PREDICTION: "Chuck vs. the Broken Heart," "Heroes" #3.22 "Into Asylum"

Mar 30, 2009 21:09

Something else I forgot to point out about "Chuck vs. the Broken Heart" is regarding the 2 instances that Captain Awesome is there regarding General Beckman's Conference Calls at 2:22 pm and 11:11 pm.

Actor Ryan McPartlin, who plays Captain Awesome is born 7/3. That's when the State of Idaho was inducted.

So with the major scenes in "Chuck" and "Heroes," ALL of the characters involved (aside from Chuck) are born on State Dates.

That's a major pattern to see manifest in two separate shows and where I, as the Psychic, specifically state that I'm born on State Dates of Rhode Island and Wisconsin.

It's an example of how you can have a strong distinguishing mark that locks down a Psychic Manifestation tied to previously posted Blog Entries so that there is very little room for argument or debate by Skeptics.


The other thing I just noticed now as I was watching the recorded episode again is that when Captain Awesome asks who General Beckman is, Chuck has to quickly shut off the Conference Call triggered.

1) Actor Ryan McPartlin plays Captain Awesome (Devon)

2) Ryan McPartlin is born 7/3 or 7/03

3) The Time Stamp of the canceled Conference Call is 7:03 am

So you see 2 times for Washington State inducted 11/11 (23:11 as Military time for 11:11 pm), 2:22 for George Washington born 2/22 that Washington State was named after, and 7:03 am aligning with 7/03 for Idaho.

I grew up in Washington State and we had to take Washington State History Class. If you know the history of the Pacific Northwest, the Oregon Territory split up into Oregon, Washington, and Idaho.

Oregon is the unique one as a Twin State because it landed on Valentine's Day (2/14) like Arizona years later.

As I said, this goes back to the State Date Theme and where I'm born on 5/29 aligning with Rhode Island and Wisconsin. I've been saying all along that I'm attuned to State Dates.

So that episode of "Chuck vs. the Broken Heart" qualifies as a Psychic Manifestation.

It's one thing to see 2 time stamps that are related as State Dates. However, to see a 3rd State for Idaho as 7/03 aligning with the actor in that scene who is born on that State Date is even more unique.

What makes it great is that even if people don't know the show "Chuck," you can go to and watch the episode "Chuck vs. the Broken Heart" verifying what I"m saying because it's public record and was seen by millions of viewers that night.

This is a really good Psychic Prediction that is linking back to about 4 previous Blog Entries posted over the last 4 days.

1) I had said about a Superman Software Program

2) I said that Washington State was inducted on 11/11

3) I said that I'm born on 5/29 for the States of Rhode Island and Wisconsin

4) I said that Falcon is born 2/22

This is the initial information posted in Blog over the last 4 days before "Chuck vs. the Broken Heart" and "Heroes" #3.22 "Into Asylum" that aired tonight on 3/30/2009.

In the NBC Monday Night Line-Up, there are references to this information, which qualifies it as a Psychic Prediction:

The first part is seen in "Chuck" #2.18:

1) General Beckman terminates the Conference Call in Chuck's bedroom at 2:22 pm aligning 2/22

2) General Beckman terminates the 2nd Conference Call in Chuck's bedroom at 23:11(Military Time) translating to 11:11 pm aligning with 11/11 for Washington State

3) I had said that Falcon is born 2/22

4) I said Falcon's significant other in Massachusetts is Isobel aligning with Isabe1o from Washington inducted on 11/11

5) I said that James Wi11iamson was in that crane accident on the corner of West Street and Washington Street aligning with Washington State inducted on 11/11

The next part is in the show "Heroes" #3.22:

1) Claire, played by Hayden Panettiere, says to Nathan, played by Adrian Pasdar, that Nathan can fly and that he's supposed to be SUPERMAN

2) Hayden is born 8/21 when Hawaii was inducted as a State

3) Adrian Pasdar is born 4/30 when Louisiana was inducted as a State

4) I said in my previous Blog Entries about my Superman Software Program

5) I said I'm born on 5/29 when Rhode Island and Wisconsin were inducted as States

So if you see Claire telling Nathan that he's Superman and both actors are born on State Dates, that aligns with me born on State Dates talking about a Psychic Superman Software Program

That's how you can get a Technopath, such as me, that is able to manifest a prediction tied to what is scripted in an episode about people with Superhuman Abilities.

