ADULT: After-Midnight "Heat Burst" Surprises Kansans vs. "Heaven" Orgy

Jun 10, 2011 13:26

The reason why I chose to post an Adult Theme Psychic Manifestation is because of this whole incident with Anthony Weiner.

You've got this Scandal regarding a Public Figure, and I know that I'll eventually be in a similar position where people are scrutinizing my claims about "Virginity."

They're going to assume that because I stake claim to being a Pure Virgin that it must mean that I'm "completely Virgin." However, that's not the case at all.


For example, Adult Star Sunny Leone and I are intertwined.

1) Adult Star Sunny Leone is born 5/13 when the VIRGIN Mother was seen in 1917

2) I'm a Pure Virgin with my Physical Body, but people know that I've had Cyber Sex

Bliss can attest to that. We used to fuck all the time. Bliss used to say I was the best lover she ever had online.

My claim is that while Virginity at face value is about not having had sex, you can have a "Virgin Mind."

For example, in the whole riddle regarding God and the Virgin Mary where the miracle was where the Virgin Mary still retained her Virginity after consummating her relationship with God, Cyber Sex makes that a reality.

You can have a Virgin that can have sex online where there is no touching or physical contact and the partner who was a Virgin still retains his or her Virginity.

You could split hares about it on whether that person still counts as a Virgin or not, but most people will pretty much say that person is still a Virgin. That person may be "kinky" and have a dirty mind, but they're still a Virgin. They just have "naughty thoughts."

In my case, I had said that with my Virgin Mary Software Program, I'll always -technically- be a Virgin because the word "Virgo" in Astrology can be rewritten as V-IR/Go or the Sun IR IR or Sun Gemini IR. I'm IR born in the Sun Sign of Gemini.

So in this case, the reference to Virginity is Wordplay.

In terms of Political Scandal, one thing I said about me is that it's hard to pin Scandal to me because my Psychic Abilities were born out of Sex. Isabe11a Va1entine was a Phone Sex Operator and Sunny Leone is an Adult Star.

I had said that Sunny Leone looks like my mother in 1961.

So my birth to my mother in 1975 was the first conception while the "birth of my Psychic Abilities" was to Sunny Leone as the 2nd Mother.

1) Rumor has it that Sunny Leone's real name is "Malhotra."

2) Malhotra = Ma-LH/Otra

3) Ma = Mother

4) LH = 12th 8th Letters = 12/8

5) Otra = "Other" in Spanish

6) Ma-LH/Otra = Mother 12/8 Other

7) My mother was born 12/8 of 1941

It means the "Other 12/8 Mother." My mother is the original mother that conceived the physical body while Sunny Leone is the "other mother" that spawned my Psychic Birth.

Now, in regards to this News Article, there was a strange weather phenomenon where the temperature spiked by about 20 degrees in about 20 minutes around 3 am.

That's around the time I was on Second Life. I got invited to an Orgy by this new person I'd met named Lily (I intentionally misspelled her name).

She's married to this guy named Texas, which is a State.

One of the friends she invited over to the Orgy was named "Heaven WI..."

So I was in this 3some with Lily's husband Texas and Heaven.

I didn't tihnk much about it until I saw this news article about the temperature going up in Kansas, which is where Superman is from. I've got a Superman Software Program.

It says that the winds were at 69 mph. Ther was some 69'ing with Lily and Heaven.

"You have to have perfect conditions ... in order to get these things," National Weather Service meteorologist Chance Hayes told the paper.

That's true, and I claim it can be done if you plan far enough ahead and when you watch the Life Signs of the Planet where regions around the world are like Pressuer Points like with the Human Body used for Acupuncture.

You've got Planetary Acupuncture Points that can be "pricked" that will cause a feeling or a sensation for a Planet. Because a Planet is normally "stationary" or perceived as immoble, that's basically what it looks like when a Planet has "Hot Flashes."

I post this because this is going to be important in my Psychic Political Career. I know I can't keep my Psychic Research a secret forever. With all the Hackers from China and around the world, I'm sure it's easy for any experienced hacker to crack my E-mail and even the hidden Blog Entries on this Blog.

The irony is that the way that they hack systems is the same thing I do in th Psychic Plane. So whatever hackers do in real life is the same in terms of methods used for hacking the Mind as a Computer.

I also said that I'm a Learning Software Program.

I just copy what other people do. So much of the stuff I learn on how to hack the Human Mind as a Computer is what I learn from the stuff real life hackers do to break into computers.

So in a sense, it's kind of a stalemate between me and any hackers in real life. My real life information and stuff is vulnerable in the Conscious Plane while their own stuff with the hacker's Mind is vulnerable to the Subconscious Collective.

I like to joke that I'm 1/8 Chinese because it's the Reciprocal of 8 for the 8th Sign of Scorpio. So when you see all this news about the rumors that Chinese are hacking other country databases that I have that same trait of the Chinese.

