PERSONAL: My Mom's Finances, Mount Everest vs. Sir Edmund Hillary, "Hand of God" Landing Gear

Sep 28, 2012 01:12

My mom was recounting her finances where she has an overdraft of $6.20. That's 6/20 meaning 6th Sign and XX as 20 in Roman Numerals. It means Virgin Female. My mother is born 12/8 of 1941. The Virgin Mother Apparition first approved in the United States was on 12/8 of 2010 in Wisconsin that became a state on 5/29 of 1948. My birthday is 5/29 of 1975.

I think the 6/20 has to do with actor James Tolkan as Strickland in "Back to the Future." I caught the tail end of "Back to the Future III" the night before.

MARTY: "Geez, didn't this guy ever have 'hare'?"

The two kids that Doc Brown and Clara Clayton are named Jules and Verne. They're named after Jules Verne born 2/8 like actress Mary Steenburgen who played Clara Clayton. She married Ted Danson born 12/29 when Texas became a state. Subtract both dates and it's 10/21 for Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia and my grandfather. Michael J. Fox is born 6/9 like Natalie Portman as Queen Amidala, who is the mother of Princess Leia.

Mad Dog Tannen reversed would be Sane God. Robert Zemeckis is Rob. The word "rob" means to steal. Rebecca has a Robert tag and was running with a 4/20 tag which is for Pot and also the birthday of Crispin Glover as George McFly. The Initials GM are 7/13 for Alabama. Rebecca is from Alabama.

One of the things that really makes my blood boil regarding T7 and B0az Hi11e1 is when they badgered that money out of me since they couldn't get it out of B1aney who was using me as a financial vehicle.

One of the things you learn is that the stuff about "Pirates of the Caribbean" regarding Cursed Gold is actually real. When people try to extort money out of me or my mom, it's "cursed money." When you try to extract it out of a Virgin Mother and Jesus Christ symbol, it's blood money.

Cursed money doesn't just affect the person who touches it. It sinks into the family. That's why I'm willing to bet that someone tried decrypting the number tags of B0az and T7 regarding their finances, their cell phone numbers, their house address, the birthdates of their neighbors, their billing statements, and any unusual anomalies, you'll see that mathematical software program manifest.

That's how you can tell if someone's been infected with a Psychic Computer Virus. I used to do this with Bliss in England when I'd examine her Blog Entries running parallel to mine. I doubt she was following up on my Blogs, but when you'd align what she would post in my Blog in 2004 to 2005 in conjunction with what I was posting about what was happening on the other side, you can piece together the hints that Subconscious Bliss was dropping.

One song that I use to tag Davis and T7 is the song "Bette Davis Eyes" by Kim Carnes born 7/20. That 7/20 is the birthday of Sir Edmund Hillary who climbed Mount Everest on 5/29 of 1953.

Hi11e1 = Hill/AR-y wen EL = ARY

AR = 1st 18th Letters = 1/18

T7 is born 1/18

Y = Y-Chromosome

El = "God" in Hebrew

It means that when you climb Mount Everest, that is 5/29 of 1953. I've said that Everest actually means Ever/Est. or Ever Established. When you align that with Alanis Morissette born 6/1 for Kentucky and Tennessee, she gave birth to a child named Ever on 12/25 of 2010.

Alanis played God in the movie "Dogma." So Alanis has a God tag on her. It would mean her child born on Christmas Day would be a Jesus Christ Symbol.

If the child is named Ever born on 12/25 from a woman with a God tag, then Mt. Everest as Ever Established means Christ Established.

It means that the Established Christ is linked to 5/29, which is my birthday.

So when you look at that court hearing where B0az Hi11e1 sued me and won (when he shouldn't have) that was the equivalent of Sir Edmund Hillary (Hi11e1) climibing or getting on top of ("conquering") me as Mount Ever/Est. with that 5/29 God Particle Symbol for Peter Ware Higgs born 5/29. Align that with my mom's 12/8 Virgin Mother tag.

