I like Paul Ryan. I think he's a nice person. I could see supporting him for his run for Presidency in the future if he would "ditch his ugly girlfriend" (Republican Party).
I won't support the 2012 Republican Platform because of their stance on traditional marriage and abortion. I technically qualify as a Lesbian. I'm into women. So you can bet I'm for gay marriage.
There are a lot of people running around that think they're male or female when they're actually perceived as the opposite by the Planet. When you do planet cryptology,you find that people's genders are scrambled.
I claim the Planet did this intentionally to make humans stop judging people by their outer appearance.
There are people who are in same-sex marriages and don't even realize it. So passing a law where it can only be between a man and woman would seriously mess things up. That's why it's just better not to control that aspect at all.
It's even woven into my Family Tree. I've always wondered why my stepdad gets confused with the name "Patricia" while I'm confused with the name "Isabella." Both my stepdad and I have first names that are rare or confused with females.
That's the tag regarding the gender switch. My stepdad as a 3/17 Male is set to align with a 7/13 Female or Alabama Female, which would be Rebecca.
As for Paul Ryan, from what I heard, I think he handled the interview decently. ABC 12 is A 12 or A 12th Letter meaning AL for Alabama. The station is WJRT. That JR is 10/18, which is the birthday of Rebecca's mother.
Paul Ryan is from Wisconsin that became a state on 5/29, which is my birthday. He's born 1/29 as Kansas.
I wouldn't vote for him just because he's got a state date tag like I do.
It's an example of having enough common sense to know when something is not right. I agree that a conservative stance would help the American economy, but not at the expense of cutting out the rights of individuals such as the gay community.
I would rather support the Democratic Party or be Libertian than go backward socially.
If Paul Ryan can push the Republican Party to drop those issues, the Democratic Party would have a real contender or worthy opponent.
As for abortion, conservatives who subscribe to the idea of Pro-Life don't fully understand it.
People are like ideas. When a Planet has an idea, it manifests as a real person. Like a walking dream.
There are some dreams that shouldn't be brought to life or where the mother knows when not to give birth to such a child.
It sounds cruel, but it's like Triage where you have to choose between saving the mother or the child. There are two lives intertwined. I would save the mother who can make more babies. The child born into the world will be helpless.
In games like StarCraft where you have to choose between saving a building that can build more resources or a single individual that is spawned from the building, you save the buliding.
The mother is the building.
I think Paul Ryan is "liberal enough" with the social morals and ideals to make the 2012 Republican Party become more Libertarian.
The 2012 Libertarian Party of today would be the Republican Party of 2052 (50 years from now).
Paul Ryan Abruptly Ends Interview After "Strange" Question (VIDEO)
The Huffington Post | By Adam Goldberg
Posted: 10/08/2012 8:00 pm EDT Updated: 10/08/2012 9:44 pm EDT
FOLLOW: Mitt Romney, Elections 2012, Gun Control, Paul Ryan, Video, Flint Michigan, Abc 12, Gun Control Laws, Gun Violence, Michigan, Mitt Romney 2012, Paul Ryan Ends Interview, Paul Ryan Interview, Politics News
Paul Ryan sat down for an interview on Monday with ABC 12 in Flint, Michigan, and things didn't go quite as planned.
In the clip, which was removed from ABC 12's website but captured and posted by BuzzFeed, the station's reporter asks Ryan, "Does this country have a gun problem?'
The GOP vice presidential candidate responds that "this country has a crime problem." When the reporter asks for clarification, Ryan explains that "good, strong gun laws" are currently on the books, "but we have to make sure we enforce our laws."
He goes on to clarify:
"We have lots of laws that aren't being properly enforced. We need to make sure we enforce these laws. But the best thing to help prevent violent crime in the inner cities is to bring opportunity in the inner cities, is to help people get out of poverty in the inner cities, is to help teach people good discipline, good character. That is civil society. That's what charities, and civic groups, and churches do to help one another make sure that they can realize the value in one another."
ABC 12's reporter then offers a somewhat odd retort, asking, "And you can do all that by cutting taxes? By...with a big tax cut?"
"Those are your words, not mine," answers Ryan. A voice off-screen then implies that the interview is over, telling the reporter, "thank you very much, Sir."
Ryan then abruptly stands up and removes his microphone, immediately ending the interview and telling the reporter, "That was kind of strange. You're trying to stuff words in people's mouths?"
Brendan Buck, a spokesman for Ryan, provided the following statement to BuzzFeed regarding the interview:
"The reporter knew he was already well over the allotted time for the interview when he decided to ask a weird question relating gun violence to tax cuts. Ryan responded as anyone would in such a strange situation. When you do nearly 200 interviews in a couple months, eventually you’re going to see a local reporter embarrass himself."
The Wisconsin congressman's reaction to the "strange" moment aligns with his previously stated belief that the media has "inherent" bias. Earlier this month, he told Fox News' Chris Wallace that "as a conservative, I've long believed and long felt that there's an inherent media bias. And I think anybody with objectivity would believe that that's the case." He also stated that he and his running mate Mitt Romney "expected" media bias going into the campaign.
Watch the clip above (via ABC 12/BuzzFeed).