I was surprised by this news article on 3/15 of 2011 about UCLA Student Alexandra Wallace ranting about Asians, but not in the way you think.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lg3tIERI-D4 (Notice the ERI Tag for 5/13.)
During the last day, I was wondering why things felt so different:
1) I found myself catching some of my snippety or snide remarks to some of the news articles
2) The AOL Weird News had a ton of sexual flops posted under bizarre news
3) Alexandra Wallace is in CA and your typical well-endowed California Blonde
That's when it dawned on me that I had said in my
Blogs for 3/15 of 2011 that it's the birthday of Sky who was using Fake Photos of Adult Star Brittney Skye.
Last night or some time around midnight or 1 am, I was talking to Subconscious Brittney Skye and just rehashing old times from 2004 - 2005 when she was part of the "Original Group of 5."
I had written her into my Greek God Software Program:
- I was Zeus
- Sunny Leone was Hera AND Aphrodite (originally Aphrodite)
- Brittney Skye was cast as Athena
Brittney was put in charge of information. It was a really unusual time back then because of the mix-up. I never found out who was the original person born 3/15 who was using Fake Photos of Brittney Skye.
All I know is that she used to work in New York before she was fired. Then she got hired as a Personal Assistant and relocated to Brentwood, CA. The irony is that I was using my Psychic Abilities to push or nudge events so that she wouldn't be unemployed because I felt sorry for "the woman named Sky posting in her Blog."
Notice that I was putting it in quotation marks. It's because that's the Blog I was looking at, but the "woman in the photos" was Adult Star Brittney Skye. So when I was "dialing" or trying to contact the woman in the photos, I was getting redirected to Adult Star Brittney Skye and not "Sky."
The reason why I claim this happened is because "Sky" from the Blog was really intelligent and well-read. I used to have conversations with her on the phone, and she was really sharp. She was really smart.
So when I inserted her into the Athena Software Program, that's the person I was plugging in like a Microchip.
However, everything went haywire, and I couldn't understand why "the person I plugged into the Software Program" in charge of the Information was all "wacko." I would get print-outs or really bad calculations. I used complain and ask what the Hell was wrong with her.
That's when I found out some time around April or May 2005 that those were Fake Photos of Adult Star Brittney Skye. It meant that I plugged in Brittney Skye's mind as a Microchip.
I don't know Adult Star Brittney Skye personally, but she's crass, blunt, and raunchy.
All those personality traits got projected into the Data Stream of Information. I eventually pulled the Brittney Skye Microchip out and installed Bliss and Scott as replacement personality chips some time in Summer 2005. So the Information started changing.
I just realized that I accidentally put Brittney Skye's personality back into the Program again. That's where this UCLA Blonde Student is talking about Asians and then how I got stuck with a CA DMV Notice about my Car Insurance.
The first time I put Brittney in charge Law Enforcement was on 10/27 of 2004.
The reason why I know this is because that was the day that I got pulled over for a Speeding Ticket. I was so mad. I had put her in charge of the Police Force and she got me pulled over.
The other reason why I know this works is because when I put Sinopia in charge of Law Enforcement, I got E-mail from my mom telling me that she got pulled over by a Police Officer for speeding at the Annapolis Dock.
Annapolis is Maryland that became a State on 4/28. That's Sinopia's birthday.
That's how I know my stuff works and that I have the Authority to designate an overseeing Program that will influence Law Enforcement Officials. They'll all behave in varying degrees like that of the Personality Chip installed.
I've been thinking about what I should do. I'm actually thinking that maybe I should reinstate the old team. Things aren't working out well with my Personality.
The problem or flaw with my Personality is that I'm "too nice." Sometimes "nice" just doesn't cut it. Some people will take advantage of your nice personality. They'll exploit it.
That's why I used to insert Scott's Personality Microchip and the Microchip of Howard, who was Isabe11a Va1entine's fromer business associate. I claim that Howard was the real person from the group because he wasn't using Fake Photos of anyone really. He was the guy.
I used to get into huge fights with Subconscious Howard in 2004 - 2005. I even refer to how I had inserted Bliss' Microchip Personality around Spring 2005 and that I'd get an idea of what was going on in the Psychic Plane because Bliss would post her Dream Blogs.
Bliss would have dreams and she'd post them. That was a huge help to me because I knew how to interpret her dreams and what she was seeing. I knew that it was her Subconscious Mind reporting what she was seeing. She'd talk about how there was a conflict between 2 groups. One group was trying to seduce her into coming over to her side.
