PREDICTION: "Law & Order: Los Angeles," Mississippi Before & After the Civil War

Dec 17, 2010 19:40

I don't watch "Law & Order: Los Angeles," but for some reason I had recorded Episode #1.8 "Playa Vista" that hard aired on 12/1/2010. It's significant to my Abilities with my Family Tree because of people born the same day. My cousin Dean and my nephew Joren are both born 12/1.

The other interesting thing about this particular episode in Los Angeles with the Initials "L.A." is that L is the 12th Letter and A is the 1st Letter giving you 12/1, which is the air date.

The other thing about that particular episode is that actress Hudson Leick makes a cameo in there. She was Callista in "Xena." She was my favorite psycho hot chick. It was a shame she was the villain. She blamed Xena (played by Lucy Lawless) for everything.

I was taken by surprise "Law & Order" is known for showing a Black Screen with 5/29 for my birthdate.

Home of
Ken Friedman
312 Homewood Road
Saturday, May 29

I'm in Los Angeles where this is taking place. I've been keeping hushed about what it is that I'm doing, but the Subconscious Collective that I said can read people's minds know what I'm up to. They know why Los Angeles is a key city at this time as of 12/17 of 2010.

The other thing that locks this down is regarding the comment that actor Terrence Howard says as District Attorney Jonah Dekker:

D.A. DEKKER: "Well, not even Superman can be in 2 places at once. So bust his alibi."

He made that reference to Superman. However, this theme is where it's an analogy associated with a crime scene. One of the things about Terrence Howard is that his last name Howard ties to my old Software Porgram.

The old Software Program back in 2004 was regarding "Howard Kami1." That was the code name given to Isabe11a Va1entine's former business associate.

Back in 2004, I was always fighting against "Howard." He was such a pain because he was "older" than me. As the story goes, Howard felt that since he was the oldest, he should be the one in charge of the original group of 5.

I refused to give him the lead.

He was one of the first people I rotated out of the group. Originally, I thought you had to work with who you were given. Howard was like Russia where he would squat on issues. At the time, his other partner "Alexandria Sky" that symbolized Adult Star Brittney Skye that was used by "Sky" born 3/15 for Maine would follow in tow.

In the group of 5, there was always a swing vote. We were using the 5 Colors from "Magic the Gathering."

Red: Isabe11a Va1entine
Blue: Alexandria Joy
Black: Howard Kami1
White: Rod (me)
Green: Erin

In fact, I'm actually embarrassed to say that it has been so long that I don't remember what Erin's code name was. The reason why it's harder for me to remember her name is because she was the "odd" person whom I never was able to find out who she was in terms of an Adult Star or Adult Model.

She's like an Unknown Soldier to me. I was never able to cross-reference the face with the photo or learn the real person's name or birthdate.

Now that I think about it, it really would be interesting to learn what that birthday was. Only the Subconscious Mind that female who took the photo knows.

Maybe it's better that way. Whomever she is, I'm willing to bet she's born on a very unique day.

On a side note, I was trying to search for Erin's old Blog, but I didn't get very far. I got distracted.

I was surprised to find that Scott's old Blog may have deleted me, but Scott didn't delete my other business associate Matthew. He's still on Scott's Blog.

- Matthew's accountw as created 12/10 of 2003 when Mississippi became a state

- It was last updated on 2/23 of 2004 when Mississippi rejoined the Union after the Civil War

So basically, Scott forgot to delete one of my business friends off of his Blog that is tagged with 2 U.S. State Dates. Not only are they 2 U.S. State Dates, but it's Mississippi where Isabe11a Va1entine is originally from if I'm not mistaken.

I should probably take a Screen Capture of that for my records.

That's really touching. I'm really moved because that's an indication of Subconscious Matthew that left that for me.

The thing about Subconscious Minds is that they can't directly help me. They can't directly intervene in events that have to unfold.

However, they can bend the rules. They may not be able to -stop- an event from occurring, but they choose the date and time when it occurs.

Assuming someone isn't paying attention to the dates and times, they can subtly slip in encrypted data.

