I can't stand being a Mage on World of WarCraft (WoW) anymore. When you log on and go to any major cities, you get spammed with requests to make a portal. Some will even just auto invite you to group like you're going to just accept and join.
When you say no, people get pissed at you like it's your obligation as a Mage to make a portal with them. The reason why I point this out is because it the selfishness of people. The way they think Mages should make portals for them is the way people are going to see my Psychic Abilities when they find out the level that I work at.
I bitch and complain about how people are so blind and can't see my abilities. However, it's that age-old saying "Be careful what you wish for." It's like the Lottery. Once you win the Lottery, people come out of the woodwork with their hand out wanting you to give them something or do stuff for them.
As my dad had said, if he ever won the Lottery, he'd keep it a secret and not tell his friends and relatives. I actually agree with him. People think that just because it's within your power to do something, that you should. Usually, their request is something they haven't earned.
Sure, on WoW, you'll get some people who will offer gold for a portal. They'll offer 15 - 20 gold. However, when you get spammed with 5 - 10 people walking around as a Mage when you're trying to do something, it's a major disruption.
That's why I feel sorry for Celebrities and attractive women like Playboy Playmates. They get spammed with so many requests or people trying to talk to them, and there's just not enough time in the day to sit down and reply to every person's request, much less read them.
We're only human. We can only do so much.
Like with me, I don't want to spend the rest of my life reading tons of mail with people's requests. I'll be here forever opening mail and reading every single letter that people send. It's just not humanly possible.
I want to have a life after this.
I know it will never be the same. I realize that it's nice being able to walk among people where nobody knows who you are. You can enjoy the little things that normal people do.
Fame always comes at a price.
What I'm bracing for is that when people realize the existence of the Psychic Field how they're going to demand that I go around "fixing" things. The irony is that a lot of the things they will want me to fix were stuff that took decades or centuries to build up that you can't easily make disappear with a wave of your hand. It takes work. It will take time.
The other problem with "helping" people with my Psychic Abilities is that even if I could do it, people will become dependent on me to take care of everything.
This is the partial explanation as to why people doubt that I have Psychic Abilities because it "looks like" I'm not able to directly control my abilities to make them appear or work on command.
It has to be that way.
It's set up where I don't have direct control. It's in the hands of my Subconscious Mind. That's because if people demand for me to do something, they'd get upset if I say no. They'd get angry if I say that I won't do it and take offense even if it looks like they probably didn't deserve it or shouldn do it on their own.
By having my Psychic Abilities out of my direct control, it protects me in the long run. It also frees me up of being blackmailed. If people knew I had Psychic Abilities that were like that Genie where I could snap my fingers and make it happen, I'd be planting a bullseye on forehead for every kidnapper or criminal that would attempt to use blackmail to get me to do their bidding.
People have to see that I have no control over this, but I do have "some influence."
Besides, if I had direct control over my abilities, I'd be a security risk. I could get manipulated into making something happen not realizing that it's for a bad cause or someone attempting to trick me into getting something done for a personal agenda that does more harm than good.
However, by putting the Psychic Abilities in the hands of my Subconscious Mind that can read the thoughts of the person making a request, my Subconscious Mind as well as the Subconscious Collective will know the motives and what the person is tryign to get out of it.
Then the Subconscious Collective can weigh whether it's a worthy cause or not to support and help with.