I had said that I'm a Technopath and an Entertainment Psychic where my abilities are tied to anything that has to do with the Media, Film, and Television.

Those State Dates anchored to the actors talking about Superman align with me as a Psychic talking about Superman Software Program in a Blog and being born on State Dates.

That episode of "Heroes" didn't come out till tonight, and I had already posted my Blog Entries days ahead of time.

The only way anyone (a normal human) could have known about that is if they're on the Production Staff.

My explanation is that the Subconscious Minds of the Script Writers who wrote the scene passed on information telepathicially via the Electromagnetic Field as a Communication Medium to my Subconscious Mind.

My Subconscious Minds knowing that this was in the Script then found a way to encrypt the information in a format that would be able to bypass the Subconscious Barrier using Number Symbols.

Then my Conscious Mind on the other end received the data and unpacked the information.


I've seen this happen about 20 or 30 times in the last 5 years. I'm used to seeing this process all the time. So it's nothing new to me.

I've known about how this process works so it's just second nature to me now.

When I pull my readings from the Entertainment and Media, I lean on my experience from being here in Los Angeles and working in the Film and Television Industry before I got my Psychic Abilities. I've worked behind the scenes.

I've seen how Pre-Production, Production, and Post-Production. For movies, it takes weeks or even months to pull all the resources together, cast the actors, and get the script ready. It doesn't just happen.

So when these Psychic Events manifest on Television or in Movie Theatres, it needs a minimum of a 3 - 4 weeks or even months.

When other Psychics tell me about their abilities and then I pull out something tied to them stemming from the media, I inform them that this was already planned out weeks or months in advance.


I was telling Falcon the same thing the other night. He was saying that he works with Psionics and can bypass my system. I had told him that I wasn't sure if he could do that effectively.

It wasn't that I didn't believe in his abilities. It's just that I know that my Psychic Abilities are planning things out 12 months in advance.

So my Psychic Abilities would have already known months ahead of time that Falcon would try to do brain scan on me. I didn't think that Falcon wields his Psychic Abilities the way I do where I plan a year ahead of time.

I suspected that they already saw Falcon coming with his brain scan a mile away and would already make preparations for the day that he tried scan me.

The reason why I can prove this is based of the Psychic Readings I pulled over the last 4 days.

1) James Wi11amson being the Father in Law of Isobel whose name aligns with my name as Isabelo born in Washington State inducted on 11/11 happend back on 2/8 of 2009. That's 50 days before Falcon did his brain scan

2) The Father in Law dying on the corner of West Street and Washington Street is a very specific location designed to align with me on the West Coast of the United States from the State of Washington

3) The name Wi11iamson starts with WI, which is the Postal Abbreviation of Wisconsin inducted on 5/29 like my birthday

Now some would argue that is pretty weak evidence and you can't tie those two together. That's where you pull in the Television Shows that air on the Monday Night after Falcon did his Psychic Brain Scan.

1) 2:22 pm shown in that episode of "Chuck" aligns with Falcon born 2/22

2) 11:11 pm in "Chuck" aligns with Falcon's significant other linked to 11/11 and Washington State aligning with Washington Street where James Wi11iamson died

3) "Heroes" talks about Superman between 2 people born on State Dates aligning with my Blog talking about a Superman Software Program where I'm born on State Dates

It's showing that my Psychic Abilities that take readings off of the Entertainment Industry and Media are working just fine.

If you know it takes about a minimum of a month for NBC as a Telvision Broadcast Provider for "Chuck" and "Heroes" to determine what day to air "Chuck" Episode #2.18 and "Heroes" #3.22 on the Monday after Falcon's Brain Scan, that's showing the power of Falcon's Subconscious Mind and Rod's Subconscious Mind timing the events so that it aligns with the NBC Programming Schedule.

That's organization.


When I tell people that I use Mathematics, Science, and Technology with my Psychic Abilities, it would look like a high-power assault rifle with a mounted scope and laser pointer on it.

It's an extremely advanced piece of Psychic Equipement. I've been practicing with it as a Psychic Marksman.

I'm not singling out Falcon in particular, but I've had Psychics tell me that their Psychic Abilities could are better than mine whether it's because they've been working in the Psychic Field longer than I have or feel that they pull off Psychic Readings that give them a firm command over the Psychic Field.

