Robin Hood: "Djaq's decision" 5/?

Jun 14, 2008 23:42

Fic Title: Djaq's decision (5/?)
POV: Djaq's
Character/Pairing/OT3: Allan a Dale, Djaq "of Aleppo," Guy of Gisbourne, Marian of Knighton Hall, Much.
Genre: AU
Spoilers: Turk Flu, episode 2.05, 2.06.


I make myself invisible, hiding in the shadows while Marian - 'my lady' now I suppose - and Sir Guy talk. About prices and the Sheriff and power. You are not the first to take that route to position and status, Sir Guy, nor do I think you will be the last. Provided the Sheriff does not survive your rise, it seems sensible.

Sir Guy leaves, after telling Lady Marian what path to take on her escape from the castle. I move to stand alongside the shut door. Marian approaches me, a question about to be asked. "Sshh," I tell her as I listen through the cracks.

"What?" Marian asks, affronted, then asks, "What are they saying?"

I overhear a bit longer, then step over to my Lady. "Sir Guy knew that the Sheriff was listening, thus he gave you false instructions. The Sheriff has demanded just now that Sir Guy be the one to deliver you to Harold of (-)."

"Hoping to drive a wedge between us," Marian says, nodding. I cannot tell - yet - if that is her true feelings, or simply the face she projects with others, with those she does not trust.

"It would appear so," I say as I inspect the exit points of the room, leaning far to see what it is like outside the windows. "This is your best option," I say, backing out and standing up.

"The window."

"Yes. Take only what is easy to carry - I will pack away the rest, make it appear that you were following Sir Guy's original instructions."

She hesitates midway through stuffing her pockets with things she considers essential (I'd have left half of it, but that's me), looks at me. "Are you sure you want to be doing this? You do realize what Guy and the Sheriff'll do to you if they think you're helping me, don't you?"

I don't snort - not the right time for it, almost, though. "I was hired to help you, Lady Marian. And if I am to serve you, I would rather it be in association with Sir Guy than with Lord Harrold."

Marian looks at me, slightly unsure if I'm being honest or just in a role; both, actually. "Very well," and finishes. She picks up a highly curved dagger, and is about to place it in her hair, when I say -

"Put it down." And, remembering local protocol, "Please, my Lady."

"Why? What is it?"

"A prize of war," almost certainly. Its owners do not give them as gifts. "Not a casual decoration."

"Okay," she relents, placing it back on the table. As she slides through the window to handholds outside, "Be careful, Djaq."

"Always," I assure her. And once she's gone, I wait.
* *

Sir Guy does not disappoint. He enters the room when it has become obvious that none are leaving the room, two guards trailing behind him. Looking around the room without taking a step in any direction, "Where is your Lady? Where is Lady Marian?" he asks me, more vigorously the second time.

I duck my head, doing my best to project the appearance of being afraid. If I appear sufficiently cowed, there is a chance I am less likely to be struck.

"Where is she?" Guy demands, confirming it.

"I..." I stammer, or I try to. I was never very good at stammering. Pretending to cry, I can do if I have to. But stammering?

"Take her away!" and the guards move towards me.

I brace myself, readying for a fight, though as I said to Allan, I have nowhere else to go.

"Wait," Sir Guy commands, and he looks at me, his eyes boring into me. "I shall administer her punishment myself."

The guards share a chuckle - probably smile as well - and stand aside for their lord and master to take me.

He draws me up to him, his one-handed grip on my arm tight enough for him to lift my ear to his lips. "Thank you," he whispers, and drops me back to my feet.

I look down to hide my smile from the guards nearby. That is why I stayed.

djaq, au, robin hood, robin hood fanfiction

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