SIGNS: Conspiracy Theorists: UFO Over Antarctica?

Aug 14, 2012 02:33

The only thing I can extract off of this is the word "Neumayer" as "New Mayor."

I caught the tail end of "Welcome to Mooseport" starring Ray Romano and Gene Hackman on 8/12 of 2012. It was on a Sunday. I have it on DVD, but it was on HBO. It's were Gene Hackman becomes the "New Mayor" of Mooseport.

I was trying to watch "Tree of Life" but I just couldn't get into it. I love Brad Pitt, but the movie was so disjointed. Though I was remarking to the Subconscious Collective that I can see how that movie can symbolize the way the Subconscious Collective sees things.

The reason why the balloon would be significant is because actor Brandon Routh, as Superman, welcomed a a child. Superman is an Alien. Routh would be South like the South Pole.

I really did want to leave a comment on Brandon Routh's Facebook congratulating him on his son along with some stuff about the number tags where the birthday 8/10 is when Missouri became a state. I was going to also point out that actor Marlon Brandon as Jor-El born 4/3 added to Russell Crowe as Jor-El born 4/7 adds up to 8/10, but I didn't want to draw attention to myself.

I decided to just leave it in my research paper I'm working on.

My mum, who is helping me proofread my work, had a problem with the computer where it went into Sleep Mode. She didn't know how to turn the computer back on. So we lost about 5 hours of editing.

I told her not to feel bad about it. I was just sad because we've been working hard to push this research paper out and these small things are what are holding us back. You have 7 billion people on the Planet and the responsibility is left up to me and my mom.

We're near bankruptcy. My mom's retirement pension is about to give out in about 2 years. You're left wondering if anyone will pick up on this book or if it will just get lost in obscurity. It's just a really sad life.

That's why I'm unhappy about how you can have all these rich or wealthy people or business companies that are raking in money hand over fist and nobody can put money or time into this research that affects everyone on the Planet.

That's my huge complaint. I make a big stink about it because I resent the fact that if and when this information ever does get into the public spotlight, you'll have people coming at me trying to blame me and say it's all my fault.

Any time I tried to tell people about this, I was written off as a quack and told to STFU.

Nobody wanted to hear it.

As far as people were concerned, they just wanted me to go off somewhere and die. They could care less about what happened to me and would sneer at the information.

Yet when it turns out everything I said was true when nobody listened, I'm not holding my breath waiting for an apology. I'm expecting people will just move straight to trying to pin blame.

I put this stuff in my Blog so that years from now when people are digging around in my personal history that I post all the crap I had to put up with. Seriously. The fate of the world is resting on me along with my mom editing this. We aren't getting paid. It's all voluntary where we're broke. Then people get upset that we didn't write it fast enough, write it grammatically correct, or make it all nice and easy to understand.

Really? Seriously?

That's why if you don't put how much garbage and crap you had to put up with to get this information out to help people, readers won't appreciate the information. They'll complain about how they don't like the way the information looks as food for thought. They won't mentally digest it or eat it because it "tastes funny" or isn't what they normally eat.

Someone posted a fitting quote that I remember seeing years ago in high school back in 1992. It pertains to the state of affairs, especially in the United States.

It's exactly where we are now regarding this research that nobody wants to look at. It ends up in the hands of one person.



This is a story about four people named: EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, and NOBODY.

There was an important job to be done and EVERYBODY was sure that SOMEBODY would do it.

ANYBODY could have done it, but NOBODY did it.

SOMEBODY got angry about that because it was EVERYBODY's job.

EERYBODY thought that ANYBODY could do it, but NOBODY realized that EVERYBODY wouldn't do it.

It ended up that EVERYBODY blamed SOMEBODY when NOBODY did what ANYBODY could have done.


Conspiracy Theorists: UFO Over Antarctica?
LiveScience.comBy Benjamin Radford, LiveScience Bad Science Columnist | - 19 hrs ago

This YouTube screenshot reveals the blurry object floating above the Neumayer-Station III in Antarctica on Aug. 10, 2012. The object has garnered plenty of UFO claims.

This YouTube screenshot reveals …

A video taken of the Antarctic research station Neumayer-Station III appears to show what some are calling a UFO over the South Pole.

The video posted to YouTube seems to show a round, blurry object floating above the station on Aug. 10. Speculation has run rampant, with conspiracy theorists and UFO buffs swapping explanations ranging from government collaboration with aliens to a top-secret test of some new cutting-edge secret weapon.

While a definitive explanation has not been found, several elements suggest a prosaic answer. The supposed UFO appears more or less directly over the research station; it also appears to be nearly perfectly round and about the right size for a balloon. Neumayer-Station III, a scientific research station, carries out tests and experiments in a wide variety of areas, including geophysics, meteorology and atmospheric chemistry. Weather balloons are used extensively to study and sample the atmosphere at different times and altitudes above Antarctica.

One UFO buff admitted that most of the evidence suggested it was indeed a balloon, except for one mysterious fact: "none could explain why the object appeared in just a few frames." It's true that the object appears in only a few frames of the footage. However this becomes much less mysterious when you realize that the original video has been sped up. That's what happens in time-lapse photography: objects that are not stationary for long periods of time (people, vehicles, animals, clouds, etc.) only appear in a few frames - depending of course on the frame rate of the video and how fast they move. There's nothing mysterious about it. [UFO Quiz: What's Really Out There?]

If it were a balloon that had been put aloft for hours, it would have been visible for a longer duration than seen in the video. On the other hand, not all experiments using balloons necessarily last for hours; some may only take a few minutes. It's also possible that someone at the station was merely conducting a routine equipment test in preparation for an upcoming experiment or sampling: The balloon went up, everything worked perfectly, so it came back down.

Though the "Neumayer UFO" is being discussed on various UFO and conspiracy theory websites, there's a glaring contradiction in suggesting it's evidence of extraterrestrials. If it is indeed a spacecraft instead of a balloon or some other mundane object, why would the government - which is routinely accused of going to extraordinary lengths to cover up all evidence of aliens - intentionally release the video to the public?

Unlike an Air Force base where people live and work nearby and can usually photograph or videotape what's in the skies above at will, Neumayer-Station III in Antarctica is essentially inaccessible to the public - except in limited ways such as a Web cam that the government has exclusive access and control over. Did this somehow get past the global UFO censors?

Conspiracy-minded people will always search for, and often find, anomalies, things that they don't understand or believe to be odd or unusual for some reason. For some people any ambiguous light or object in the sky they don't recognize can be turned into a possible UFO sighting.

Benjamin Radford is deputy editor of Skeptical Inquirer science magazine and author of Scientific Paranormal Investigation: How to Solve Unexplained Mysteries. His website is

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personal, history, forensics, signs, predictions, cryptology, prophecies, omens, paranormal

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