That's what I mean when I say that cursed money was what was extorted out of me. That money didn't come out of me. I was broke and wallowing in $45,000. My mom had to cough up the money to pay for the court ruling. I forgot what the exact amount was. It was somewhere between $1,000 to $1,500. That was money that could have gone to paying off other debts from that failed film production.

So not only did I not get paid or the rest of the loyal film crew get paid, but money went to the loudest complainer who made the biggest stink and was even fired beforehand.

The other thing about the name B0az is that BO reads as the 2nd and 15th Letters. It's half of 4/30 as Louisiana. If Louisiana is LA then half would be AL for Alabama. That AZ is Arizona that became a state on 2/14.

When you say B o' AZ, it means Taurus of 2/14.

Adult Star Sunny Leone is born in Taurus. Isabe11a Va1entine and Davis born Valentine's Day are linked to that.

So when you take the song "Bette Davis Eyes" by Kim Carnes that has the name Davis as the #1 song on the pop charts for the week of 5/13 of 1981, that's how you can use mathematical and Psychic Forensics to show what B0az, T7, and Davis did.

Those were the ones who were all guilty while I was the one caught right in the middle. B0az really wanted to get at Davis. B0az could've cared less about me. All he wanted was money and to get back at Davis even if it meant destroying me in the process. I never even talked to B0az.

The one thing I'll never forget is when Davis called me, and B0az grabbed Davis' cell phone and asked, "When are you coming in?" I was like, "Who the Hell is this person using Davis' phone asking me when I'll be in?"

That's why it will be interesting if there's ever a legal battle where Psychic Forensics can be submitted as evidence in a U.S. court of law to show that Subconscious Minds do exist and that the events were staged. If it can be established that there were other forces at work, then that would actually mean in a court of appeals, B0az should actually return that money.

Though, the sick part about it is that I'm secretly glad he was paid that money because it boosted my Karmic Credit Score. Subconscious Minds watching the events unfold that were recorded and uploaded to Subconscious YouTube showed how mean those people were. It was all recorded.

I'm willing to bet that T7 has had a bunch of unusual things happen to him that can be traced mathematically. He thinks I owe him money. However, if he really knew how I actually "protect" him, he wouldn't be able to afford my services. I'm the one who keeps him safe. If I charged T7, B0az, or even Davis for the protection they get from me, they would owe me millions of dollars.

It's one of those gross example who have a bloated sense of entitlement thinking they're the wronged party or the victims, yet don't realize that the mess they caused really puts them in the hole where they owe money.

I wish I could remember the exact date that was posted on the check that B0az used as evidence about payment. The check that swayed the judge was what Davis had me write to B0az to get him to leave the film production study. I'll never forget this. B0az just sat there and refused to budget unless he got paid. So Davis asked me to write a check just to get rid of him.

I didn't know what was going on. I just saw that B0az refused to go. Had I known that B0az was going to use that check against me, I would have never written him a check. We should have called the police and had B0az escorted out.

That's what happens when you don't know business. It was "morally wrong" what B0az did to me because his issue was really with Davis. It's like a pitted battle between the Laws of God going up against the Laws of Man to see which one wins out.

That's why I don't have any sympathy for people who file lawsuits against major corporations over accidents or negligence performed by employees. People are going to find that a lot of the accidents or misfortunes that happen to them were a result of their own negligence and ignorance.

For example, what if I told you that when someone blindly walks into a jungle and gets mauled or killed by a tiger that the Subconscious Mind of the tiger and the Subconscious Mind of the human victim staged the event.

What is the family going to do?

Sue the jungle?

Sue the Planet?

Sue God?

If a person is dumb enough to walk into a jungle that people know is dangerous, is the family really going to blame God or sue the Planet?

Have you ever heard of a zebra family filing a lawsuit against a lion for killing one of their relatives at watering hole?

That's how absurd some of these lawsuits are. I try to be positive and upbeat, but sometimes I read a lot of stupid lawsuits in the Associated Press Feed. I can't stand reading the defense lawyers crowing about how this is a great day for justice.

