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dwarf_tosser July 1 2004, 02:31:42 UTC
I believe this is for you:

Rod Rodillion.. You wanted my attention. You Have it NOW.

Who the hell do you think you are Rod? Do you realize what you are doing is called STALKING???? You are not some MAGICKAL guy from a book, and frankly it is an INSULT both to Piers Anthony who created a wonderful character and to Bink that character to compare yourself to them. You are not My ANYTHING and I am not YOUR anything. You have NO "psychic" powers and frankly you didnt give ME or ANYONE else any type of power. I have NO WISH to contact you. NONE. ZERO. ZILCH. I don't want to have ANYTHING to do with you. You are a little pathetic man with NO FUCKING LIFE, who stalks people. Why would anyone want to involve themselves with you? You crossed a line today Rod, you were banned from our company for a REASON. A REASON so big that ONE girl was in FEAR for her LIFE and had to MOVE to get away from you.


Yes absolutely YOU are the reason I have screening on all of my journal comments. The moment I thought that I was safe in letting MY friends write to me, what do you do LESS THAN 20 MINUTES after I lifted the BAN? Email ME. YES I don't answer your emails nor your attempts to contact me. I deleted everything I had ever gotten from your for a reason. I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU. I would think that my immediately slapping the ban back on and ignoring your message would have gotten the point across, but I was apparently overestimating your intelligence level. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. Don't you think if I had wanted to talk to you I would have found a way? Nobody tells me who I can and can't talk to. NOBODY.

Plain and simple, you are creepy. I wouldn't associate with you in real life, why should I subject myself to you online? Yes we had a few calls together. AND YOUR POINT IS? I do calls with ALOT of people, People who stay in the NORMAL realm, and dont go stalker and obsessive. People I enjoy talking to.

Here is your SIGN ROD. GO THE FUCK AWAY. LEAVE US ALONE, WE WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. Is that PLAIN enough for you? Are you having PROBLEMS understanding that?

How DARE you, HOW FUCKING DARE you accuse Charlie of killing someone. How DARE you make a MOCKERY of a childs death by RANTING about it and laying blame on Charlie. What Charlie and Lucy do with THEIR company is NONE of YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS. Who the FUCK do you think you are? You are NOBODY. NOTHING to Me or ANY of the Girls here. How DARE you call Charlie at home harrass him and DEMAND that we pay attention to you. FUCK YOU ROD. Charlie is one of the BEST people I know, and you slandering him is a load of crap. You are a little boy who has had your toys taken away from you. In this case, the toys were us. So you are retaliating. Grow the HELL UP and get a life. Now you seem to think, by reading a few journal entries, and placing a few calls, you are experts on our lives and who we are as people.


You don't know SHIT about me or anyone else here. We are strong women with MINDS you pathetic piece of shit. We dont NEED to be told how to live our lives. NOT ONE of the girls in this company wants to talk to you, and for the record, we were given a CHOICE in the matter. Nobody forced us to stop talking to you. We CHOSE it. What does that tell you Rod? That in itself is a pretty big SIGN dont you think?
We don't NEED to live off of someone elses energy like some bottom feeder to prove that we are important and have something to talk about. You talk about psychic vampires. Look at yourself. You have NOTHING. You FEED of the lives of girls you don't even KNOW. Even your FRIENDS think you are Creepy and have mentioned that fact to Me personally. Look at what he is doing. Be careful. These are things I have been told from YOUR FRIENDS.

I am not linked to you by ANY means. Get the psychiatric help you so desperately seem to need. Focus on YOUR OWN LIFE and GET THE HELL OUT OF MINE. I dont think I can make it any clearer than THAT. There is your SIGN Rod.


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