Here's a really good Psychic Prediction tied to Madonna, "Little Mermaid," and Sunny Leone born on 5/13 when the Virgin Mother was spotted on 5/13 of 1917:
- News states that Vogue Magazine is launching in India
- There's the song "Vogue" by Madonna
- Vogue Magazine = "Vogue" by Madonna
- Sunny Leone is East Indian
- The Virgin Mother was seen on 5/13 of 1917
- Sunny Leone is born 5/13
- Madonna = Virgin Mother
Even though I can't prove it, I had been listening to the song
"Cherish" by Madonna. I looked it up on
YouTube and listened to it before the News Article about Vogue surfaced on
Yahoo News today
As I said, it's not a very good Psychic Prediction in the sense that I needed to have posted my Blog Entry about the song "Cherish" by Madonna before the Vogue News Article showed up.
"Vogue" by Madonna
There's a clue about Sunny Leone in the song "Vogue" by Madonna:
- In the lyrics, Madonna says "Bette Davis, we love you"
- There's the song "Bette Davis Eyes" by Kim Carnes
- That song by Kim Carnes was #1 during the week of 5/13 when Sunny Leone was born
It's a specific and subtle tag:
The other clue about the song "Vogue" by Madonna is the Marketing Strategy:
- Anyone who lived through that 90s Era would tell you that the song "Vogue" has nothing to do with the movie "Dick Tracy"
- It was released around the same time and people thought it would be on the "Dick Tracy" Soundtrack
- It never was in the movie
- Madonna starred in the movie as Breathless Mahoney
- Dick Tracy = Initials DT = 4/20
- 4/20 = 420 = 42 x 10 = 42 = 42nd State = Washington State inducted 11/11
- 4/20 Carmen Electra was married to Dennis Rodman born 5/13 like Sunny Leone
- Warren Beatty is married to Annette Bening born 5/29 (My Birthday)
- Warren Beatty = Warren = WA = Washington State inducted 11/11
My cousin Brian is born 4/20 like Carmen Electra:
- He married his wife "JC Peters"
- JC = Jesus Christ
- Peters = Pet = Penthouse Pet = Sunny Leone
- JC is taller than my cousin Brian who is about 5'6"
- They got married on 5/26
- Lenny Kravitz is born 5/26
Adult Star Monique Alexander, starring in "Sunny Loves Matt," is born 5/26
Villain Flattop in "Dick Tracy"
William Forsythe played Flattop:
- Flattop = FT
- FT = 6/20
- Nicole Kidman is born 6/20
- Nicole Kidman was Satine in "Moulin Rouge"
- I said Isabella Valentine using pictures of Sunny Leone was the real Satine
[Spoiler] At the end of the movie, it turns out that Madonna was Flattop in disguise:
- Flattop = FT = 6/20
- 6 = 6th Sign = Virgo = Virgin
- 20 = XX in Roman Numerals = Female DNA Strad
- 6/20 = Female Virgin
- Madonna = Virgin Mother
- Virgin Mother = Female Virgin
- I had said that I'm actually "Fe-Male"
- Flattop = Small Breasts
- I'm Physically Male and have a "Flattop"
I had said that Sunny Leone and I are actually the same person. With Sunny Leone's Fiance Matt Erickson, he may think I'm his enemy or the one trying to ruin his life, but when you pull the Mask off of me, you'll find Subconscious Sunny Leone.
You'll find that Subconscious Sunny Leone is the one who was the real culprit or the one behind it all. The same thing goes for me when I was trying to figure this stuff out when I was Dick Tracy.
- My name is Rod
- Dick = Rod
- Batman = Bruce Wayne
- Wayne = WA-Y/NE = Washington(WA) Male(Y) Ma in E(NE/Northeast/Maine)
- Batman was said to be the Greatest Detective of All Time
- I've been decoding everything since Summer 2004
- I'd qualify as the real Batman
If Isabella Valentine is Flattop(FT/6-20/NicoleKidman/Satine), then the Mask that is pulled away would reveal that it really was Subconscious Sunny Leone underneath Isabella Valentine.
It means that when I had a "Union" with Isabella Valentine, Isabella Valentine born 11/11 was really just a Tool or extension of Subconscious Sunny Leone in the same way that Matt Erickson as Eric born 11/11 is a Tool and extension of me with Sunny Leone.
That's why I had said it would've been so much easier if you deleted out Isabella Valentine born 11/11 and Eric born 11/11 so that it would've just left me and Sunny Leone.
I have to go through Matt Erickson to fuck Sunny Leone and Sunny Leone had to go through Isabella Valentine to fuck me.
