I appreciate the French sentiments and actually moved that they're trying to create awareness, but I'm very worried because it's provoking a war.
The part that worries me and makes me a bit sad is that it may come to a headway where I'm going to get flushed out of hiding or where I've spent the last couple years under the radar.
If the world plunges into war, I'm going to have to step forward and intervene with this information about the Planet. I'm already working toward that, but there's a difference between coming out and being shoved out.
However, if it turns out that this is really how the Consciousness of the Planet wants it to be, then I won't stand in the way of that.
I guess the one thing I would like to point out in my Blog for 9/18 of 2012 that I was the "reluctant hero." I didn't want to come out or make my presence known. I was happy just working in the background where nobody knew what I was doing.
Well... I shouldn't say happy... However, despite my complaints about abuse and mistreatment, at least you had your privacy. Nobody bothered you. You were written off as a nutcase so people would ignore you.
When people ignore you because they don't think you have anything they want or need, you know who your true friends are and who is just kissing your ass.
The problem with people finding out about me or what I know is that I could get individuals swarming me asking me for hand-outs, alms, or begging for help.
Kevin Spacey, born 7/26 for New York, as Lex Luthor said, "Gods are selfish beings who fly around in little red capes and don't share their power with mankind."
That's how some people will view how I've been keeping this information to myself. Some people may even try to make it look like I was "hoarding" this information.
I wasn't hoarding. This stuff in my Blog has been public information for 8 years. It's never been a secret. People, who stumbled across it, would just write it off as the ravings of a lunatic.
It was just like "Gilligan's Island." People who came across me and "visited" were like castaways on the island that showed up. Then when help came, they'd just leave!
They wouldn't tell the rescue ship about the rest of the survivors of Gilligan's group needing rescue.
If you think about that show and how it worked out that way, how fucked up is that?
Bob Denver wore the red shirt as Gilligan who was always fucking things up. He was born 1/9 when Connecticut became a state. That's Isabe11a Va1entine, Davis born Valentine's Day, and Rebecca as a redhead. Even Sinopia born 4/28 is in there. 4/28 = 2 x 2/14. It's 2 x Valentine's Day.
It's always the Red theme people who fucked things up.
That's exactly what happened every time. I'd show people this information on cryptology, they'd stare at it, shrug, and then leave.
They wouldn't tell anyone else about my research or findings. That was like not telling the rescue ship that I needed help or aid. They just left me there on the deserted island.
That's the ignorance and selfishness of people.
You know what's really messed up?
I didn't like the way Robyn, Bliss, Isabe11a Va1entine, and all their friends where harassing me. I didn't think it was right. However, I never begrudged them the fact that they didn't see the bigger picture or understand.
The people who I really had issue with were the ones that actually learned the training where I spent months teaching them and they bailed.
It's one thing to not believe in this stuff, but it's another thing to go that far into the training and know that it's real and have witnessed unusual Psychic Phenomenon and then just ditch the project because it got too intense.
They got scared of the power when they realized that their sloppy mind configuration would cause problems and leak negative things into the Electromagnetic Field.
That's why I was unhappy with what Rebecca was doing because I trained her. Same with Sinopia. I trained her. I poured money into Sinopia and paid for her Internet for one month and she didn't show up to class.
How pathetic is that?
When the teacher has to PAY the student to come to class.
That's why when all this blows up and people find out about that, I'm not going to hurry up for people being impatient when it comes to teaching. They can wait. I wanted 8 years. Nobody was ready.
Finally when people see it has something of value to them or that it can invade their real life and literally fuck up their environment getting all up in their business, then you see people get all pissed and up in and arms.
However, if a person doesn't want to learn this stuff and turns their back on it, they made their choice. It means that once they're off the reservation, they are no longer under the protection of the Subconscious Collective.
They forfeit any claims or rights to anything. That was the test. People get tested to see if they can see past the illusion.
French Magazine to Publish Cartoons of Prophet Mohammed
By Jean-Nicholas Fievet | ABC News - 5 hrs ago
A French satirical magazine is set to publish several cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed on Wednesday, a move that is likely to inflame the Islamic faithful and militants who have already rioted in more than 20 countries over a movie mocking the prophet.
Depictions of the prophet are strictly prohibited and considered blasphemous by Muslims. Cartoons of Muhammad published in Denmark in 2005 and then reproduced in newspapers across Europe triggered riots throughout the Mideast and Africa. Churches and embassies were torched and at least 100 people died in the outbreaks and police crackdowns.
The magazine "Charlie Hebdo" has confirmed that it will publish the cartoons, but has not revealed what they will depict. French newspaper "Le Monde" reports that some of the cartoons show the prophet in "particularly explicit poses," without providing any further detail.
The move comes as Muslims are still simmering after riots in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and nearly 20 other countries over the move "Innocence of Muslims." U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans died during an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
French government ministers have criticized the magazine's decision and police in Paris have stepped up security around its offices.
France is home to Europe's largest Muslim population, and the senior cleric at Paris' biggest mosque has appealed for followers to remain calm, according to the French news agency AFP.
The magazine has defended the move by invoking the right to free speech. Speaking on French radio, the magazine's director explained that a decision not to publish would "hand victory to a handful of extremists that are causing a commotion in the world and in France."
It's not the first time the anti-establishment, left-wing magazine has courted controversy. In 2011 the offices of "Charlie Hedbo" were bombed after it published an Arab Spring edition with the Prophet Muhammad as "guest editor" on the cover.