I try to stay away from the whole thing about Superstituion and mumbo jumbo, but I have to concede that traditional healer was right not to kill that rabbit.
Wow! This news article is like something right out of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"!
The traditional healer warned the "minors" that something bad would happen if you kill the rabbit. But they went and killed rabbit anyway.
In "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," King Arthur sends one of his knights, Sir Bors, to kill the Rabbit of Caerbannog and watch in horror as the seemingly innocent rabbit slaughters Sir Bors. That's when King Arthur realizes the rabbit is Jesus by calling the rabbit by name.
I also just realized that this is a continuation of a previous Blog Entry.
http://rodillon.livejournal.com/4225974.html There was this article the day before about the 7 year old Connecticut girl Kayden Lidsky allowed to keep her bunny named Sandy.
1) Sandy was played by Olivia Newton-John in "Grease"
2) Olivia Newton-John is born 9/26
3) Actor James Caviezel is born 9/26
4) James Caviezel was Jesus Christ in "Passion of the Christ"
5) Bunny = Sandy = Olivia Newton-John = 9/26 = James Caviezel = Jesus
6) King Arthur in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" refers to the Rabbit of Caerbannog as Jesus Christ
This news article about the bunny Sandy surfaced a day before this news article about the miners killing the rabbit and warned by their healer not to kill the rabbit.
7 years old and 20 lbs. for the weight of the rabbit is 7/20.
Mount Everest was climbed on 5/29 of 1953 by Sir Edmund Hillary born 7/20. That 5/29 aligns with Peter Ware Higgs of the Higgs Boson named the God Particle as a God Symbol.
I was commenting on the picture saying that's one HUGE rabbit Kayden is holding.
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/08/17/connecticut-town-settles-dispute-over-7-year-old-girl-bunny/ ==========================
ROBIN: What's he do? Nibble your bum?
MAGICIAN TIM: He's got huge...sharp... It can leap about... Look at the bones!
KING ARTHUR: Go on, Bors. Chop its head off.
SIR BORS: Right. Silly little bleeder. One rabbit stew coming right up!
[The rabbit leap at Bors' throat biting his head off.]
KING ARTHUR: Jesus Christ!!!
MAGICIAN TIM: I warned you!
"Galaxy Quest"
ALEXANDER: Could they be the miners?
FRED: Sure, they're 3 three years old
ALEXANDER: Miners! Not Minors!
FRED: You lost me
http://news.yahoo.com/miners-killing-rabbit-caused-police-shootings-120510206.html ===================================
Miners Say Killing Rabbit Caused Police Shootings
Associated Press - 39 mins ago
MARIKANA, South Africa (AP) - Mineworkers tell a local newspaper that the killing of a rabbit against the advice of a traditional healer is the reason police shootings killed 34 striking miners and wounded another 78.
The Saturday Star newspaper quoted two miners as saying many more lives would have been lost in last week's police shootings had it not been for the traditional medicine believed to make them invincible to bullets.
The paper quotes mineworker Khabo Khabo as saying the traditional healer had repeatedly warned them not to kill a rabbit that was running around the rocky outcrop where they staged their protests for higher wages at the Lonmin PLC platinum mine.
Khabo said "if we had let the rabbit free, all of the dead would still be alive."