Being on the corporate side of things, I understand it on a better level. People make Corporate America out to be the Evil Empire. There are some corrupt CEOs that overpay themselves. I don't doubt that.

What I will say is that centuries of greed and corruption at the higher levels of business are why regular "good" people like me get burned.

People think I make up this stuff about the Associated Press Feed, but my flare-ups and when I get upset regarding Davis are time to align with the news feed.

Davis is born Year of the Rat in 1972. Whenever I complain about Davis in my Blog, you'll see a bizarre rat news article manifest at the same time.

There was one about the rape and abuse in Syria's detention centers documented in BBC where they put a rat in a woman's vagina where the claws will create bleeding as it tries to claw its way out.

It's inhumane.

I used to complain to Davis about how he was financially abusive toward me. He would pay the people who were his biggest threats that were going to file lawsuits against him.

However, because he knew he could always pacify me whenever I would panic about money, he never had to worry about the debts. The only time I would act up and start getting frantic is when my mom would call me frantic about her own debts wanting to know when Davis was going to pay her back.

Davis had a string of unpaid debts. He would ask to borrow money saying he'd pay me back on a certain date and he could never do it. I always kept believing him.

Using Psychic Forensics, that's why I state that Davis had to go to court when Jas0n C1ay sued him for the movie "F0ntana."

If F is the 6th Letter for the 6th Sign of Virgo meaning Virgin and M is the 13th Letter aligning with the 13th State of Rhode Island as 5/29 for my birthday, F0ntana becomes Montana.

Montana is Spanish for the word "Mountain." So when you align B0az Hi11e1 taking me to court and Davis with the same Valentine tags being taken to court by Jas0n C1ay, it's the initials JC for Jesus Christ.

I teased Davis when he went to Arizona (AZ for B0az) and ran out of money when he tried to fly back to Los Angeles. He got stuck in Las Vegas on June 6, 2006, which is 6/6/6 or 666 for Anti-Christ. I told him that Los Angeles is th City of Angeles symbolizing Heaven. So Davis was stuck in Las Vegas as Sin City symbolic of Hell.

I can use Psychic Forensics to prove the Heaven and Hell theme.

On the day that Davis was stuck in Las Vegas and called me in Los Angeles to wire him money to pay for his trip back to Los Angeles, Meatloaf sued a songwriter over the rights to his song "Bat Out of Hell" on 6/6/6.

Davis is born Year of the Rat.

A bat is a flying rat.

So when you say bat out of Hell referring to a flying rat, that's Davis born Year of the Rat flying in an airplane that landed in Las Vegas symbolizing Hell.

The news is easy to find online to verify this. It just goes to show that everything I said about the Associated Press Feed and the Subconscious Collective monitoring everyone using people's eyes and ears to record data and upload it to Subconscious YouTube for other Subconscious Minds to read holds true.

People can lie others and they can lie to themselves, but they can't lie to the Subconscious Collective as the Consciousness of the Planet that can summon up the film footage that recorded exactly what you did.

That's why when I say that there's such a thing as "cursed money," I'm a very bad bluffer. There's a reason why there are witches on my dad's side of the family.

By using Psychic Forensics, I can show how things are staged and flush out all those number tags mounted on their birthdates and actions that align with the Associated Press Feed. There's a high probability that my version of events is closer to the Truth than the claims made by Davis, T7 or B0az that think that no one was there to see what actually happened.

The other reminder I caught in the Associated Press Feed just now is the plane crash near Mount Everest with all 19 people killed. 13 of them were foreigners.

The reason why I broke off ties with Davis is when I had food poisoning in late October 2006. I E-mailed my mom to ask her what I should do. My mom tried to call the cell phone Davis had said was being repaired. Davis' assistant "Rodrigo" answered the phone and lied to my mom saying that he and Davis were going to meet up with me at 5 pm that day. My mom knew it was a lie because I was bed ridden.

That's when those 2 planes crashed killing over 200 people .That's when I knew I had to break ties with Davis because he was a danger to both me and others.