The final dream she had where I removed her was when she talked about how there was an Aliens vs. Predators Theme and she was dying. Because she knew she was about to get killed she tried to take out as many of them as she could.
I grieved over that because I knew that I had put Bliss into a position or slot trying to replace original teammates that had mutinied that I had trained for roughly 6 months that were more advanced. Bliss wasn't fully trained to fend them off.
Someday when people cross-reference my Blog Entries with Bliss, I hope they'll see the intertwining of the entries that were oblivious to Bliss' Conscious Mind and what her Subconscious Mind was reporting.
Anyway, the reason why I'm seriously thinking about leaving Brittney Skye's microchop plugged in is because that raw, crass, and blunt personality sticks out. You can really see it as opposed to when I've got my "nice" microchip inserted in.
What I need now is the ability to make the Psychic Field "noticeable" or where it makes waves where you can tell without a doubt that the Software Program is indeed running. That's one thing that Brittney Skye does.
I'm seriously thinking about reactivating Howard Kami1's Microchip. I had banned him and kicked him out of the original group because he was overbearing. He was always fighting with me and trying to use Seniority over me because I was 29 and he was about 10 or 15 years older than me. So he was difficult to manage since no one likes a boss who is younger than him.
I remember when I let him be in charge. He had finagled getting put in control of the system on 12/25/2004. I was driving down to San Diego to spend Christmas with relatives.
That's when that 9.0 Tsunami hit. I was SO PISSED. When I got back up to L.A. later that evening, I think I yelled at Howard for about a good 4 hours into the wee hours of the night. He thought he was so damn smart, knew everything, and could run it himself.
However, his Mind was configured incorrectly. You need to have your Mind set up in a particular way because the equipment is sensitive. It will project your overall demeanor onto the entire program.
Whenever I see people doing something that affects the Psychic Field that will cause physical injury or even death, I will chew their asses out. When you do something out of carelessness that results in people getting killed, I think that's justification for going off on someone because that's a "Fuck-Up." That's a SERIOUS "Fuck-Up."
As for the 9.0 Earthquake on 3/10 of 2011, I'm unsure why it hit on Scott's birthday. However, I claim that it wasn't because of any miscalculations on my part. The program has been stable for the last 3 or 4 years. It took me about 2 - 3 years to purge Howard and the old group from the system.
Am I worried that there could be some old Software or backdoor things that Howard could exploit, I suppose it's possible. However, I'm hoping that Howard is wiser now. I hope he's matured enough where if he was given another shot, he'd realize why I was so anal back then.
Maybe I've mellowed enough as well.
One thing I always told the old team was that regardless of what their personal feelings were toward me, we had a job to do. We had to clean up and set things right. I'd like to think that Howard learned his lesson.
People should realize that I don't hold grudges for very long. Even with Howard, I had pointed out that I really didn't have to hire him for the position back in 2004. He was the main reason why everything fell apart in the Conscious Plane with Isabe11a and Sky.
However, as I said, I put my personal issues with him aside and reserved his spot. I kept his spot open for him. And he knows it. I didn't cheat him out of his position. I really tried to make it work with him. Back then in 2004 though, I claim he got full of himself and thought that he was a permanent fixture and couldn't be fired or removed from his job.
He was the first person I kicked out or fired and replaced with Scott's Personality Microchip.
I thought I could remember why I had finally removed Scott's Microchip from the Software Program. I had him as my Polarity or in opposition to me to create a counterbalance. It worked, and we were diong well. However, something happened. It's in my Blog around Spring 2005.
It's funny because I don't remember what happened anymore. I thought that I'd never forget all that happened, but so much has happened since that time. If you look at my Blog as of 3/16/2011, it says there are about 14,500 Blog Entries on here.
That's a LOT of Entries. So much stuff has happened that I can't remember it all.
That's how I claim the Subconscious Collective works with the life span of Humans that are like Organic Memory Chips for the Planet. They can retain a certain amount of data, but you eventually have to replace the old and worn out memory chips with fresh new ones.
That would be the new generations of humans that are being born that are more advanced and know about the new Technology in place. With Technology growing exponentially, it's necessary for new humans being born to master that while the older generations fade out.
I'm unsure what's going to happen. I do concede there's a little part of me that's nervous about what Howard and Brittney Skye might do when reinserted into the program, but I'm kind of at my wit's end.
From what I've seen these last 3 years, being nice hasn't gotten me anywhere.
Howard is a Bulldog while Brittney Skye is blunt. Maybe that's what needs to be in the Software Program because the message just isn't coming through in proving that the Psychic Field really does exist.
