COMMENTARY: Regan - Pet Peeves on Statuses

May 01, 2015 10:38


What are facebookers pet peeves on statuses? Cause it seems to me that It doesn't matter how positive you are with your status it still seems to piss off someone for them to have a go at you or behind you


Aside from abiding by the Facebook guidelines on generally unacceptable content that is seen as offensive with outright nudity or hate speech, you can put whatever you want on your page. Anyone who chooses to take offense to your content can unsubscribe or unfollow you. It's only if you actually go out of your way to post offensive material on someone else's page that you're invading their air space. Your Facebook page is like life where you want to live your life how you want and not how others want you to live it. My fave quote is "The people who mind don't matter. The people who matter don't mind." The people who really matter to you won't care what you put on your page. The people who aren't really your friends will expose themselves as negative individuals trying to impress their own ideals and beliefs on you and not worth keeping in your life.

advice, commentary

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