Fontana Death: Rebecca works out of Vegas. Former assoc. born 2/14 OR/AZ flew 2 AZ for film Project Fontana. He got stuck in Vegas on 6/6/6
He had 2 call me 2 wire him $. Writer of Fontana named Jason. Fontana=Brian=4/20. Rebecca born 10/31=Halloween whose fave character is Jason
I teased him: I'm in L.A.=CityOfAngels=Heaven while he's stuck in Vegas=SinCity=Sin=Hell. We're born on state dates. 6/6/6=666=Anti-Christ
JasonC of Fontana ended up suing him later wanting a refund & his money back. Lawsuit against him proves Brian Fontana proj.really happened
Psychic Forensics: I didn't meet Rebecca till 2011. Fontana Proj. was 6/6/2006, 5 yrs.B4. Rebecca=Redhead. Guy born 2/14=Valentine'sDay=Red
It's always interesting 2 watch my Follower count drop when I do wild reading. It shows how today's world doesn't understand Psychic Field
Nice part abt ppl leaving u over Psychic stuff is u learn not rely on others.Also just talk Psychic stuff 2 some1 if u want 'em 2 go away :)
PREDICTION: Said in last cpl Tweets about Fontana="Fountain" in Italian. Front Page news 5/30/2012: Large Snakes Found in NYC fountain LOL
Can prove its Rebecca. Last cpl tweets say she's born 10/31. Christopher Columbus born 10/31. Snakes found in NYC "Columbus" Circle Fountain
Snakes in NYC "Columbus" Circle Fountain w/ Fontain=Fontana in Italian. Latch it 2 6/6/6 Fontana proj w/ Rebecca/Vegas. Adam&Eve Snake=Satan
Great part abt Internet news is using Twitter/Facebook 2 show Psychic can manifest stuff in 24 hrs 2 prove he's legit U post Psychic Tweets (no matter how bizarre) & wait 4 news feed 2 reflect what he said & post news URL proving he tweeted it B4 it happened
U can't edit ur Tweet after posting. U can only delete. Internet news is best cuz it's public. Show Tweet time stamp was B4 news time stamp
Large Snakes Found In New York City's Columbus Circle Fountain (PHOTO)
The Huffington Post | By Laura Hibbard Posted: 05/30/2012 2:27 pm Updated: 05/30/2012 3:06 pm
Video, Columbus Circle, Bronx Zoo Cobra, Bronx Zoo Snake, Columbus Circle Fountain, Snakes, Snakes Found, Snakes Found In Columbus Circle Fountain, Snakes On The Loose, New York News
Columbus Circle
New Yorkers are tired of these (censored) snakes in their (censored) city! Everyone just got over the trauma of a cobra escaping the Bronx Zoo (and tweeting,) and now Reddit user GreyscaleCheese has posted photo evidence of two huge snakes having the time of their lives in the Columbus Circle fountain. Why, New York, why?!
While the cobra was eventually caught and returned to the Bronx Zoo, no word yet on the fate of these scaly swimmers. Though by the looks of one photo obtained by the Daily Mail, onlookers may have attempted to remove them.
It could be worse though, remember that 10-foot-long python that NYCHA employees found in the sink of a Brooklyn apartment? Ahhh!
Or howsabout that 4-foot California king snake coiled in a Staten Island man's toilet?
"I came out [of the bathroom] and closed the door and I got a broom. The snake was getting up on top of the rim, ready to strike," Allen Shepard told SI Live.
Clearly you can't go to the bathroom, use a sink, or visit a fountain in New York anymore. The snakes are taking over.
If anyone knows where this snake came from, please let us know, and we'll update.