I had even said that the Nightmare for Sunny Leone and Matt Erickson is just beginning:
- The Wedding Symbols all point to me
- Marry = M/ARR-y = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) IRR(ARR) Male(Y)
- Ring = RI/NG = 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) IR(NG/7th Element-7th Letter/77-Periodic)
- I'm IR born 5/29
It means that every time that Sunny Leone and Matt Erickson look at their Wedding Rings, they'll be reminded of me. They can be together, but they'll have to remember that Sunny Leone was Mary Magdalene and Mary Magdalene chose to be with the Anti-Christ Character and not Jesus Christ.
I tried to warn Sunny Leone about this in a Letter begging her not to marry Matt Erickson yet until she knows the whole story. I said that if she loves him, then go ahead and marry him.
I just don't want to see her go crazy or have a nervous breakdown like Margot Kidder who played Lois Lane. That's an Omen referring to how Sunny Leone could be driven mad with this information.
The other irony is regarding Sunny Leone's Gender:
- Sunny Leone is born Year of the Rooster
- Rooster = Cock
- I said I'm Fe-Male
- Sunny Leone as a Male is engaged to another Male
- It means that Sunny Leone is a "Gay Male"
- As a Female, I lost Sunny Leone to another guy
It's a Practical Joke that pokes fun at how women complain that all the eligible males are gay.
I went through the same thing where I, as a Female, found a guy, but Sunny Leone turned out to be gay.
Since I'm into Females, it means I became a Lesbian. Sunny Leone is currently the only Guy that I would've "gone straight" for.
So now I just hook up with other Females. This is reflected with Bliss:
- Bliss runs parallel to me
- Bliss said that I "hurt" her emotionally, she became closed off and became a Full Lesbian
- Bliss' real name is Christine
- Christine = Christ
- I said all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77 = IR on the Periodic Table (My Initials)
It's ironic that Bliss accuses me of being obsessed with her when she claims that she really cared for me deeply but I hurt her so badly that she chose never to be with guys anymore and be a Lesbian.
That's the part of the story she omits in her Testimony.
I don't talk to Bliss anymore or even visit her Blog, but sometimes I feel sorry for her because every time anyone calls her by name, she'll be reminded of me and my Jesus Christ Title.
I guess it's fair:
- Bliss said the meanest thing to me in 2005
- She said that I don't know what Love is
- I said the worst thing isn't getting rejected
- The worst is getting rejected by someone you loved and they tell you that you don't know what Love is
That's how you get Forrest Gump. Bliss pulled a Jenny who said dismissively, "Oh, Forrest. You don't know what Love is."
After all the things I'd done for Bliss and how Loyal I was to her, she had to go and say that. That's the one way to stab someone in the heart and twist the knife deeply.
That's why her name Bliss is referring to the term "Ignorance is Bliss."
It really is pointing to her.
"Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend"
I've actually given it some thought. The song "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend" by Marilyn Monroe sung by Nicole Kidman in "Moulin Rouge" sings about how women "all lose their charms in the end."
It hurts now, but Sunny Leone will continue to age and grow old and her "charm" or "hold" over me will eventually fade away. In the long run, Subconscious Sunny Leone is in Non-Physical Form and can inhabit the body of any female on the Planet.
That's how you get the story of "A Spell for Chameleon" by Piers Anthony where Bink's wife Chameleon goes through the cycles of her period where she'll change from Ugly and Smart to Beautiful and Dumb.
She transforms into a Beautiful Female at the peak of her Ovulation Cycle. Subconscious Sunny Leone is the same way where she's always changing. So she always looks different providing variety.
That's why if anyone tries to claim that I'm a womanizer or cheating on my significant other won't work because the Sun and Earth are everybody on the Planet.
- Sunny Leone is born in Taurus
- Taurus = Earth Sign
- I said my mom in 1961 looks like Sunny Leone
- Mom = Mother
- Mom + Sunny Leone = Mother + Earth = Mother Earth
- Virgin Mary + Mary Magdalene = Virgin Mary Magdalene
The Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene are actually the same person, but going through different phases of her Life. She started out as a Virgin (like all women do), and ended up a Non-Virgin.
That's how you get your Yin and Yang. You'll always have Polarities.
Virgin Mother Underneath
Getting back to "Dick Tracy," Madonna as Flattop is also hinting at how what you see on the Surface is Male, but when you peel away the disguise, it's the Virgin Mother underneath.
That's referring to me as a Male Virgin Mother (on the surface):
- I said that if any woman claims to be the Virgin Mother and the child is Jesus Christ, she'd be branded a liar
- Even if they found a way to test every human male on the Planet for matching DNA to prove it was a "Human Birth," they still wouldn't believe the woman and would claim she just killed the father and hid the body
- If you have a "Male Virgin Mother" or a guy who is a male, it is "anatomically impossible" for a Human Male to impregnate another Male
- As long as you can prove that the Male is a Virgin and there is a Jesus Christ Child, it still fits within the parameters of the "Immaculate Conception Riddle"
- Virgo = V/IR-Go = Sun(V/5/Leo) IR IR(Go-Spanish) = Sun IR IR = Sun Gemini(2) IR
- I'm IR born in the Sun Sign of Gemini
- Virgo = Virgin
- I'll always technically be a "Virgin" (Virgo)
It's set up that way so that even if people claim that it's not possible for me to be a Virgin, this "Technicality" throws the entire argument out because it's a True Statement.