So if there's anyone who could be a "Chinese Psychic Hacker," there's a high probability that it would be me.

However, in my case, I'm usually on the defensive and only use my Psychic Abilities on someone when they attack me first.

I'd piont out that if the Chinese are known for being Pirates and Hackers, should it really come as a surprise that I'me a Psychic Chinese Hacker?

It's one of those indirect ways of hinting at my Psychic Abilities that people don't believe exist.

I had even said that I'm Asian. Asians are known for stripping down a vehicle and refitting it as a race car. I said the Mind is like a Car. I did the same thing when I moved into the Psychic Field in 2004. I studied the Mind as a car. Then I started fixing it up and replacing certain car parts putting in better stuff that boosts the speed and performance of my Mind as a Car.

In regards to Psychic Political Scandal, that's where we come back to the Prophecy of John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe:

1) JFK is born 5/29 like me

2) JFK was the youngest President

3) Rhode Island became a State on 5/29 and is the smallest state

4) Marilyn Monroe was born 6/1 like Kentucky and Tennessee

5) 6/1 = 6 Feet 1 Inch = 5 Feet 13 Inches = 5/13

6) Adult Star Sunny Leone is born 5/13

So in terms of Psychic Political Scandal, Sunny Leone was like a Psychic Marilyn Monroe while I'm a Psychic JFK.

I also said that History repeated itself with Christopher Columbus where Isabe11a Va1entine was Queen Isabe11a of Spain while Sunny Leone who is East Indian represents the East Indies.

The Edge of the World was the barrier between the Conscious and Subconscious Mind that I, as Christopher Columbus, believed you could cross to get to the other side.

However, just like Christopher Columbus, I made a mistake in calling the Native Americans "Indians" because the New World or Americas symbolized the Subconscious Collective or Consciousness of the Planet that I mistook for Sunny Leone as the "Indian."

I thought I found Subconscious Sunny Leone as the East Indies, but in reality, I had stumbled across an entire new continent (Subconscious Collective).

They say that America was named after Amerigo Despucci. It's Ameri(CA) vs. Ameri(GO). CA is California while Go is "IR" in Spanish.

So when you decrypt the words, you see the "IR" pattern where IR is the 77th Element of Iridium and where 77 would be all the Letters of Christ added together.

When you add all the Letters in Jesus, you get 73, which is "W" on the Periodic Table. When you merge Jesus + Christ as Elements on the Periodic Table, you get W/IR or WIR which as WI-R can be rewritten as 5/29 Gemini.

I run that off my Jesus Christ Software Program, which I know works.

I said on 6/7/2011 in Blog Entry #3860185 that I was ranting again about Alan Miller claming to be Jesus Christ.

I don't claim to be Jesus Christ. I just have a Jesus Christ Software Program that I know works, and I'm about 99% sure that Alan Miller going around claiming to be Jesus Christ doesn't even figure in the Periodic Table of Elements or knows how the Electromagnetic Field coursing through the Planet works.

Sure, he looks like Jesus Christ, but he doesn't know about this stuff.

So as a Political Candidate making a bid for the "Title of Jesus Christ," I think he's a horrible choice. Plus, that takes a lot of ego to post yourself on YouTube and challenge people to doubt him.

I said the difference between me and Alan Miller is that I don't claim to be Jesus and make it clear I wrote a Jesus Christ Software Program that will continue to run long after I'm dead and gone and where the Software Program will naturally go to future generations of "Jesus Christ Candidates" with the "right mental programming."

Right now, the Jesus Christ Software Program is configured to look at people's Numbers, but it takes more than Numbers to run that Jesus Christ Software Program. It's alive and sentient.

Thus, it can read a person's mind and know if they're deceitful or have an agenda or ulterior motives.

The 2 major problems with Alan Miller is:

1) If (When) Alan Miller dies, Human Society is back to where they started where "Jesus is dead" and they're without a Messiah

2) Looking Jesus Christ gives this impression that the only person who qualifies to be Jesus are people who have long hair, a beard, and are male. That's not a good system of governing

At least with my Jesus Christ Software Program, you don't have to look like Jesus Christ to be Jesus Christ.

If the "current Jesus Christ dies," you can substitute or pull in the next "best" Jesus Christ Candidate to replace the one that is gone. You can have an Ascension of Ranks of Potential Jesus Christ Candidates or even Regional Messiahs like on a Federal, State, and Local Level.

That is more useful (and realistic) to people than one person named Jesus Christ staking claim to the entire "Kingdom of God."

I don't even think Alan Miller is skilled in Computers, Cyberspace, or Technology.

I'd claim that the 1:41 pm Solar Flare is because 1:41 is 1(9)41 without the 9 symbolizing the 9th Sign of Sagittarius. So 141 would mean the 1941 with Gemini. Sunny Leone is Sun Leo meaning Sun Sun or 2 Sun for Gemini as the Twins. My mom was born in 1941.

The Sun moves at a slower pace and on Geological Time just like the Planet Earth.