People shouldn't be lying to me and my family. The Subconscious Collective monitoring me is set to align where I can use the Associated Press Feed to scan people.

Around the same time, Rebecca was having problems with her dad's health. When i reviewed this Blog Archive dated October 2006, it hinted about Janine Lindemulder who is Rebecca's favorite adult star. I can triangulate other people's positions based off of old Blog Entries.

What's really sad is that there will be people who will be "offended." Yet, they miss out on some of the best stuff in the news in the form of miracles.

I keep saying that the Sun and Earth are alive. I keep track of what happens in the Associated Press Feed. Front Page News reported that the brightest star explosion in history was a quiet and lonely supernova.

That's just like me. One of the biggest and brightest explosions as a star and no one saw it. That loneliness is just like the Philippine movie up for an Oscar. I'm Filipino.

I keep saying that I had to rewrite the Software Program to reinterpret me as "Queen Isabe1o the Gemini" running parallel to Queen Elizabeth II. Since I'm into women, that makes me a Lesbian.

However, that's where it runs parallel to that Oscar-nominee movie of being alone just like that lonely Supernova.

I'm also keeping an eye on that Coronavirus. The Corona is part of the Sun. My mom bought a Toyota Corona on 6/15 of 1977 when Arkansas became a state. It was red. Arkansas is AR as the 1st and 18th letters or 1/18 aligning with T7 born that day.

That's what I mean when I talk about curses and viruses. A curse is really nothing more than a Psychic Computer Virus.

Just to drive the point home about the Subconscious Collective as the Consciousness of the Planet, which is the equivalent of God, I would like to point out the news article about the other plane with a twisted landing gear that almost caused a crash.

The plane was from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I said today about Jennifer Mason who had a cracked iPhone aligning with my cracked cell phone that was almost lost at the casino in Mason County. The security card had me sign off on it before he returned it to me proving I was there.

Jennifer Mason is Brazilian.

The movie "Die Hard" was on HBO. Alan Rickman stars in the movie as the villain. His initials are AR as 1/18 like T7's birthday. When he meets up with Bruce Willis, he uses the fake name Bill Clay that he reads off the roster. Bill Clay aligns with Jas0n C1ay who took Davis to court. Bruce Willis plays Jon McLane who is from Pennsylvania. Davis is from Pennsylvania.

I don't let on how much I know about the Psychic Field or how much I really know about the Earth and Sun being alive. There are a lot of God themes that surface mathematically.

I told the Subconscious Collective that if they have to use "Wrath of God" type events to get people in line to do it and get them off my back to do it.


Pilot does 'perfect' job at JFK after nose-gear failure has passengers brace for crash landing
Published September 27, 2012

Passengers on plane from Rio de Janeiro braced themselves for a crash landing at New York’s JFK Airport Wednesday after the aircraft’s nose gear deployed during its descent and the wheels were turned at a right angle.

But seconds before impact, the wheel rotated back into the correct position, and the TAM Flight 8078, which was carrying 190 passengers, landed safely, The New York Post reported.

"It was like the hand of God turned the wheel."
- Port Authority police officer

"It was like the hand of God turned the wheel," said one Port Authority police officer on hand for the disaster-response crew. Passengers, none of whom were hurt, applauded the successful landing by Capt. Moacir de Oliveira, 58, a veteran at the airline.

"The captain kept saying, 'Be calm, keep calm. We know what we're doing,'" said one passenger, The Post reported.
Passengers described a tense scene on board as the plane made two large circles around the airport. This enabled emergency crews to be positioned and the control tower could assess the problem with the front wheel, the report said. A few passengers were crying, but flight attendants assured them they’d survive.


Plane had 190 souls on board

Circled JFK twice so emergency crews could be positioned

Passengers were crying on board, but the crew assured them they'd survive

It is unclear how the landing gear corrected itself

It was unclear how the front landing gear managed to correct itself - perhaps the jolt of the landing itself - but passengers described the landing as "perfect."

