Meme: What fics do you think I won't write?

May 29, 2008 22:42

Last seen on Grimorie's journal:

Name three fics you think I will never, ever, ever write. In return, I will attempt to write a snippet of one of them.

Fandoms: Primeval, Doctor Who, Rome, Burn Notice, Brimstone, Terminator/Sarah Connor Chronicles, Not Going Out.

terminator, sarah connor chronicles, brimstone, fic, primeval, burn notice, fanfic, meme, rome, fanfiction, doctor who, not going out

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master_kogane May 30 2008, 09:42:00 UTC
1. Helen is the Doctor's companion.
2. Helen and Simm!Master work together and want to accomplish... something.
3. No Blind Justice? *sadface*


rodlox May 30 2008, 16:23:01 UTC
#3 Thank you for reminding me of what needs to be on my shopping list; sadly, atm I don't remember enough of the show to list it. Sorry.

1 & 2 soon.


master_kogane May 30 2008, 16:46:57 UTC
Heh, no problem. I only know about the show because it just started here :P


rodlox May 30 2008, 17:37:16 UTC
you are very very lucky.


master_kogane May 30 2008, 18:26:58 UTC
I guess there are indeed positive aspects of very slow TV. :)


rodlox April 28 2010, 01:49:32 UTC
I can write Blind Justice fics now, if you like.


master_kogane April 28 2010, 13:05:39 UTC
No, thanks, but I'd really appreciate it if you could finally defriend me.


rodlox April 28 2010, 19:17:05 UTC
thought to ask (been archive-diving lately)

thought I already did; sorry - LJ confuses me sometimes.

have nice days and be well.


master_kogane April 28 2010, 19:27:25 UTC
No, problem. You as well.


rodlox April 28 2010, 19:33:15 UTC
thank you. you too.


rodlox May 30 2008, 17:48:56 UTC
Helen sat, back against the TARDIS' outside, watching the fauna of this era, and waiting for Those Two to finish their latest dalliance. There are things I need to do, plans to finish setting in motion.

Travelling with the Doctor, it simplified a few things, such as eliminating the need to use an Anomaly every time. But there were other times, such as now...

"And you're back," Helen remarked as the Doctor and Donna trudged back to the TARDIS, the pair of them all covered in mud and bile - rolled into dino phlem, eh?"Yep, that we are," the Doctor said, and looked behind them. "Oh good, he stopped chasing us ( ... )


master_kogane May 30 2008, 18:26:43 UTC
Oooh, loved them! Love Helen's anti-social way with Donna and he Doctor!
And this: "I win," he whispered in anticipation of coming victory, as he passed through the Anomaly, finding himself in a large burrow with several horse-sized burrowers lazing about. made me laugh.

Thank you! :D


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