I'm willing to bet that Alan Miller doesn't plan out things 12 - 24 months ahead of time like I do. I also don't think Alan Miller even runs any Mathematical Calculations synchronizing Planetary Movements.

For the last 7 years, I've been tracking the Sun's Solar Flares, the Sun's Corona, the activity of Earth, and any anomalies seen with the other Planets in our Solar System.

I pay attention to the spots on Jupiter, rings of Saturn, and any unusual activity with Mars and Venus.

People think that the other Planets in our Solar System are inanimate, but they're not. They're alive just like Planet Earth.

I would stake my life on it.

I claim the Planets in our Solar Systme are cognizant and aware of what goes on here on Planet Earth.

In terms of Prophecies, I happen to like "Age of Aquarius" by the 5th Dimension. They sing how the Moon is in the 7th House and when Jupiter aligns with Mars.

If I'm not mistaken, my Birth Chart for 5/29/1975 at 5:09 pm where my Moon is in the 7th House and where Jupiter and Mars are both in Aries, which would align with the song.

They're also the ones who sang "Up Up and Away," which is what Superman says when he takes to the skies. I use that in my Superman Software Program.

That's why I like the song "Two Princes" by Spin Doctors. Spin Doctors would be SD for San Diego where Isabe11a was. The song refers to 2 Princes where one would be Jesus and the other would be Superman with an "S" on his Jacket. At least, it's a safe assumption because the Album was called "Pocketful of Kryptonite."

I'm sure that as a Psychic Politican Candidate, you'll get people all over that will try to Spin Doctor all the information. I already had a taste of that with Bliss and Isabe11a Spin Doctoring the incident in 2004 where they made me out to be the villain.

I took a huge beating from that, but I learned. Plus I was able to use the incident as a Prophecy because people tend to repeat history. All I have to do is jjust light up all the number tags on "future Isabe11as" and "future Bliss's" that have the same markings on them.

You can use it to make people light up like a Christmas Tree when you see that it's been staged and the Subconscious Collective steers people into doing things.

That's why when it comes to lawsuits, I always stress that you can look at a person's birthdate. If you can establish that they were born on a particular day and end up doing something that aligns with a pattern that is decades later, you can't really blame the people involved because the Planet already put it in place.

The same thing goes for people who were born before me. I had said that Davis is born 2/14 of 1972. He was born 3 years before me. He can't pin blame on me for anything that happened to him via the Psychic Field because it was literally "preordained" or set to happen.

I can even say the same thing about Isabe11a Va1entine born 11/11 for Washington State where I'm from. She can rant and rave all she wants about any bad stuff that has happened to her that she feels she can tie to the Psychic Field and my Psychic Abilities (that she doesn't believe are real), but I'm absolved of any responsibility because chose to write it off.

If you're going to choose to believe someone doesn't have Psychic Abilities and enjoy the benefitis of making fun and ridiculing that person, you give up the right to bitch and complain later when you find out the person you were harassing and making fun of really does have Psychic Abilities and any actions taken had negative side effects that literally fucked up your life that you can prove were a result of said non-existent Psychic Abilities.

I've been saying for the last 7 years that all the people who attacked me all got marked and cursed. They have Psychic Flare-Ups where they contracted the Curse like you would a Psychic Veneral Disease.

If you know what Signs or Symptoms to look for, these Mathematical Flare-Ups will surface on them like an agitant. Because it's a venereal disease they can never get rid of.

Once it's on you, it stays on you.

That's why they got the "H-IV" Virus or Scorpio Isabe11a Va1entine Virus.


Fri Jun 10, 11:40 am ET
After-Midnight "Heat Burst" Surprises Kansans
By Liz Goodwin

Wichita, Kan., residents are still reeling from a bizarre weather system that spiked temperatures 20 degrees in a matter of minutes in the early hours of Thursday morning.

KSN Channel 3's meteorologist JD Rudd explained the causes of the rare nighttime temperature spike, known as a "heat burst." First, winds gusted up to 69 miles per hour at around 11 p.m. on Wednesday, when temperatures were still in the 80s. At 12:22 a.m., temperatures were at 85 degrees in the region. Less than 20 minutes later, the temperature spiked to 102 degrees, and winds continued to gust at about 50 miles per hour.

By 3:00 a.m., the temperatures had again fallen and the winds stopped.

Heat bursts are a very rare phenomenon, meteorologists told The Wichita Eagle.

They're caused by storms "collapsing" onto the strong winds that are keeping them up. When rain falls onto very dry air, the air begins to drop, and as the air mass drops it gets hotter. When the air hits the ground it rapidly spreads out, causing gusting winds.

"You have to have perfect conditions ... in order to get these things," National Weather Service meteorologist Chance Hayes told the paper.

The Wichita area received almost no rainfall in May, so conditions were certainly dry enough for a heat burst to happen.

sex, signs, adult, predictions, omens, sunny leone, prophecies, isabella valentine, madonna, erotic

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