Read more:


Coronavirus: Mysterious New Virus Can Cause Fever, Cough, Breathing Problems
Reuters | Posted: 09/27/2012 7:03 am EDT



FOLLOW: Video, Coronavirus, Coronavirus Middle East, Mysterious Virus, Reuters, Sars Coronavirus, Sars Virus, Virus Middle East, World News

LONDON, Sept 27 (Reuters) - The World Health Organisation (WHO) has issued a global alert about the emergence of a new virus that was previously unknown in humans and can cause a potentially fatal acute respiratory infection.

Here is an at-a-glance guide to the virus:

* The virus belongs to a family called coronaviruses and has so far been confirmed in only two cases globally. Both occurred between July and September 2012.

* The first case was in a 60-year-old man in Saudi Arabia and proved fatal. The second is in a 49-year-old Qatari man who recently visited Saudi Arabia. He had the infection diagnosed after travelling to London in early September.

* The WHO has not yet given the virus a name, but scientists at Britain's Health Protection Agency (HPA) refer to it as "London1_novel CoV 2012".

* Human coronaviruses were first identified in the mid-1960s and are named for the crown-like projections on the surface of the virus.

* The family includes viruses that cause the common cold and SARS, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, which emerged in China in 2002 and killed about 10 percent of approximately 8,000 people infected worldwide.

* Symptoms in the two confirmed cases include fever, cough and breathing difficulties. It is not yet clear whether these are typical or whether the virus could be circulating more widely but causing milder illness.

* Coronaviruses are typically spread like other respiratory infections, such as flu, travelling in airborne droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

* At this stage it is not clear where the virus came from. New infections can emerge from mutations to existing viruses, or be caught from infections circulating in the animal population. Human diseases that come from animal are called zoonoses.

SOURCES: World Health Organisation, Health Portection Agency (Reporting by Kate Kelland; Editing by David Goodman)


Brightest Star Explosion in History Reveals Lonely Supernova
By Charles Q. Choi | - Wed, Sep 26, 2012

Enlarge Photo
A composite image of the SN 1006 …

The brightest exploding star ever seen with the naked eye in recorded history apparently experienced a quick and lonely death, a new study reveals.

The discovery, which centered on a star explosion witnessed in the year 1006, suggests that many similar outbursts leave no companion star to accompany their demise.

The most powerful exploding stars in the universeare supernovas, which are bright enough to momentarily outshine their entire galaxies. One type of star explosion, known as a Type 1a supernova, occurs when one star pours enough fuel onto a dying companion star known as a white dwarf to trigger an extraordinary nuclear explosion.

The new study centered its sights on the supernova SN 1006, which was seen all over Earth in the spring of 1006 above the southern horizon of the night sky, in the constellation Lupus, just south of Scorpio. At its peak, researchers say the supernova, which exploded about 7,100 light-years away, was about one-quarter the brightness of the moon, luminous enough that people could have read by its light at midnight. [Video: How to Make a Supernova]

Explosive deaths of stars

Our sun and more than 90 percent of all stars in our galaxy will one day end up as white dwarfs, which are made up of their dim, fading cores.

There are two ways Type 1a supernovas are born - the slow way, which involves a living star dumping gas onto a white dwarf, and the fast way, where two white dwarves merge catastrophically. The slow route would leave the white dwarf's companion behind, while the fast one would effectively blast away discernible traces of either white dwarf.

Whether slow origins of Type 1a supernovas were more commonplace than fast ones or vice versa remained a puzzle. Knowing more about the causes behind these explosions is essential because Type 1a supernovas are key to gauging the rate at which the universe is expanding, which in turn could shed light on why this expansion is apparently accelerating due to a mysterious force called dark energy.

Scientists have tried looking for companion stars of Type 1a supernovas before. One possible instance was Tycho's supernova, SN 1572, one of the few supernovas visible to the naked eye in historical records, although that case remains questioned.
Now a fruitless search for a companion star to the brightest supernova ever seen with the naked eye on Earth suggests this explosion took the fast route.