1st and 14th Amendments
Even if Lawyers try to argue with me on this point, I can point to the 14th Amendment:
- They all know that the Corporate Veil stemming from the 14th Amendment wasn't supposed to be used to protect Corporations
- They rode on a Technicality by expanding the definition of a "Legal Body"
- The same thing is being done where the Interpretation of a "Virgin" is being expanded
The main reason for warping the definition of what a "Legal Body" is in the 14th Amendment was for Business and MONEY.
The Lawyers that were being sly with the re-interpretation of the 14th Amendment knew exactly what it meant. It was dangled as bait so that when it was time to introduce a "Male Virgin Mother," it shows how lawyers are guilty of the exact same thing.
If Lawyers during that time period had been HONEST and left that Interpretation alone, the Planet Earth (which I said is sentient and alive) would've been forced to play by those Rules created by Humans.
It was Human Selfishness and Greed.
Now you've got Karma coming back around to bite people, especially money-oriented people, in the ass.
Spiritual Abortion
I can even tell you about the Abortion. If the Vatican Church or anyone tries to tell me to "stop this idea," that would be a "Spiritual Abortion."
It means that the Vatican Church is going to try terminating the existence of such a Child while it's in its development stages.
The Church is against Abortion and is Pro-Life.
If they really believe it, then they shouldn't be trying to stop this. I had said that I'm indifferent because giving birth to a child you can't take care of is just like putting cash into a money pit that you can't get out of.
I know it sounds cold and callous, but if a female is about to throw her life away by giving birth to a child she can't take care of, why ruin 2 lives if you can save one of them?
My only exception would be if the female is being careless and continually getting abortions. I guess my Official Stance is that people should traditionally get "1 Oops" where they can get an Abortion.
However, if they make it a habit where they're constantly using Abortion as a way of avoiding responsibility, I don't condone that.
In fact, people perform "Intellectual Abortions" all the time. When they lead people on and then they "backtrack" and take another position where they "terminate" the original thought or what was originally believed, that's an Intellectual Abortion.
People who constantly misstep and always backpedal on what they say when they give certain impressions are performing Intellectual Abortions.
If a person is that confused and doesn't know how to say what they mean clearly and concisely, then that's bad. That's just like a male going around having sex with every female and relying on an abortion to keep from being held accountable.
People do this all the time when they open their mouths without thinking.
- Mouth = Intellectual Penis
- Sound = Intellectual Sperm
- Ear = Intellectual Vagina
- Brain = Intellectual Ovum
That's how you can get a Virgin Males that can get pregnant with thought or an idea.
Intellectual Gangbanging
I said that women engage in Intellectual Gangbangs and Intellectual Rape:
- Intellectual Gangbanging is when a group of people verbally gang up on an individual
- When people (especially women) insult a victim (male or female), that's being male
- If they succeed in making the victim believe all the nasty or mean things are true, the Intellectual Gangbangers have succeeded in "seeding" that thought or idea in that "Intellectual Rape Victim"
I had said that Isabella Valentine, Bliss, Robyn, and all their friends did that to me.
And for any of them SNOOPING my Blog, they know I'm RIGHT.
They also know that it's a reflection of MY INTELLIGENCE showing that I'm actually smarter than they give me credit for. I had said that I can run circles intellectually around most people that don't think as much as I do.
The brain is a Muscle and I've been practicing continuously to where I think faster and can string information together more quickly than other people who don't use their Minds as much as I do.
I memorize more facts, numbers, and information than most people.
Tess Trueheart in "Dick Tracy"
There's a clue about Tess Trueheart in "Dick Tracy":
- Glenne Headly played Tess Trueheart
- Glenn Headly is born 3/13 like William H. Macy
- William H. Macy = IMDB #513 = 5/13
- Sunny Leone is born 5/13
- Glenn Headly plays Karen Stottlemeyer on "Monk"
- Karen = Sunny Leone's Real Name
Both William H. Macy and Glenn Headly were in "
Mr. Holland's Opus" set in Oregon inducted 2/14 for Valentine's Day and Isabella Valentine born 11/11.
