"Nowhere is somewhere" (Life drabble)

Jul 07, 2008 00:19

with thanks to AllFireBurns for the first line.
Life drabble...
"You know, for 'Nowhere', this looks a whole lot like 'Somewhere'," Charlie Crews said as he and his partner sat on the hood of his car, here in a neighborhood of downtown he wasn't acquainted with.

It'd been Reese's idea, coming out here. The case had hit an impasse, with every suspect and witness in this case each claiming ignorance of one vital detail or another; and he suspected he'd said entirely the wrong thing when he and she got in the car after one such talk with a couple of witnesses.

She wasn't saying anything, Charlie considered. That could be a good thing, or it could mean she was about to bean him, probably with a soda can.

"I was five," Reese said after a while. "Dad drove me out here...

"We just sat in the car. I was all excited; there I was, thinking he had brought me on a stake-out. I kept quiet and my head low - didn't want to give us away to whomever dad was keeping an eye on."

And that was it. Charlie kept an ear open, but she didn't say another word. But lessons learned on the Inside, from the book and other sources, combined with Reese's story... and it clicked. "It's nowhere to us, but not to the people who know it - and it shouldn't be an unknown to people who know it. So if they say they don't know it -"

"I'm driving," Reese said, sliding off the hood and heading for the door.

Best birthday ever.

life, life fanfiction

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