"Cry o cuckolded lass" (Burn Notice / Doctor Who crossover drabble)

Jun 14, 2008 14:30

title: Cry O Cuckolded Lass
spoilers: Burn Notice series 1 (most notable ep 1.01); Doctor Who {NuWho} trilogy featuring the Master, notably "Last of the Time Lords".

Lucy's POV

this was inspired (if not born) in the discussion here, with many thanks to Allfireburns, about a certain daughter of Eire, and the Time Lords.

Summary: It was a toss-up which was the worse thing he'd found himself doing: bringing humanity back from teh end of time, or cheating on his wife.

Master, o Master, my Harry.

I loved the look on your face when you talked about saving mankind. I was glad of your kindness to my father. I was grateful when you made your promise to me, after showing me how the universe ends.

I rather liked - enjoyed - being your wife. Not just for being wife to the Prime Minister of Great Britain, though there was nothing wrong there.

I looked the other way when you took your walks across the face of the Earth. Even with the Doctor deliberately offhandedly mentioning that Martha was down there.

But then you took up with her, the woman I couldn't compete with. I like excitement, as does she, but I don't like danger and adrenaline.

I was losing you and hadn't any way of bringing you back. I wasn't just losing you to an Irishwoman, but to a mercenary, to a bringer of destruction and a junkie to visceral thrills. I'd lost you to the reason the toclafane never tried to take over Miami in American Florida.

And so I set the gun off.

Look at it this way, Harry my love, my Master, if the toclafane have gotten her, you'll be reunited with your dear Fiona.
the end

crossover, master, lucy, drabble, fiona, doctor who fanfiction, lucy saxon, burn notice, burn notice fanfiction, doctor who

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