Being "nice" about it trying to persuade people isn't working. Maybe Brittney and Howard will be tougher with people and get the job done.
While I'm not exactly thrilled with the idea of letting the Software Program get more aggressive and possibly cause waves, it might be better to show that the Psychic Field and the Subconscious Collective can indeed cause a stir. People may get pissed, but it's better than them being apathetic and not knowing we exist, much less not even taking us seriously.
I was trying to find the Blog Entry where I thought I mentioned about the huge Lobster saved from the Pot. I could have sworn I wrote about how Lobsters in the pot are thought to be screaming when they die, but people suspect it's a whistling sound from the way they are cooked.
I had said that Brittney Skye's old tag was whistling. I would hear whistling when there was something tied to her or when she was trying to pass on information to me.
So to see a news article surface on 3/15 for Sky using Fake Photos of Brittney Skye, that's my Sign. The "old" would symbolize how Brittney was part of the "old" team back in 2004.
This might also explain the peculiar news article about Dark Energy that scientists have discovered where they can't understand why it's there. Howard is kind of like that. He's kind of a necessary force.
One thing I've seen the Planet do is align news articles with what it is I experience so I can get a microscopic comparison of what's happening in the Universe since a lot of things we see in Life will mimic each other.
In the Dark Energy news article, the scientists say how it would be much simpler if there was no Dark Energy to do these calculations. However, that's not the case. They just have to deal with it and factor it into the equation.
It may be the same thing with Howard where he's like that Dark Energy that you can't just ignore. If everything was all "Light Matter," it wouldn't be balanced. Sometimes you need that opposite because it's possible to have too much of a good thing.
Like with me, I'm "too nice." So when my "nice personality" is inserted, people can get along with the Software Program and it's "friendly." However, sometimes it doesn't get the job done. Sometimes you do need that tough personality that is efficient, cold, and resolute.
I may have disliked Howard and how things turned out due to his involvement with Isabe11a and Sky in the Conscious Plane back in 2004. However, I will concede that even though some of his ideas were skewed, he was determined to get things done. Misguided, but determined.
Maybe now he's got that same determination but with his Moral Compass straight and where he's not as rash.
UCLA Student Alexandra Wallace’s Video Rant Against Asians Fuels Firestorm
Published: March 15, 2011
LOS ANGELES - When Alexandra Wallace recorded her rant about Asian students using cellphones in the library at the University of California, Los Angeles, she was alone, speaking to her computer.
But since she posted the three-minute video to YouTube, Ms. Wallace, a third-year political science student at U.C.L.A., has achieved a sudden, unwelcome celebrity: her video has been viewed by millions of people, and she has become the subject of nationwide condemnation and the catalyst of a debate about racial intolerance and free speech.
“Please expel this ignorant woman immediately,” Kiki Gyrle wrote on Facebook, where there are many posts about Ms. Wallace, some too profane to print. “Tolerating such discourse of hate and racism is now being construed as policy to condone such tirades.”
In the video, Ms. Wallace complains about Asian students in the school library using their cellphones to call family members after the tsunami in Japan. At one point, she mimics people speaking an Asian language.
“The problem is these hordes of Asian people that U.C.L.A. accepts into our school every single year, which is fine,” Ms. Wallace said in the video. “But if you’re going to come to U.C.L.A., then use American manners.”
Robert Hernandez, a professor of Internet journalism at the University of Southern California, said Ms. Wallace’s story served as a reminder of the need to be aware of your “digital footprint” in the Internet age. “People feel a false sense of privacy on the Internet that isn’t there,” he said.
Ms. Wallace has removed her video from YouTube, and issued an apology to the U.C.L.A. student newspaper. She could not be reached for comment.
Still, others have reposted the video online, along with parodies, remixes and responses, and diatribes against Ms. Wallace have continued. She has also received threats by phone and e-mail.
On Monday, U.C.L.A.’s chancellor, Gene Block, released a statement that deemed the video “thoughtless and hurtful” and called for a more civil discourse. Officials said the university was looking into possible disciplinary action against Ms. Wallace.
Mr. Block’s Facebook page has become a hotbed of comments about the video, some attacking Ms. Wallace and Mr. Block.
“While in front of the computer, it’s easier to make comments or threats anonymously,” Professor Hernandez said. “And people fall into the same kind of behavior they’re condemning.”
