Doctor Who - "On the mountainside" (Lucy, 4th Doctor)

May 10, 2008 13:59

Title: On the mountainside.

Summary: Lucy Saxon thought she was free of the Doctor, rid of him at last…no such luck.
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Lucy Saxon, The Doctor (4th)
Author: Keenir.

Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Keeper of Traken, Logopolis; The Sound Of Drums.
Word Count: 370
Author’s note: This was in response to the Random Pairing Generator for this fandom, though I admit I couldn’t get it to be shippy. Takes place after the finale.

“Oh dear,” Lucy said, finding herself alone on the mountainside. Didn’t lose the other climbers, so much as I lost track of them - focused too much. Oh but He’d loved her dedication, how deeply she could focus on any task she set her mind to. Found it endearing. Promising.

But that was then. No, no, it was still now…it wasn’t yet a year since His - since my husband’s - becoming Prime Minister. I remember, even if none other do. Still clinging. Looked down to the reason her concentration’d broken, examined her knee.

Scraped, enough for a thin trickle of blood to peter through. If the leg were a faucet, there’d be a drip drip plip plip plip. Can’t blame Him… she’d always thought like this.

“Allo there,” someone said to Lucy - right beside her, he’d scrambled along the slop to this close, and she’d not even noticed it. “You need any help there?” he asked Lucy, his eyes wild and his scarf well-wrapped yet still managing to trail around him.

“No, no thank you; no, it’s just a scratch. Are you on one of the tours?” on the hike-to-the-summit tour, most likely, she figured.

“What? Oh no, I much prefer wandering about. Much more -”

“Doctor!” a woman hollered from above.

“Minute,” he replied right back. To Lucy, “Who’s got more entropy, eh?” as her blood ran cold and she fought to keep her eyes from getting as big as saucers. “Though mine’s a better grade than what yours is at the moment,” as Lucy wondered what she could do to escape. There’s always letting go, plummeting to the rocks all those empty fathoms below. But, then she considered, this is the Doctor, the alien thing that had killed Him and had turned back time itself! “You sure?” and Lucy knew, just knew, that she’d missed part of what he’d said.

“Please, go. Please just go,” she begged of the Doctor.


Think, think fast! She’d always been good at it; He’d loved her talent for it. “I can’t climb if anyone’s watching. There’s a name for my condition.” A lie. A lie to a god.

“Okay,” he said cheerfully, taking his scarf with him to… Lucy didn’t care where.
The End

4th, the doctor, lucy saxon, doctor who fanfiction, lucy, doctor who

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