uncompleted Master/Susan sequel

May 21, 2008 03:54

so close to being done, yet it died on the operating table; I'm referring to a fic. yes, it's a sequel to Paving the way for toclafane...

The Master looked over the device he held with his thumb and forefinger. “Such a small thing,” he remarked.

“Easier to overlook,” Susan said in a silken voice. The only thing distinctive about the device were the crescents of circles on one flat side.

“Understandable, that they overlooked it, given all the rockets under construction. Though when I called you my human Companion -”

“Heat of the moment. Besides, what else but the truth could you have said?”

“True enough. Now, what news do you bring me?” seated as they were on a bench in the yard of one of Britain’s VA centers. Some here had remarked how much he so strongly resembled former PM H. Saxon, though none realized that this man with the burnt skin was the same man.

Susan smiled, all humour and caring. “I was out looking,” with all the casualness some would reserve for ‘I was out shopping,’ “and I rescued the Rani.”

“So she survived.”

“She did. She had stumbled upon and into one of the Vaults before the War, and was imprisoned. The original occupant fell prey to one of Rani’s safeguards.”

“Nobody likes life without a bit of security, a fallback position.”

“Like Grandfather’s TARDIS.”

“Exactly like. And has her excellency opted to join us?”

“I believe so. We meet in medieval England to discuss details.”

“Well, I’ll leave the chitchat to you women.”

Lucy smiled. “Thank you, dear,” as another couple walked by, the woman with crutches. Once they’d passed, “Do you feel up to a little something? It wouldn’t be long.”

Saxon grinned. “You are insatiable,” as a pair of wheelchairs went by. He knew what she meant, but it was fun to point at the other meaning of the English words.

“*After* Torchwood,” Susan said, humouring him. And who knows…

“I thought you said no revenge.”

“Initially, in the outset, revenge would be contrary or even counter-productive. However, if you succeed, revenge can be your closing measure. Once you’ve recovered what we need next.”

“And what does Torchwood have that we need? Jack The Undying?”

“No; him, I leave to you, my Master. I need only Suzie Costello and Toshiko Sato.” A pause before “A measure of caution, note, as the latter’s mother was a Dalek weapon,” and some features may have been inherited, standing latent until - perhaps - now.

His eyebrows and lips showed he was impressed. “A human? So the rumours were true.”

“They were. Although, I suggest you wear the belt I left in your room here,” placed there before meeting him out here today. “Short-range transportation built in.”

“What would I ever do without you, Susan?” the Master asked jovially.

In answer, she stood up to leave, her mouth and throat perfectly making the drumming: Ba-da-da-dum ba-da-da-dum.

As she walked away, the Master smiled.

...and the comment about medieval England was from briefly considering dropping Susan, Rani, or the Master in Robin Hood's domain.

rani, master, lucy, susan, saxon, simm, doctor who fanfiction, doctor who

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