OMENS: Teacher Expelled from "Flat Buns"' Ad, Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys

Sep 13, 2007 16:27

Here's a funny Omen tied to a Carl's Jr. Commercial:

  1. News states that a short-skirted gyrating Teacher in a Carl's Jr. TV Ad is getting cut
  2. It's referring to "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-A-Lot with Flat Buns
  3. Jesus Christ was a Teacher
  4. Carls, Jr. = Carl = Prince Carl of Sweden born 5/13 = Sunny Leone
  5. Carpinteria = Carpinter/IA = Karen Carpenter/IA = Karen Carpenter I o' WA = Karen = Sunny Leone
  6. Hardee = Hard/EE = Erect EE = Erect Gemini Sun
  7. I'm born in the Sun Sign of Gemini
That's a naughty version of Sunny Leone as a Male fantasizing about me as a Female Jesus Christ or Female Teacher.

I have to say that I look pretty hot.

The name Hardee's is actually sexual:
  1. There was Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys
  2. Hardy Boys meaning the Hard Male(Y) Boys
  3. Nancy Drew was played by Emma Roberts
  4. Emma = EM/Ma = 5/13(EM) Mother(Ma)
  5. The Virgin Mother was seen on 5/13 of 1917 (Sunny Leone's Birthday)
  6. I said Sunny Leone is born Year of the Rooster (Cock)
  7. Nancy = Gay
  8. If Nancy Drew is a guy hanging out with the "Hard Male Boys," that's how you'd get a "Nancy" Drew
  9. D(Re)W = DW with Re inside = 4/23 with 1975 = Dead Jesus Christ with 1975 inside
  10. Nancy D(Re)W is referring to "Gay Pedophilia"
Tate Donovan was Carson Drew and is born 9/25 like Christopher Reeve.

That's keeping in time with that Gay Theme because it's Rob Colby's Birthday (9/13). I said Rob Colby's Gay.
Teacher Expelled From "Flat Buns"' Ad
LOS ANGELES (Sept. 13) - A short-skirted, gyrating teacher in a hamburger TV ad has been expelled for conduct unbecoming a corporate spokesmodel.

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The fast food chains Carl's Jr. and Hardee's have pushed the bounds of good taste before with TV ads featuring Paris Hilton, Hugh Hefner and a woman riding a mechanical bull while chomping a burger.

But their most recent ads featuring a teacher who dances on her desk and touches her backside while rappers in the classroom talk about her "flat buns" has apparently gone too far.

CKE Restaurants Inc., the chains' parent company, will edit the character from the ad after receiving loud complaints from educators.

"It is unbelievably demeaning to every one of them to promote a television advertisement showing a young teacher gyrating on top of her desk while boys in the class rap about her body in order to sell hamburgers!" Tennessee Education Association president Earl Wiman said in an Aug. 31 press release.

The ad, which features a rap song with the lyrics "I like flat buns," is for the new Patty Melt sandwich available at CKE's Carl's Jr. and Hardee's restaurants nationwide. The sandwich is served on flat-sided hamburger buns.

The Carpinteria, Calif.-based company, which has never altered previous ads despite numerous complaints, said this situation was different.

"The ad was intended to be humorous and irreverent," Brad Haley, CKE's executive vice president of marketing, said Wednesday. "Since it seemed to be missing the mark with too many people, it justified making a change."

The new ad will keep the rap song, which first debuted as a radio spot, but expel the teacher. The edited ad should be ready for distribution by Thursday, Haley said.

2007-09-13 06:43:07
Posted: 2007-09-13 11:21:20

[News Story]

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