gin Hob, using Amita as an example

Apr 11, 2008 00:42

Amita had reservations for dinner.
Amita mem-madrorim surraf.

Amita had reservations about dinner.
Amita-padrt pesak surraf.

(the "f" is a loan, origin unknown...I'm trying to eliminate it)

for the curious, the component words are behind this cut:
padrt = to hold
padardeyt = to be having
surr padardeyt = to be having a party.
surraf = dinner.
pesak = the wisdom of an action and-or an event.
madror = timekeeping.
mem-madrorim = appointment.

neksen = waves.
nekstemaot = envelops.
py(am) nekstemaot = envelops her hand {= takes her hand}
py(ir) nekstremaot = envelops his hand
pyt(ir) nekstemaot = envelops my {m} hand

Pukkuh = to grip, to grab, to grasp.

tel Pedu = that which is written.
tel = written, write {noun class}

ken nangyim = whale {alive, its seen as a liquid moving through the ocean}
bel nangyim = whale {dying and dead, its seen as having become a solid and flesh}

ire & ir- = she {primary topic}
ore & or- = she {secondary topic}

inge & ing- = he {primary topic}
onge & ong- = he {secondary topic}

amita, gin hob, conlanguage, conlang

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