Huntress wondered as she prowled through one of the Question's lesser-visited haunts, having already scoured his apartment and the spots he normally went to get away from things. "C'mon, I -" and stopped, seeing the familiar duster and hat leaning against one brick wall.

Huntress' eyes narrowed as she saw that the figure beneath the jacket didn't match the Question's. Thought to steal my guy's clothes, eh? Bad idea, and headed over to the loitering thief. "Hey!" and caught the thief's attention.

A blank face looked over at her. Not expressionless, but entirely blank. Question-blank.

"Who're you?" Huntress demanded.

"And you're who, exactly?" a woman's voice asked behind the blankness, which reassured Huntress that this wasn't just Question making an obscure point or a joke that would take a day to unravel.


"Heard from Batman, or is he still on vacation?"

Huntress just stood there, looking at the strange woman. "Who are you?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Exceedingly so. And you've made the mistake of trying to imitate a friend of mine."

"Who says he's not my friend too?"

"I doubt you're his type."

A snort. "You think I'd want to be?"

Stop it with the questions! He asks good ones. Balling her fingers into a fist, Huntress threatened, "Do that again, and I'll hurt you."

If the blank face had had an eyebrow, that eyebrow would've been raised. "You go for that sort of thing?" she asked. "I don't."

Huntress blinked, taking a half-step back.

"Problem?" asked the lady Question.

A smile quirked the corner of Huntress' lips. "Nice try, kid, but you're no Question."

"What makes you say that?"

"You volunteered information," Huntress said, proud of herself, "when you could've left it at the asking."

"Damn. Well, I'm kinda new to this."

"So I see. Want to tell me who you are, now?"

"Renee Montoya, formerly a Detective in Gotham City."

"And not bad at asking questions," said the Question, the original Question, who had come up unnoticed alongside them both.

Huntress spun to the side and grabbed him in a hug.

"Can't - breathe," the Question man wheezed.

"Well given that you - wait, weren't you dead?" his Question apprentice asked.

Letting go and setting her nose against where she knew his would be, Huntress told him, "Don't you ever leave me alone with her again."

question ii, the question, question, question i

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