SIGNS: Videotheque: We're Still Not in Love With Lady Gaga's "Judas," Baby

May 05, 2011 23:19

I'm Atheist and not exactly keen on the Bible, but I do have to admit that my loyalties remain with Madonna.

Madonna was wild in the 80s and 90s. Madonna was Gaga before Lady Gaga was Lady Gaga in my opinion.

That's not to say that Madonna has the rights to everything outrageous, but I still feel that Lady Gaga inadvertently dissed Madonna. I don't think Lady Gaga meant to do it.

I think what happened is that Lady Gaga tripped over her Stardom in the sense that when she made her comment about how it only took her 10 minutes to write "Born This Way," that was a sort of "cocky" comment that was alluding to her level of (perceived?) talent.

When she did that, she set herself up for scrutiny.

So when people heard her say that and went to listen to the song, they jumped all over Lady Gaga because people could argue that in her "haste" of scribbling down her song, it could be made to look like she had a Madonna song swirilng around in the back of her head.

I don't think Lady Gaga plagiarized Madonna.

I've watched the YouTube Video where Lady Gaga did a piano rendition of Poker Face using a totally different tempo and arrangement of the notes, and it still sounded amazing.

That takes talent.

However, I'm just saying that looking at the way the masses are claiming she stole that song from Madonna, I think Lady Gaga's "ego" set herself up for that fall.

If Lady Gaga had taken a more humble approach about how she created this new song that she hopes people would like, even if people said that it sounds like Madonna, it could have been spin-doctored (?) in a way to give props to Madonna or create a more gracious response.

However, because Lady Gaga made that bold comment saying it only took her 10 minutes, Lady Gaga backed herself into a corner because she is forced to defend herself regarding the origin of the inspiration for the song.

The reason why I took note of it is when she made that defensive comment saying that she felt those words were [paraphrasing] given to her by God.

That falls into my domain because she's invoking a God Reference.

Because I have a God Software Program, Jesus Christ Software Program, and Virgin Mary Software Program that I run, that's going to clash with the Software Code I wrote because Lady Gaga is listed as being born 3/28 when my dad died on 3/28 of 1977.

Even though we don't cross paths in real life, as an Organization or Institution that is running off the Psychic Field, Lady Gaga is crossing over into my territory that I've been sworn to protect and oversee.

That's why I've been looking at all the Number Tags that are getting mounted on Lady Gaga.

I know that Lady Gaga isn't watching.

Her new song "Judas" has actor Norman Reedus born 1/6 when NEW MEXICO became a State. That's my domain because I have influence over people born on U.S. State Dates because I'm born 5/29 when Rhode Island and Wisconsin joined the Union.

One thing I said is that all the Subconscious Minds of directors, producers, music artists, casting directors, and people in Hollywood are all networked together and part of that Subconscious Collective.

Judas was played by Harvey Keitel born 5/13 when the Virgin Mother (Madonna) was seen in 1917. Lady Gaga is currently Godmother to Elton John's baby born 12/25 like Christ.

So in terms of encrypted data, all these number tags that I use are surfacing around Lady Gaga.

I claim that's because the Subconscious Collective is marking or tagging her like you would cattle. You can tag or mark people without them knowing it.

In fact, there are a lot of Celebrities that are tagged. You wouldn't know it unless you knew how to look for the patterns and extract them from IMDB that gives a full listing of their careers.

If you want proof about the tags, this is what I'd point out:

1) Norman Reedus is born 1/6 for Mexico

2) Lady Gaga is 3/28

3) 3/28 - 1/6 = 2/22

4) 2/22 is when George Washington was born

5) Washington State was named after George Washington

6) I'm from Washington State

My Psychic Abilities stem from Isabe11a Va1entine born 11/11 when Washington became a State. That's how you can mark people. I've never made it a secret on how I do my calculations. I'm always subtracting dates to get a new date.

The point I always try to drive home is that I use the same consistent pattern and formula on how I derive my answers so that people can watch the trend over a span of years.


Videotheque: We're Still Not in Love With Lady Gaga's 'Judas,' Baby
Posted Thu May 5, 2011 10:30am PDT by Caryn Ganz in Amplifier

Lady Gaga's video for her second Born This Way single "Judas" leaked this morning, a few hours before its official debuts on E! (saucy uncensored version) and American Idol (chaste tween version). Since there isn't anything truly sexy, blasphemous, or gory in the five-and-a-half minute clip, we're going to have to assume it's the latter cut -- so far, this ain't the scandal Gaga was chasing.

True to its name, "Judas" is a play on religious love and betrayal recast as West Side Story meets The Wild Ones meets The Passion of the Christ. Gaga is a biker babe riding with a Latino Jesus sporting a golden crown of thorns. She's a Victorian Joker in fantastic eyeliner and glamazon nails. And, for a brief second, she's flogged like Jesus, herself. (Come on, you saw that coming, right?) The Biblical imagery arrives in flashes -- members of a biker gang are named after the apostles; Gaga dons a blue veil like Mary (Magdalene or the Blessed, who knows?); she washes Jesus' feet; Judas, who's played by actor Norman Reedus, kisses Jesus.

Though she's obviously playing with central tropes of Christianity, Gaga claims the video is not meant to be interpreted as "a religious statement." "I view it as social statement. I view it as a cultural statement," she told E!. Gaga codirected the clip with her frequent collaborator and dance guru Laurieann Gibson.

The overall aesthetic is broody and dark, befitting the track's disco-grime vibe, but the backdrops look more like summer stock sets than the results of a $10 million budget. (Where did the money go? Was there a $3 million line item for leather?) The choreography on the chorus is suspiciously arm-heavy, like the Haus of Gaga has been watching recent Britney Spears videos, but Gaga gives a strong, determined performance overall. When you compare "Judas" to some of the star's other epic videos though, "Judas" doesn't compare. Even on the religious-outrage scale, "Judas" is a lightweight considering Gaga swallowed a rosary in her clip for "Alejandro."

• Best Gag: Gaga drags a gun with lipstick jammed in its barrel across a terrified Judas' face.

• Best Use of Obvious Imagery: Gaga drowning in a sea of confusion (a.k.a. a giant wave).

• Most Potentially Offensive Moment: What we'll refer to as "an unusual baptism."

We anxiously await the chance to be shocked and appalled by the uncensored clip when it premieres later tonight -- stay tuned!

music, humor, signs, jesus christ, predictions, prophecies, omens, madonna

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