crack!fic: "Lesson Number One" (Doctor Who/Life on Mars crossover)

May 23, 2008 22:18

first I read a drabble that had Gene Hunt insulting the Master....then one of my muses quoted Yoda: "always two, there are. a Master, and an apprentice."

and thus was born this crackfic:

Gene Hunt could see - could feel too - his fingers lengthening and shortening as he doubled over from all the pain. His lungs refused to provide enough air to scream, only enough to breathe. Everything about him changed and shifted and moved.

And then the shifting ended so abruptly that he collapsed to his hands and knees.

"Fantastic little thing," the Master said, standing nearby, having just turned the device off - for now. "Chameleon circuits are so useful...and you can get such cool stuff when you derive things from them - like this."

"You - are - so - dead," Gene swore, then spit on the ground. No blood or anything more than saliva lay in that spittle on the ground. Odd, thought something got knocked loose durin' all that.

The Master smiled. "That's the spirit. Now, if you've learned your lesson, I can start moulding you into a proper conquerer of the universe."

"I'll stick with chips thanks, Doris."

His eyes narrowed, jaw set. "You still don't get it, do you?" and, on impulse - something he had a lot of in this regeneration, it seemed - he kicked Hunt in the gut, just the once, and took a step back, watching the man roll and grumble and swear, and oh this is fun. Or at least entertaining. "Lesson number one!: I Am Not Sam Tyler!"

crackfic, crack!fic, gene hunt, master, life on mars, doctor who fanfiction, doctor who, life on mars fanfiction

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