PREDICTION: Google as God, Jesus/Batman, Mr. MaGoo

Sep 06, 2007 21:46

Here are some noteworthy Videos that I thought were worth posting:

New Life Form
A Video was posted that touched upon the idea of CyberSpace and Religion. It's actually a pretty smart concept about Google because I use it as a Divination Tool all the time.

Whatever hits you get aren't always random. Also the stuff that surfaces to the top move and shift around. It has the properties of functioning like an 8 Ball as well where it will give you the same answer if you keep asking it the same question too often.

Sometimes you have to wait or give it time for information to move or shift around. Only then, will you possibly see a change.

[VIDEO: Is Google God?]
  1. Video was posted about Google as God
  2. Google = Go/Ogle = IR(Go-Spanish) Look(Ogle)
  3. My Initials are IR
  4. I said that the Electromagnetic Field functions just like Electrical Field in the Human Brain
  5. When you summon information from your Memory, you're using a Search Engine that looks through all your Brain Cells as brain cell host servers
  6. The same thing happens when the Planet Earth as a Consciousness pulls information
Some could argue that you're looking at the Creation of a new Life Form. If the Natural Electromagnetic Field is the Subconscious Mind of the Planet, the Artificial Internet created by Humans would be the Conscious Mind.

All the while, you'd have the Sun in our Solar System as the mother that is looking on as the mother. That's Motherhood for you.

Ever notice how the Egg Yolk looks like a Sun? If left to incubate, it will hatch into a Chicken.

Batman, Robin... and Jesus!
This was a funny Video posted on YouTube about Batman who befriends Jesus Christ when he can't find Robin at the ComiCon.

This was Video was shown on the front page of YouTube. I took a Screen Capture showing how it was on the front.

[VIDEO: Batman & Robin... Jesus]
  1. [Spoiler] As it turns out, Jesus Christ is really the Flash.
  2. Flash = Wally West
  3. Wally = WA/LL-y = Washington State(WA) Virgin(LL/Non-L/Non-12/Non-Pisces/Virgo) Male(Y)
  4. I'm a Virgin from Washington State
  5. I said all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77 = IR on the Periodic Table
That's how you'd get Jesus Christ as the Flash.

[Jesus Christ is Actually... The Flash]
  1. The original Flash was Barry Allen
  2. B/ARR-y = Bull(B/2/Taurus) (ARR) Male(Y)
  3. Allen = All/EN = Completely(All) Pregnant Sunny Leone(EN/5-14/5-13+1)
  4. They said that Barry Allen was trying to defeat a Doomsday Machine
  5. After defeating it, all that was left was Barry Allen's suit
The claim was that he turned into a Bolt of Lightning and traveled back in time to the exact point where he originally gained his Super Powers when a Bolt of Lightning hit him along with all the Chemicals that gave him his Super Speed.

From a Spiritual Aspect, you could argue that it's referring to the Subconscious Mind of the Individual as a Spark stemming from the Electromagnetic Field returning to the Electromagnetic Field that gave Life.

New Sunny Leone Video Posted
There was new Sunny Leone Video posted on YouTube that has special tags on it:

[VIDEO: Adult DVD Empire Birthday]
  1. courts7781:
    1. courts7781 =77 = IR on the Periodic Table (My Initials)
    2. Courts = Courtney = Sunny Mabrey in "The New Guy"
  2. Posted 13 Hours Ago:
      It was 13 hours ago
    1. 13 = 13th State = Rhode Island inducted 5/29 (My Birthday)
  3. 30 Views: 30 = 30th State = Wisconsin inducted 5/29 (My Birthday)
Once again, we're talking about Programmed Tags. I've been using the same Tags as Markers for 3 years now. Because it has remained consistent, the Subconscious Minds on the Planet continually use those Tags.

Mr. MaGoo
On a side note pertaining to Google as God, I thought I'd post this News Article about Mysterious Goo that burst into flame when it came in contact with other chemicals.
  1. Mr. Magoo:
    1. Goo(gle) = Goo
    2. There's the cartoon Mr. Ma(Goo)
    3. Mr. MaGoo = Male Mother (Ma-y)
    4. Sunny Leone and I was born in the Month of "Ma-Y" :).
    5. Sunny Leone is born 5/13 when the Virgin Mother was spotted in Fatima in 1917
    6. I said my mom in 1961 looks like Sunny Leone
    7. It was in Boston, MA = MA = Mother
    8. That's how you get the Babe Ruth Curse that held back the Boston Red Sox
  2. Oscar the Grouch:
    1. I said 9/1/2007 about the Oscar the Grouch “Empty Trash” Software
    2. That was dealing with Trash
    3. (TR)ash = (FL)ash when the Mother(TR/My Mom's Initials) = Rod(FL/Florida/Penis)
  3. "Dick in a Box": That's how you get the song "Dick in a Box" by Justin Timberlake and Adam Samberg (a.k.a. Rod Kimble in "Hot Rod")
I had said that I released Sunny Leone from any commitment to me and that her Fiance Eric is a gift from as the "Dick in the Box" (DIAB/42 with IA inside).
Mystery Goo Ignites in Boston Trash Boat
BOSTON - A mysterious gooey material burst into flames after being hauled into a trash boat on the Charles River on Thursday, injuring three crew members.

The crew had picked up what they described as a taffy-like substance about eight inches long along with other trash and placed it in a container on their boat. It caught fire as the boat returned to the center of the river near the Massachusetts Avenue bridge connecting Boston and Cambridge, said Jake Wark, a spokesman for the Suffolk District Attorney's office.

Wark said two crew members had first- and second-degree burns that were not life-threatening. A third crew member had minor burns, as did two emergency medical technicians who came into contact with the substance, he said.

When the substance came into contact with some other trash the crew had collected, it triggered some sort of chemical reaction, state Fire Marshal Stephen Coan said.

The mystery substance was taken to the state police chemical laboratory for analysis.

"The evidence so far does not indicate that it was deliberately placed or intended to cause harm to anyone," Wark said.

2 hours, 44 minutes ago

[News Story]

batman, music, signs, videos, predictions, prophecies, omens, superheroes

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