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/16/us/16ucla.html ======
Huge Lobster Saved from the Pot
- Tue Mar 15, 9:22 am ET
LONDON (Reuters Life!) - One of the biggest and oldest lobsters ever caught in Britain has been saved from the pot and will live out the rest of its long life in an aquarium.
The massive crustacean measures close to one meter (3 feet) in length and weighs more than 4 kg (9 lb).
"He's a fantastic specimen and by his size alone he has got to be at least 50 years old," said Lindsay Holloway of the Blue Reef aquarium in Portsmouth, southern England where the lobster now lives.
"He is an amazing creature and it's quite an achievement to have reached such an impressive age," he added.
The lobster was caught in around 14 feet of water by a compassionate angler fishing for sole in Bracklesham Bay, off the coast of West Sussex.
Lobsters are among the planet's oldest inhabitants with fossil remains found dating back more than 100 million years. They are also extremely long-lived with some reaching ages of over 80 years.
The aquarium said the heaviest recorded crustacean is an Atlantic lobster nicknamed Mike who was caught in 1934 and tipped the scales at an awesome 19 kg. (London newsroom; stephen.addison.reuters.com)
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110315/lf_nm_life/us_britain_lobster ========
Bizarre Dark Energy Theory Gets Boost From New Measurements
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Space.com space.com - Tue Mar 15, 1:01 pm ET
New measurements of the expansion rate of the universe lend new support for the theory of dark energy that suggests a mysterious force is pulling the cosmos apart at ever-increasing speeds.
Scientists have few ideas why such a force would exist, but the evidence for dark energy - which like dark matter has remained elusive to detection attempts - is growing, and a competing hypothesis can apparently be ruled out. [The Strangest Things in Space]
In a new study, a team of researchers led by Adam Riess of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, report that they've calculated how fast the universe is expanding to a greater degree of accuracy than ever before, shrinking the error bars on their measurements by about 30 percent.
Hubble telescope measures the universe
The improved accuracy comes thanks to the Wide Field Camera 3 on the Hubble Space Telescope. It's a new instrument that was only installed on the orbiting observatory in 2009, during NASA's last space shuttle mission to upgrade the space telescope.
"Without the improvement in efficiency capability from the new camera, it just wouldn’t have been feasible," Riess told SPACE.com Monday (March 14). "It's just a different generation of technology than the previous camera."
The researchers used the new camera to observe a special class of exploding stars called type 1a supernovas, which are useful because they always release the same amount of light. Astronomers compare this intrinsic brightness to their measured brightness - which varies depending on how far away from Earth they are - to judge cosmic distances.
The new measurements confirm astronomers' growing consensus that the universe is not only expanding like a balloon, but picking up speed in doing so.
Based on our current laws of gravity -namely, Einstein's theory of general relativity - that's unexpected. To explain this surprising reality, scientists came up with dark energy, which would counteract the force of gravity that tries to pull the universe inward. But to date, dark energy has remained undetectable to astronomers.
Dark energy opponents
Not all experts are comfortable with the idea that a strange force is mysteriously tugging the universe apart.
"Theorists have come up with very creative ways to get out of dark energy, which would be great because we don't understand dark energy very well and it would be nice to find a way that the universe was simpler," Riess said.
One such alternative is the idea that our cosmic neighborhood -the solar system and the whole Milky Way galaxy - happens to sit at the center of a relatively empty bubble of space eight billion light-years across.
If this were the case, we would measure the same accelerated expansion rate we do, except it would be an illusion created by our special position in the void.
But the new precision measurements of the universe's expansion seem to rule out that idea, which predicts a somewhat different value for the expansion rate.
"This new paper by Riess et al. reduces the errors on the measurement of [the expansion rate], and so improves even further the already high confidence that one should have in saying that these models are ruled out," said Timothy Clifton, an astrophysicist at the University of Oxford who was not involved in the new research. "In this sense, they improve the evidence for the existence of dark energy."
However, Clifton cautioned that the new measurements do not disqualify all versions of the void model. In some more complicated scenarios in which the big bang did not happen at the same time at all points in space, this hypothesis could still be valid.
Ultimately, Riess said many scientists are dubious of all the void models anyway.
"I know that a lot of people have not taken that theory very seriously because of a major problem with it," he said. "We tend to believe theories where we don’t live in any special place in the universe. That would be very strange - why should we be in a special place?"
Now that scenario is even less likely to be true, Riess said.
"But on the other hand, dark energy's pretty weird too," he said.
However, it looks like we may be stuck with it.
Riess and colleagues report their findings in the April 1 issue of The Astrophysical Journal.