My mum was nagging me about going to Bank of America to get my savings account straightened out because it was a standard account where they were deducting $5.00 a month.
There was $59.67 still left in there and we made an arrangement to have them mail a cashier's check from the California Branch Division to Washington State.
The conversation took a while and it was just long enough to where I walked out of the bank to the car, and I saw Scott's dad pull up in his blue Mustang. I don't know if he spotted my mom and me.
We were driving my car, which still has the California License Plates.
The reason why my mum was driving is because I had lost my CA Drivers License and don't want to be driving on the road without a License. My car also needs to be run so that the car battery doesn't lose its charge. It hadn't been driven in 3 weeks.
The reason why I claim this is of Psychic Significance is because I haven't driven anywhere or been around town in the last 6 weeks due to not being on the road.
As I watched Mr. Boone hop in his car, I stared at the White Chevy Truck parked in the Handicapped Parking Spot with the License Plate:
628 - YAA
6/28 is Christy Noke11's maiden name. Andrea had the same last name and asked if she was any relation. She said that the father was James and that she was the sister in law.
The other person who had the same birthday 6/28 that worked at Vect0r was Jean Powe11. She got married and is now Jean Do1enz.
So as Scott's dad drove away in his blue Mustang I sighed at the White Chevy 628 knowing that the Subconscious Mind of the driver was just putting in his 2 cents worth.
As my mum and I drove home, I explained to her my Psychic Theories on how you can apply Carl Jung's Synchronicity Theory about coincidence to this because of how I haven't been anywhere in our hometown and have kept a low profile.
That's why I was unhappy when that shootout at the local Wal-Mart surfaced on the front page of Yahoo News in late January pointing to my location and where I was because my home town has never ever been in the front page news in the last 6 years I've monitored the news feed because it's an obscure location.
My claim is that the Subconscious Mind of Scott's Dad knew that I was going to be at the Bank of America. In fact, I didn't want to go to that bank. It was my mum who sprung it on me last minute today saying she wanted to go.
That's an example of how I can get "dragged" into locations where I wouldn't normally go. Because the Subconscious Mind of Scott's Dad knew he could count on my mom would tell me to go with her to Bank of America, that event was "locked in."
That's an example of pre-planned events. If I had my way, I would've waited another month or two before I would've gone to Bank of America to take care of that. So chances of running into Scott's Dad would've been even slimmer.
What saddens me is that my mum told me she has been avoiding Scott's parents at the Post Office. She told me she wasn't sure what to say to them regarding what happened between me and Scott.
I felt sad about that because I felt that whatever happened between me and Scott should just be between us and it shouldn't spread to the parents or the families.
I had thought about sending Scott's parents a letter telling them that I don't want any bad blood or where there should be this thing between the parents, but I stopped for 2 reasons:
1) I wanted to respect Scott's privacy because he doesn't want to have anything to do with me, I'm not going to force myself into his life
2) I felt I'd be a hypocrite going "behind Scott's back" trying to communicate with the parents in the same way he went to my mom encouraging her to pull me back up to Washington State to be put on medication and enrolled for Psychiatric Evaluation. I had todl Scott that I was hurt by that because he went around me. I figured that Scott would not like it if I tried to talked to his parents and if the parents tried to say anything.
3) I made a decision to cut off all contact with Scott and his family to protect them because I know that the research I'm working with is controversial. If it ever turned out that the U.S. Government or certain organizations began digging around in my history and find out who I've been in contact with, Scott and his family would be shielded because it would show that I have had zero contact with him since 2005. I never sent him any E-mail, communication, or made any attempt to contact him. So he can't be implicated as being an "accomplice" or in cahoots with me.
With the latter, it kind of hurts having to be away from Scott in that matter, but sometimes you just have to protect the ones you love by staying away. The hard part is letting things go where we've cut off communication. I have no idea what Scott thinks or if he ever came around to studying my research to understand what I was trying to show him back in 2004, but sometimes you just can't force information on people.
Sometimes people just have to figure it out on their own. It's that saying:
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink."
By trying to force Scott to study and understand my research, it just would drive him away even more. I understand why I have to do it this way, but it still hurts because it shouldn't have had to be this way.
I blame society for where their Education and Comprehension Level was not where it should be. I shouldn't have to argue with people trying to explain this stuff and how it works. It should already be common sense.
I shouldn't have had to lose my own best friend over this.