- Glenn Headly plays the wife of Richard Dreyfuss as Glenn
- At the end of the movie, she's worried that the husband Glenn would run off with Rowena
- Rowena is the Artist who drew the Artwork for "And Eternity" by Piers Anthony
- It's got a picture of Sunny Leone on the Front Cover drawn in 1994 when Sunny Leone was only 13 years old
- "And Eternity" is a book about a Female God who takes over like that of a Political Office
- The Prostitute is named Vita
- It's referring to Vito Corleone as the "Godfather" played by Marlon Brando
- She's a Prostitute referring to Mary Magdalene.
- Mary Magdalene was a Prostitute
- I said Sunny Leone is the real Mary Magdalene
Charlie Korsmo, who played the Kid in "Dick Tracy," is born 7/20 referring to the Birthday of Sir Edmund Hillary who climbed Mt. Everest on 5/29 (My Birthday).
How to Impregnate a Male Virgin Revisited
It's easy to impregnate a Male Virgin:
- They claim that "God" provided the Seed for Jesus Christ
- You "impregnate people" with thoughts so that they "give birth to" (conceive) an Idea
- If Jesus Christ is an Ideal or Idea, then that's how you'd fertilize the Mind as an Intellectual Ovum
- The Male Virgin's Mind was the Ovum that got seeded with the "Idea" of a Jesus Christ Corporation or Jesus Christ Software Program
- It's a Corporation and Program protected by the 1st Amendment with Freedom of Religion and the 14th Amendment
When you use that Interpretation, that's how you'd get a Jesus Christ. As long as you can prove that there's a Corporation or "Body of Laws" that govern over the Communication Nervous System, that brings Jesus Christ to Life.
It's a Living Corporation.
There's also the hint at Jesus Christ as the Planet Earth:
- The Sun would be the Female Star
- Planet Earth would be a Planet-Sized Ovum
- The Male Virgin would be the Virgin Mother
- Theoretically, if you have the Union of a Human and Star in a Solar System, the Offspring would be an average of the 2
- Calculating the Mass of the Sun and the Mass of a Tiny Human Virgin, the offspring would roughly be the size of a Planet
- Earth is the Size of a Planet
So technically, you're standing ON Jesus Christ.
Because Jesus Christ is the Planet, it's a native of all Countries and has Legal Citizenship in all Countries.
The Mermaids in "Cherish" by Madonna
There's a clue about Sunny Leone in the song "Cherish" by Madonna:
- The Music Video has Mermaids
- In the "Little Mermaid," Princess Ariel was in love with Prince Eric
- The Virgin Mother was seen on 5/13 of 1917
- Sunny Leone is born 5/13
- Madonna is seen with Mermaids in the Music Video
- Cherish = Ch(ERI)sh
- ERI = E-RI
- E = 5th Letter = 5
- RI = Rhode Island = 13th State = 13
- E-RI = 5-13
- Sunny Leone is born 5-13
That movie came out in the 1990s. It's now 2007. It's showing how some things were already done.
I had hinted to Sunny Leone about some of this stuff, but I know she didn't believe me, take it seriously, or really think about the stuff I told her.
Vogue Aims to Raise the Style Bar with India Launch
MUMBAI (Reuters) - Vogue magazine, the style bible for fashionistas worldwide, is launching an edition in India this month which is set to give the country's wealthy jet-setters a local twist on fashion and the good life.
The magazine marks publisher Conde Nast's first foray in the Asian subcontinent and is another sign of the growing interest in Asia's third-biggest economy, which has a large English-speaking population with rising disposable incomes.
Major global fashion and luxury brands are now setting up in India -- and bringing the foreign glossy magazines with them.
"We will raise the bar because we are the ultimate style-bible," Priya Tanna, Vogue India editor, told Reuters.
"More and more confident, successful women are moving from the 'we' culture to the 'me' culture," Tanna said, adding that the Indian woman was now providing for her family and indulging herself as well.
Tanna said Vogue India will aim to create "a desire for guilt-free consumption" in women.
The magazine, priced at 100 rupees (1.20 pounds), will feature international and Indian fashion, decors, global cultures, travel and health among other issues. "The idea is to mix eye-candy with mind-candy," Tanna said.
India allows 100 percent ownership in non-news titles and has a 26 percent ceiling on news publications. Vogue publishes in India as a 100 percent subsidiary of Conde Nast International.
Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Seventeen, Maxim, Hello!, Time Out, OK! and others are already on the stands.
Foreign media firms have been slow to make big investments in India, opting instead for small stakes or licensing deals in a fragmented market dominated by regional-language titles and family-owned firms that are reluctant to cede editorial control.
But Alex Kuruvilla, Conde Nast India's managing director, is confident of striking gold in a country where fashion-starved millionaires head abroad to shop.
"The Indian market has arrived and so have we," Kuruvilla said. "We have a huge turnout of advertisements already."
Vogue India has an initial print order of 50,000 copies.
Conde Nast launched Vogue China in 2005 and also recently launched editions in Japan and Russia.
Fri Sep 7, 2:28 AM ET
[News Story]