"In Various Grades" (my Primeval ficathon entry) PG13

Jul 02, 2008 11:37

for the Primeval ficathon here

Title: In Various Grades.
Author: Keenir.
Beta and proof-reader: Fififolle. (thank you!)

Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: 1.01-2.04
Summary: Shipwrecked en route to Persia, a British naval officer assists in the fight against prehistoric killers.
Fandom: Primeval: AU

Characters:Reed King - Lieutenant in the British Royal ( Read more... )

primeval, primeval fanfiction, ficathon, ottoman, ottoman empire

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rodlox July 2 2008, 20:58:49 UTC
>Thank you so much for this.
you're very welcome.

> I hope you're as pleased with it as I am.
at least as much.

> I wasn't thinking Empire-types when I set the prompt,
I considered setting it in the American Revolutionary War, but the only plot that came to mind was "the Turtle vs amphibious Creatures".

> but the setting and the milieu work really well, I'm glad you chose them.
I kinda cheated, I admit...I used the woods around Ankara & the governors' houses on the west coast.

but all the historical facts (like the Order of the Garter going to the Sublime Porte, and Armenians marrying Kurds) are true.

>Reed is a great character! likeable but very flawed with a very clear voice that carries the fic well.
good to know; thank you.

>The little interlude in the middle was clever as well,
thank you; admittedly, I wasn't sure where to put it - at the start, and it risked killing any suspense.

> giving us just enough insight into the Ankarapithecines to understand what they were doing.
d'oh. sorry...I thought it was clear: the Ankarapiths were killed by the Australopiths.
*goes to edit it in the into*

>Favourite Character: Fatima Menas
>Favourite Moment: When King finds her and Hands and she's being all geeky about his descriptions.
yep, that was fun to write.

(if Helen were a stay-at-home housewife, she'd be something like Fatima) ;D


lsellersfic July 2 2008, 21:22:51 UTC
sorry...I thought it was clear: the Ankarapiths were killed by the Australopiths.
*goes to edit it in the into*

*pah* not paying attention as I type.

Still trying to visualise Helen as a stay-at-home-wife.


rodlox July 2 2008, 21:36:35 UTC
sorry about that. (I really shouldn't distract you)

yeah, I had to strain my brain for that analogy. ;)


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