a birthday drabble for Mustangcandi

Jul 03, 2008 22:20

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Warning: adult! a Mature rating.

All had gathered, from near and far, to wish Mustangcandi a very merry birthday. Colby Granger, David Sinclair, Ian Edgerton, Aragon [the unwed] of Gondor, and more; all arrayed in a line leading to the birthday girl.

All was going well until -

"Wait a minute," David said to Ian and Colby, "you guys just went." You're supposed to go to the end of the line after taking a turn.

Yeah, we each kissed her. But only the once. "No we didn't."

"You're not exactly an accomplished liar, Granger."

"Sure he is," Ian said; "remember the 'Janus List'?"

Colby groaned.

"Okay, fine," Colby said. "I'll owe you a favor, David, later."

"Same here," Ian said. "So long as we're in line," and not at the back of said line.

"Nope," David said.

From there, it escalated into a shoving match, one which grew to encompass the entire line {except for those nearest the birthday girl}.

"That's new," said Amita, one of the ladies-in-waiting who served the birthday girl.

"Could be better," said Mustangcandi.

"Mudwrestling?" Amita suggested for the men to do.

"Oilwrestling?" Terry Lake counter-suggested.

birthday!fic, numb3rs fanfiction, birthday fic, numb3rs

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