I don't like comparing who's got a better piece of equipment, but one thing I point out is that most Psychics I run across do not use Mathematics, Science, Technology, Chemistry, Biology, or any of the regular Sciences while I do.

Even though you can't see people's Psychic Abilities, I would claim that a majority of Psychics wielding their abilities would look like a simple Bow and Arrow compared to my High-Power Assault Rifle with Scope and Laser Pointer.

If a Psychic doesn't use any of the Natural Sciences, Math, or Computer Technology like a Technopath as me does, why would their abilities outperform a piece of equipment that is extremely specific with numbers and triangulating positions like a Psychic GPS-Tracking System?

Sure, there are Psychics that draw from God, Angels, and/or the Divine and "leave it up to them" in their "Infinite Wisdom" that remains a mystery to us.

They say, "God works in Mysterious Ways."

I claim that method, while it may work, isn't as effective as using Number Calculations and Computer and Software Mediums applied to the Psychic Field.

I didn't say it "does not" work. I just said that there may be a way to increase the output and effectiveness of the Psychic Equipment used by the Psychic if they used mathematics and computers to improve such Psychic Tools.


Some people would argue that's really all just Theory. However, when looking back at history with inventions that have been improved upon over the years, better tools and materials would be used to make current tools and machinery better.

If the Mind with an Electrical Field functions like a Computer that runs off Electricity, why wouldn't there be a similar improvement in Psychic Technology that would reflect the advances in Computers and Electronics?

The Egyptians were said to have used Mathematics, which is what made them powerful engineers and builders ahead of their time.

Why can't the same thing be seen in advances in the Psychic Field?

As I said, this isn't the 1950s.

I constantly remind people to go back to examining "What is the definition of a Psychic Prediction?"

How did something get branded as a Prediction centuries ago?

It used to be someone could predict the future if they said something and it came true after the person stated it. Since were no documenting methods such as Blogs, Video Cameras, Digital Cameras, or News Feeds distributed to the masses, it had to be done mostly by word of mouth.

The problem with word of mouth is that you couldn't always tell if the witness was telling the truth or lying.

In the 1950s, if someone said they would predict something and had a witness or two, you only had the word of the witnesses, which was not always reliable or truthful.

Now that it is 3/30 of 2009, Psychics can record their Psychic Predictions on a Blog such as Facebook and wait the next day to see if there's a Prediction.

If one does surface, the Blogging Service that documented the written Psychic Prediction serves as a source that is more non-biased than eyewitnesses. If there is any inaccuracy, the burden falls on the Psychic who wrote up the Psychic Blog Entry Prediction.

However, if the Psychic Prediction is on the mark, it's posted online where it is public access available to anyone in Cyberspace on the Planet with Internet Access.

If a Psychic really wants to gain some momentum in authenticating his or her Psychic Readings, there should be public documentation that is visible for all to see, supporters and critics alike.

Then they can literally WATCH to see what a Psychic says and if it comes true a day later. That's the power of the media and using Cyberspace to your advantage as a Psychic.

The majority of Psychics today do not take advantage of these resources because they don't know how or nobody ever taught them.

The new generations of Psychics would do something such as this are only between the ages of 8 - 15 years old. All the seasoned Psychics over the age of 40 aren't used to using Computers. It's still foreign to them. That's why they don't do it.

With me, I started off as a regular person and was one of the first to be submerged in Cyberspace my Freshman Year of College in 1993.

That's why this stuff comes naturally to me.


Some Psychics may say that nobody can do that. I say it's an acquired skill. It takes practice. I've just been fortunate to have gotten a head start 5 years earlier and I'm on my 11,000th Blog Entry constantly testing this theory and tracking my progress.

Howvever, like any other skill, you have to start somewhere. So when you first start practicing, you're literally going to SUCK at doing Psychic Predictions using a Blog Format.

You have to keep working at it. If a budding Psychic doesn't want to get criticism while they're practicing, they can still post Blog Entries and keep the Blogs marked as Private or Friends Only so that it isn't available to the masses.

The only drawback is that it will be harder for a Psychic to get support if they don't have their Blogs visible to everyone.

Most Blogging Services don't cater to Psychic Needs. A large portion of my Blog Entries for my Psychic Research between 2004 - 2007 were marked as Private or Friends Only. So about 5,000 Blog Entries would have to be remarked to Public Viewing on an individual basis which would take forever.
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