As a Cryptologist like in "Da Vinci Code," my interpretation is that maybe they were trying to do a re-enactment of the boxing match between "Mic Ties Son" and Ev and ER Holy Field :o). Kevin Connelly, as Jesus in in "Life of Brian," is born 12/7 when Delaware (meaning Del Aware as "Of the Aware) became a state. The God Particle is the Higgs Boson named after Peter Ware Higgs born 5/29 of 1929. Rhode Island became a state on 5/29. So that would be a God Symbol as RI. To Ban RI or Ban God would be B(RI)an or Ban with RI inside. That's how you get the life of B(RI)an.
One priest was named Thomas Byrne. I guess there was a Byrne Ban up. Ear is IR meaning the 77th Element. All the Letters in Christ add up to 77. Ban the Ear would be to Ban Christ.
Actress ALanis Morissette, who played God in "Dogma," gave birth a child on Christmas Day 2010 named "Ever." So that would be "EV and ER," meaning "EV + ER."
Because Christmas Day is when they celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, that would be a "Holy Field." Thus, one priest was "EV and ER Holy Field"
Mic Ties Son would be the Microphone. Superman's name is "Kal-El," meaning "Voice of God" for the Microphone. Son would be Son of God for Christ.
It is said that Superman and Jesus Christ are the same person. If Superman gets his powers from the Sun symbolizing God as the center of our Solar System and Jesus is the Son of God, then when the Sun as God says something, Jesus Christ would projected the "Word of God" behaving like a microphone.
If they're one in the same, that's how you get "Mic Ties Son" as a Microphone that is in a Tie with the Son of God. The other priest that gets on pulpit serving as a projection of the Word of God as a Microphone would be "Mic Ties Son."
The fight was regarding a Parking Spot. The song "Big Yellow Taxi" by Joni Mitchell It was redone by Adam Duritz of Counting Crows born 8/1 when Colorado became a state. It sung with Vanessa Carlton born 8/16, which is the birthday of singer Madonna. Madonna is the Virgin Mother. The lyrics sing, "They paved paradise and put up a Parking Lot." Paradise would be the Garden of Eden.
Parking Lot = Pa R(King)L o' T
Pa R(King)L o' T = Father Real Life with King inside, of the Female
The title is "Big Yellow T(A)X(I)."
T(A)X(I) = TX x AI
TX = Texas = Lone Star State = Star = Sun
AI = Artificial Intelligence
The Sun is yellow. It functions just like a Computer as Artificial Intelligence. So if the Sun is God, it would be like a "Big Yellow T(A)X(I)."
"Well, don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got till it's gone
They paved paradise to put up a parking lot"
Following a Biblical Theme, if the Sun is God and the Big Yellow Taxi, then the "girl" referenced in the song would be the Virgin Mother who was mortal. The people of Earth were so wrapped up in their affairs that they completely missed when the Virgin Mother was on the Planet and left. They only realized it after it was too late.
The "King" referenced in the Par-KING-lot would be Jesus Christ as King. When the Virgin Mother as the parent instilling the values, morals, and ethics into the child Jesus Christ paved paradise and put up a Parking Lot :o)
Thomas Byrne, Catholic Priest, Allegedly Bites Fellow Priest Thomas Smith's Ear Off
The Huffington Post | By Andy Campbell
Posted: 11/11/2012 10:03 am EST Updated: 11/11/2012 11:08 pm EST
FOLLOW: Crime, Video, Australia Crime, Thomas Byrne, Catholic Priests Fight, Priest Bites Another Priest, Priest Bites Ear Off, Priest Fight, Priest Vs Priest, Weird Australia, Weird News
Father Thomas Henry Byrne, 80, allegedly bit off a fellow priest's ear in a tussle over a parking space.
It's a holy war!
An 80-year-old Catholic priest bit off another priest's ear and socked him in the face over a parking spot in Australia, according to Perth Now.
Father Thomas Henry Byrne appeared in court Friday after he allegedly started the violent brawl when 81-year-old Father Thomas Joseph Cameron Smith wouldn't give up his parking space. After a brief scuffle, Byrne reportedly told Smith to pick up an item on the ground.
The item was Smith's ear, according to the Daily Mail, though it took him a while to figure out what it was.
Smith wrapped the flesh in a tea towel and drove to a local hospital, where staffed phoned him an ambulance. He was taken to surgery, while cops went to arrest Byrne on a charge of grievous bodily harm. Byrne had a black eye when he showed up in court on Friday, according to the Independent.
An East Perth magistrate ordered that Byrne not go within 30 feet of Smith, who lives in the same apartment complex. ======================================
Denver UFOs Mystify Local Media And Aviation Expert Steve Cowell (VIDEO)
The Huffington Post | By Lee Speigel
Posted: 11/11/2012 12:09 pm EST Updated: 11/12/2012 10:14 am EST
FOLLOW: UFO News, UFO News, UFO News, Video, Weird Denver, Aviation Expert Steve Cowell, Mile-High City Ufos, Reporter Heidi Hemmat, Paranormal, Unidentified Flying Objects, Weird News
Something is buzzing around the sky in Denver. It has been captured by at least two videographers and has at least one aviation expert baffled.
According to a FOX TV affiliate, KDVR, a Denver man, wishing to remain anonymous, gave the television station home video that, he claimed, showed unidentified flying objects quickly zig-zagging and maneuvering in the sky over a populated section of the mile-high city.
The man told the station that the UFOs have been appearing several times a week, generally between noon and 1 p.m., and launching and landing somewhere in the Denver metro area.
Watch this news report on the Denver UFOs
Fox 31 Denver news reporter Heidi Hemmat investigated the sightings and the video.
"He captured the images on his digital camera from a hilltop in Federal Heights, looking south toward downtown Denver," Hemmat reported. "The strangest part is that they are flying too fast to see with the naked eye."
To try and verify the legitimacy of the video, the TV station's photojournalist, Noah Skinner, brought his own equipment out to the same location from where the UFOs were first captured on camera. Hemmat says Skinner shot video between noon and 1 p.m.
When his video was slowed down, it revealed an unidentified object flying in the sky.
KDVR then turned to Steve Cowell, a former commercial pilot and FAA accident prevention counselor, to see if he could make any sense out of the mysterious flying objects on the videos.
"I can't identify it," Cowell told KDVR. "That is not an airplane, that is not a helicopter, those are not birds."
Cowell suggested that the objects could be debris raising up from the ground by atmospheric winds. He also didn't think the UFOs could be explained as bugs.
But according to, a blog dedicated to the unexplained, that's exactly what these objects are.
"They're bugs! Set up two cameras side by side and triangulate the distance to the object. Clearly they consulted a man in the wrong profession," according to Doubtful News writer Chew. "Get someone who has studied UFOs. Or an entomologist."
KDVR reported that both the FAA and NORAD couldn't confirm unusual activity in the skies over Denver during those noon-to-1 p.m. time frames.
UFOs, debris, bugs? Check out the video above and the individual screen shots we've provided and make up your own mind.