Brightest supernova post mortem

Using data from the Paranal Observatory in Chile, the researchers combed through the space 16.5 light-years in diameter around SN 1006 and "do not find any star in the surroundings of the supernova remnant to be the possible companion of the progenitor of SN 1006," lead study author Jonay González Hernández, an astrophysicist at the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands in Spain, told

When combined with previous results, these findings suggest less than 20 percent of Type 1a supernovas apparently occur via the slow route.

The scientists detailed their findings in the Sept. 27 issue of the journal Nature.


Drama on aging gay is Philippine hope for Oscars
By TERESA CEROJANO | Associated Press - Wed, Sep 26, 2012

Associated Press/Aaron Favila - Filipino writer and director Jun Robles Lana answers questions during an interview in suburban Quezon City, north of Manila, Philippines on Wednesday Sept. 26, 2012. Lana's film …more

Filipino writer and director Jun …

MANILA, Philippines (AP) - An indie drama that explores the loneliness and missed opportunities of an ailing, 70-year-old gay man is testing Philippine sensibilities about sexuality and, if it passes the Academy Awards' nomination process, may get a shot as the country's entry in the best foreign-language film competition next year.

"Bwakaw," or "Voracious," has received positive reviews and local awards, and is doing the rounds of international film festivals in Toronto, New York, Hawaii and Tokyo.

Writer and director Jun Robles Lana says the movie is named after a stray dog with a voracious appetite for life that Rene, the main character, strikes a friendship with. Bwakaw's zest for life contrasts with Rene's grumpy disposition.

Rene came out of the closet in his twilight years, thinks it is too late for love and only awaits his own death. He has made a will and labeled his few possessions to be given away to his few friends. He even bought a coffin at a funeral home's closing-out sale.

But when Bwakaw dies after an illness, Rene, played by veteran actor Eddie Garcia, finds new appreciation for life. "It's the dog that basically teaches him to live life to the fullest," Lana said in an interview Wednesday.

"It's really more about loneliness, although you can't help that some people or critics are branding it a gay film simply because the character is gay, but that's really beside the point," he said.

Lana admits that while Filipinos are generally gay-friendly - the most popular movie star is Vice Ganda, an out-and-out gay comedian - local mainstream audiences might not be too receptive to a serious take on homosexuality in the conservative and predominantly Roman Catholic society.

"We tend to look at gay characters as iconic, funny characters," he said. "So when you make a movie like this, you really have to market it in such a way that it would be more appealing to them."

He said that the movie focuses on the comedy aspect in order to appeal to a wider audience.

But the filmmaker hopes that between the laughs, moviegoers will find that it is more than a comedy.

He said he made the film with the intention to honor his mentor, writer Rene Villanueva, who died in 2007. He described Villanueva, who came out as gay later in his life, as generous and harsh at the same time, and an inspiration for the main character, Rene.

Lana said the drama "eventually became a story about growing old, missed opportunities, about how desire is inextricable from our lives."

For Lana, who started in art house films but has for the last few years been mainly involved in commercial movies, "Bwakaw" was also "a return to my roots."

"I did not expect this film which I made for very personal reasons would resonate with so many people and not just Filipinos," he said. "I'm really just thankful for all the wonderful things going our way."

The Philippines has submitted entries to the Academy Awards for many years but has never been nominated or even short-listed.

There are presently around 40 entries for the best foreign-language category. The list is to be pared down to 10 films late this year, and to five nominees by January.


Plane with 19 on board crashes in Nepalese capital
By BINAJ GURUBACHARYA | Associated Press - 7 hrs ago

KATMANDU, Nepal (AP) - A plane carrying trekkers into the Everest region crashed Friday morning in Nepal's capital, and all 19 people on board are believed dead, authorities said.

Thirteen people on board were foreigners, while three passengers and the three crew members were from Nepal, said Katmandu airport chief Narayan Bastakoti. He said all the 19 were believed to have been killed when the plane crashed.