One other thing I'd mention is that actress Megan Boone plays a charater there. That's Scott's last name. Megan Boone is born 4/29 like my other friend Roman. If it wasn't for Scott, Roman would be the next choice as my best friend.

One thing I'm also noticing is how they showed a rerun of "Mentalist" #2.16 "Code Red" in rerun last night for Thursday 12/16/2010.

The original air date was 3/11 of 2010. Terrence Howard is born 3/11.

The reason why I was paying attention to that particular episode is because the IMDB ID Tag ends in 529 for my birthday.

If I was to guess using "intersection of information," the reason why "Law & Order: Los Angeles" cites 5/29 and a quote by Terrence Howard born 3/11 for Superman is because it's supposed to align with "Mentalist" #2.16 "Code Red" that aired on 3/11 with 529 as the last digits.

I've been saying all along that I've been conductin experiments with tapping into the Electromagnetic Field to plug into the Subconscious Minds of Celebrities, Producers, Directors, Casting Directors, Script Writers, and Actors to influence what is put in a script and who gets cast.

The other group of people that I've been trying to nudge are the people who program what shows air. To be able to influence the Unconscious Mind of the Television Programmers with what shows air when with particular numbers, release dates, and birthdates of actors in said rerun programs is a really powerful ability.

It means it's the ability to "write" information.

A lot of Psychics try to be "Mind Readers." However, few people ever thought about a "Mind Writer."

The analogy I've used is regarding ROM vs. RAM.

- Mind Readers are ROM. Read Only Memory. They can only read information. They can't change it

- Mind Writers are RAM. Random Access Memory. They can change information to a limited degree.

With my Software Program that I use to plug into the Electromagnetic Field with my Human Mind as an Organic Laptop Computer with an Organic Internal Wireless Modem is to upload or transmit data with instructions to forge my Software Program and bond it to other people with an open connection.

If a person has a closed connection or if they're "wary," you'll have difficulty getting inside.

Now, some people may think it's impossible, but you have to think of how Facebook tries to create security measures to prevent outside people from hacking into an account. If a person is able to enter the account, they can start fiddling with stuff in there.

When it comes to ethics, some people may like it. Others won't. Some may find a hacked mind to be a breach of personal rights or privacy.

One could argue that, but you first have to believe that it can be done. I've been saying that if people don't believe my methods are real or can work, you can't pin any blame on me.

If people DO concede that my theories are sound and I am actually pulling off the stuff I'm doing, I could be supposedly "tried" for illegal activity, but there's no Law against tapping into someone's mind and rewriting information to "benefit" the hacker.

Until there are actual Laws against that, it's legal.

Even if anyone did try to pin blame on me, I've said that conceding that my theories are indeed sound means that I should win a Nobel Peace Prize for my discoveries.

How can you arrest or convict a scientist who has made a major breakthrough in the raelm of the Human Mind?

Besides, I created an organization that works with "policing" these things. Some people may not trust my motives, but even the U.S. Government knows that the best people who have reinforce the Government Servers are former hackers because they know the tricks of the trade for hacking.

The same thing goes for me. I know all the tricks of the trade for hacking a Human Mind using the Psychic Field. I wrote the Software Program. So I know all the back doors and loopholes.

The only last comment I'd make is that Information is Power. The person who can control the Media and Information is about as close as you get to "God."

It may sound egotistical, but on Second Life, the programmers of Linden Labs are pretty much Gods. They write the program. The only thing standing between them and what they can and can't do with Power are the rules and policies set forth or regulated by the government and whatever guidelines they set for themselves.

The Psychic Field is like the Wild Wild West.

It's this wild frontier that few people have really explored. I've explored that area and wilderness. I've spent a lot of time surveying the area. Just like any person who discovers unchartered territory, they can stake claim to the land as their property.

I've been doing something like that where I've been running around putting my stamp or ownership to what's in the Psychic Plane because no one ever does. No one knows it's there.

history, scott, morals, software, theories, law, isabella valentine, research, magic, ethics, celebrities, superman, signs, computers, numbers, predictions, science

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