Robin Hood fanfic: "Acquiescer" AU 1/1

Aug 03, 2008 01:17

Title: Acquiescer
Author: Keenir.
Pairings: mild Guy/Marian if any.
Rating: PG-13
Diverged: between the end of 2.12 & start of 2.13
Warnings: brief mention of two deaths - both occur offstage.

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters of the BBC production of Robin Hood, nor do I have claim to the persons and myths of Robin Hood.
Summary: The Sheriff's plan worked perfectly...too perfectly for him. What follows are scenes from what very easily could have become...

Note: from Acquiesce: to agree or consent quietly without protest, but without enthusiasm: often with in to acquiesce in a decision
Etymology: Fr acquiescer, to yield to

Marian was first to ask it: "My lord," to the Sheriff, "don't we have a boat to catch?"

"That's the plan," the Sheriff agreed.

Without moving her head, Marian looked over to Guy - who was just as politely baffled - and back to the Sheriff. "Then why are we not moving?"

"Because. Because the plan is the plan because it's not the plan."

"Not the plan?"

"Not really, exactly."

"Then the mission to the Holy Land?" Guy asked.

"Bait, Gisbourne, think, bait! What greater love does Robin Hood have, than England or your leper?"

"King Richard," Marian said with certainty. She didn't object to coming second in a test of loyalty, not when the King was the other contestant. "Robin will get word that you're going after the King, and he'll waste no time chasing you down."

"All the way to the Holy Land," Guy finished.

"Ooh, a leper with brains," the Sheriff said. "Careful, Gisbourne, or they'll fall on you."

"I'll take my chances."

"You always do."

"Surely Robin will notice," Marian said, "that there's nobody to chase to the Holy Land."

"Robin always chases, it's what he does best, after all. And he'll be following three of my ships. While I regret the extravagance, a moneychest per ship is a small price to pay to have Hood off my back. And if the ships reach the King first, well, money's always a welcome gift."

"And while the Hood's away..." with that smile of his. "Driver! Back to the castle. Take as many long routes as you can find." To Guy and Marian, "Dear Robin might be running behind schedule, after all."


"Are you certain this is wise?" Marian asked Guy in their chambers. They were not married nor did they procreate, but it was a place both agreed was secure.

Marian paced. Guy half-stood, one thigh resting on the corner of his writing desk. "What option remains, Marian?" he asked her but did not plead, did not warn.

The implication was warning enough: the Sheriff had died last evening when the church's second-to-last bells were ringing. "None," Marian conceded. "Though to speak of abundant evidence -"

"Easily fabricated. This is for Notingham."

She nodded. "For Notingham." The alternative was to permit Notingham's destruction. "This we do for Notingham."

Marian read the letter...

To the person of our sovereign protector, Prince John,

It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that your servant Vassey, Sheriff of Notingham, has been plotting to overthrow you. While at times he said would bring back your brother from the Holy Land, and at times he said he would enthrone himself, always did he plan for your removal from the seat which God has granted you.

My lord, I have always been loyal to you. When the Sheriff Vassey said you had called for a thing to be done, I did it swiftly and thoroughly. This is why I have gathered together all of the evidence, all of the material which implicates Vassey: so that you, my lord, may see the proof if you so desire to.

May God continue guarding your steps and blessing your deeds.

And Guy had signed it, both signature and his seal.


Marian smiled. "I think I just felt him kick."

Pregnant Vivian, ex of the Marches, smiled at her ladyship whose hand was against the belly. "He's got a strong kick, mi'lady."

Marian had given up trying to convince her to stop saying 'mi'lady'; attempts to do so, had always always reminded both of them that Vivian had been the mistress (nearly the consort) of one of the more influential Black Knights, and Vivian had come to live here in the castle now that he was gone.

Sir Guy had led a coup within the Black Knights, a feat which vastly reduced the number of Knights who were unwilling to work with the Prince or the King. The more regicidal of them, such as Vivian's deceased husband, one of the lords of the marches, were done away with. The remainder were dealt with.

Organizing and travel and meetings...they put so much stress upon Guy that he had begun to lose weight. But he was succeeding, and he was proud of his successes, so buoyed by the strides he was making that he was proving a most enthusiastic kisser - not that it went further, no, they'd both agreed.

"You're most kind," Vivian said. "If you like, I could give you my baby. Let you and your husband raise him as your own - be better for him, I think. I'll wet-nurse, mine and yours."

"You don't have to do that."

"I want to. I'm offering."

Marian consciously didn't make a face; to offer meant a lot to Vivian. "We'll discuss it later. Okay?"

She nodded, content with that.

And Prince John was signing into law a document which increased the rights and freedoms of all the citizens in England. With Vassey and many Black Knights gone, gone too were the days when all and sundry were dreaming for the day of Richard's return home. Many were comfortable with the idea of John reigning for some time more, or at least were at peace with the concept.

I'm sorry, Robin, Marian thought as she listened to Vivian try once more to persuade her to marry Guy, but things are better now.
The End

ah, au, robin hood, robin hood fanfiction

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