The twin-engine prop plane belonging to the domestic Sita Air crashed onto open ground near the Manohara River on the southwest edge of Katmandu, just minutes after takeoff. Weather conditions were clear.

Firefighters brought the fire in the wreckage under control and police rescuers were trying to pull out the bodies, Bastakoti said.

The plane was heading for Lukla, the gateway to Mount Everest. Thousands of Westerners head to the region around the world's highest peak yearly for trekking trips. Autumn is considered the best time to trek the foothills of the Himalayan peaks.
The crash follows an avalanche on another Nepal peak Sunday that killed seven foreign climbers and a Nepali guide.


Meatloaf Sues Songwriter Over Rights
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
EmailPrintReport a typo

LOS ANGELES - June 6, 2006 -- Someone else might have written the "Bat Out of Hell" song, but Meat Loaf claims he should be the only one to use the phrase in connection with music.

In a federal lawsuit dated May 26, the rocker, whose name is listed in the action as Michael Aday, said the expression had been publicly associated with him since the 1977 release of his "Bat Out of Hell" album.

The lawsuit claims defendant Jim Steinman, who wrote the original song of the same name, wrongly claims ownership of the phrase.

The album and its 1993 follow-up, "Bat Out of Hell II," sold 48 million copies worldwide, according to the lawsuit.

The lawsuit seeks damages of more than $50 million.

Steinman and co-defendant David Sonenberg, listed in the action as having been Meat Loaf's manager, have been trying to disrupt the October release of the third "Bat Out of Hell" album by telling the singer's distributors that Aday had no right to use the phrase, according to the lawsuit.

"This contention is blackmail and a holdup," said the complaint, which claimed Steinman and Sonenberg have infringed Aday's trademark rights in the phrase and are interfering with distribution contracts.

Steinman wrote and produced the second album, and would have produced the third, but he and Aday had a falling out, according the lawsuit.

Attempts to reach Steinman and Sonenberg for comment after business hours Monday were unsuccessful.

(Copyright ©2012 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)


Rape And Abuse In Syria's Detention Centers Documented In BBC Report (VIDEO)
The Huffington Post | By Cosima Ungaro
Posted: 09/27/2012 3:06 pm EDT Updated: 09/27/2012 3:08 pm EDT



FOLLOW: Syria, Video, Syria Rape, Syria Violence, William Hague, Human Rights Watch, Syria-Abuse, Syrian Uprising, Un Syria, World News
"He inserted a rat in her vagina. She was screaming. Afterwards we saw blood on the floor. He told her: 'Is this good enough for you?' They were mocking her. It was obvious she was in agony. We could see her. After that she no longer moved."

The horrifying accounts of sexual violence against prisoners collected by BBC journalist Fergal Keane provide evidence that, as in many other conflicts, rape is used as a war weapon in Syria.

“The daily rape took place in front of the other girls. That was the time they would remove the blindfold so the girls could see what was happening before their eyes, and wouldn’t know when their turn would come,” said a woman who was held in the Palestine Branch of Military Intelligence in Damascus, according to the BBC report below.

WARNING: Video contains disturbing content. Scroll down to view an excerpt or watch the full report on the BBC.

According to Human Rights Watch, the full extent of sexual violence is unknown, as the stigma in Syria surrounding sexual violence makes victims reluctant to report abuse.

Walid, an army defector from the riot police, told Human Rights Watch that officers bragged about raping women during home raids in Daraa: “[One officer] joked that during that house raid, ‘When I fucked the woman, she made a lot of noise because I must have pleased her so much.’”

On Tuesday at a U.N. sideline event, British Foreign Secretary William Hague addressed rape as a weapon. The AP reports Hague said that nations must bring an end to the "notion that people who use rape as a weapon of war can get away with it."


Hunters Capture 698 Lbs Record-Setting Alligator

Description:Hunters in Mississippi caught a 698 lbs. alligator, which set a record for the biggest alligator caught in Mississippi. It is 13 feet long. (0:52)

personal, history, movies, davis, psychic, forensics, signs, geography, bliss, predictions, omens, prophecies, rebecca

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