I didn't realize that Tim Tebow is Filipino like me.
He's born 8/14
8/14 = 5/29 - 3/-15
3/-15 = 513 = Virgin Mary
5/29 = Christ
Tebow = T(H)ebow - H
H is a Warped Pisces Symbol. So to remove the H means with the Virgo or the Virgin.
T-E/Bow Female Sun Bow.
It means to bow or pay homage to the Female Sun as God.
It's funny when people unconsciously do things where they don't understand the underlying meaning of their actions...LOL
I guess that's one time where Religious Parents would have reason to be pissed if they knew that their kids are "Tebowing."
Technically, P(L)a[N-K)ing and O(W)L(I)ng are the same as T-E/Bowing ;)
Thu Dec 15 11:17am EST
N.Y. Teens Suspended for Tebowing in School Hallway
By Cameron Smith
Just when everyone thought the trend of "Tebowing" had reached its zenith in the greater cultural Zeitgeist, it finds a way to completely jump the shark: On Wednesday, a group of high school athletes at a Long Island school were suspended for staging a spontaneous bout of Tebowing in their high school's hallway.
Riverhead High students Tebowing (Connor Carroll photo)
According to Connor Carroll, a senior at Riverhead (N.Y.) High on the North Fork of Long Island, the Riverhead administration handed out one-day suspensions to four student athletes after a group of Riverhead students decided to spontaneously hold a group Tebowing session in the school.
Tebowing, a relatively harmless act which emerged amidst the rapid rise of the Denver Broncos quarterback, is meant to be an homage to the second-year passer's religiously focused touchdown celebrations. No sooner had Tebow used his one knee celebration than the Internet exploded with impromptu Tebow copycats, filling the void created when planking became passé.
The Riverhead teens were apparently just trying to tap into that trend, with Carroll saying that the group only intended to throw down one-kneed touchdown salutes, "out of respect for Tebow, and because Tebowing is the new thing to do." While as many as 40 teens (with some participants representing nearly each athletic program in the school) joined in on the spontaneous in-school Tebowing, only four -- Carroll and his brother, Tyler Carroll, both of whom are football and baseball players, as well as Wayne Drexel (also a football player) and Jordan Fulcoly (a soccer player) -- were handed one-day suspensions for what can only be described as somewhat specious reasons: Blocking the school's hallways.
Technically, the school's administration may have had a point. The Tebowing incident was staged in between classes, with the teens "performing" the celebration in the school hallways. With some 40 members of the student body Tebowing, one could imagine that the halls would be plenty crowded.
Still, Carroll insisted that there was plenty of room for anyone to pass by while the athletes were Tebowing, raising plenty of questions about what the teens were really punished for. After all, the last time Prep Rally checked, honoring Tim Tebow wasn't illegal. In fact, it seems to be incredibly popular.
"The administration told us that our Tebowing was blocking the halls and could potentially cause a riot, because they were growing in number and if the wrong kid gets pushed a brawl could ensue," Carroll told Prep Rally. "We had no idea that we could get suspended for such a thing. It was a joke between a group of friends that took a life of its own. We figured at the most we would just be told to stop."
If nothing else, now the teens will have a full day to work on the Tebowing skills, barring the intervention of the likes of Tebow himself.