My strategy right now is to publish my book with all my research. That way, when the time comes, it puts Scott in a position to pick up where I left off with my research and improve upon it.
As I've said all along, Scott's smarter than me. If he could just cross over to the Psychic Field like I did, I've staked the claim that he'd be a more powerful Psychic than even me.
There's also that unknown factor. One of the reasons why I think Scott was pulled away from me is because he may serve as a better ally at a distance because of his U.S. Government Contacts.
I have a suspicion that when I go public with this information, the U.S. Government is going to start digging around in my life and figure out who I've been in contact with. That's where they'll come across Scott who has Government Clearance with his work he's done with NASA.
They'll most likely pull him aside and start questioning him about what he knows about me. By having zero contact with him, government people probing him won't be able to find any dirt on Scott through his former ties to me since he hasn't talked to me at all in years.
That's the whole reason why I keep this Blog Public and where Scott is one of the few people who has access to all the original research notes so that years from now he can piece together the trail of crumbs I left for him to follow so he can reverse engineer my research and experiments to build his own (improved?) version of what I did.
He's also privy to certain things that only he would know about me that no one else does because he has similar childhood memories since we grew up together.
I think what was really sad about today is that after I got home, my mum wanted me to use the power blower to clean the driveway of pine cones and evergreen tree branches.
I just got into my grubs made a big sigh and started blowing the driveway. While it's honest work, it's work that any person can do. It's such a shame to see a waste of Human Resources.
As haughty and arrogant as it may sound, isn't it kind of sad when the person has made these gigantic discoveries that would Religious and Scientific Communities on its ear, rather than doing seminars to teach future generations of people this stuff, is stuck cleaning a driveway.
It's like having a thoroughbred horse that is the fastest runner on the racetrack, but instead of putting him on the track to blow away the competition, you just use him as a pack mule.
That's why years or decades from now when all of this goes public and people get upset demanding that I show them how it works or where I should be doing this or that, I'm going to take my time and go at my own pace.
Because for the last 6 years when I was ready to teach and show people how to do this stuff, no one wanted to listen. So I don't see why I should hurry for them. When I was ready, they weren't. So when they're finally ready, I will teach when I feel like it.
I had to put up with all this garbage with discrimination, ridicule, apathy, and disinterest for years.
The reason why is because people aren't smart enough to understand what I said and they don't see the value or how it benefits them.
However, I guarantee you that once people find out how it does work that if left unmanaged or in other people's hands that it can literally fuck up their lives, you'll see a whole landslide complaints and bitching about how they think it's unfair and that it's all my fault and I should do something about it.
There was an episode of "Harry's Law" where they talk about the Fastfood Restaurants that are causing health problems to minorities or targeted people who eat their food.
There's the claim of "Contributory Negligence." People want to sue the Fastfood Corporations for being overweight for eating their food. However, it's those people who choose to eat rather than saying no.
The same thing applies to people who get affected by the Electromagnetic Field. They think things are just random and they are in control of their lives. However, it's not.
It's the same reason why Scott's Dad showed up "coincidentally" at the Bank of America on the one day that I go out in Port Orchard when I haven't been in town for the last 8 weeks.
That's an example of Scott's Dad being shifted into position by his Subconscious Mind to be there at the right place at the right time.
Imagine what those Subconscious Minds do when they move and shift people into locations where it creates chain events, business mergers, or multi billion dollar deals. It affects who people will marry or who people will accidentally get pregnant with changing the course of their lives.
Everyone is affected.
I've known about this since 2004. When I try to tell people, nobody listens or I'm mocked or sneered at. I've been called stupid and made the laughing stock of numerous groups.
It's the 7th year. So why shouldn't I sound a bit bitter and tired?
It's people's own ignorance and selfishness because they think they're so damn smart and know everything. They don't even sit to actually attempt to understand.
The burden of proof to push this information into the spotlight is on me. When it finally does, guess who paints a bulls-eye to become a target for every Scientist, Religious Leader, and Skeptic who hates what I just said because it goes against their foundation of believes (which they were most likely TOLD as hearsay).
Guess whose head is going to be on the Chopping Block and who people are going to want to blame for all their problems.
That's why I keep saying that if you find that the birthdates of people were "staged" and you can trace them going back further than my birthdate of 5/29 of 1975, it means that things were already set in motion.
You can't blame everything on someone who wasn't even born yet.