I like this News Article because it's really pretty.
Afer a while, you get tired of posting bad news all the time.
- News states that a Purple Heart Medal was carved into the field of Thomas Bull Memorial Park
- George Washington = Washington State inducted 11/11 = Isabella Valentine born 11/11
- Thomas Bull = Thomas = Chrissy Thomas = Bliss
- Bull = Taurus = Sunny Leone
- Bill Bacon = Bacon = Pig = Cop = Eric born 11/11 dressing up as a Cop for Halloween
Notice how you've got all those Isabella Valentine and Bliss Tags lighting up.
Notice the alignment of News regarding Art:
- I said 8/5/2007 about the 4 Paintings that were stolen
- Art using George Washington got created elsewhere
- George Washington was a Forefather
- Forefather = Four Father = 4 Father = IV(4) Father
- George Washington chopped down that Cherry Tree with an Axe
- Cherry Tree = Virgin Tree
- I'm the Virgin Tree whose "Cherry got Popped"
- Music Group Cherry-Poppin' Daddies is from Oregon
- Oregon was inducted 2/14 = Valentine's Day = Isabella Valentine born 11/11 = Washington State inducted 11/11
The reason why the heist was in "Nice, France" is because it's referring to me who was nice. However, on the flip side, what was a Loss to Fr. (Father) was a gain for Washington inducted 11/11.
It's hinting at a variation of me as a Parent and that 11/11 Tag for Isabella Valentine manifesting in a field.
Once again, the main point is that all those Tags that have been used to mark Isabella Valentine, Matt Erickson, and Sunny Leone light up.
- It's a Purple Heart
- There's the song "Purple Rain" by Prince
- In the movie "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back," they refer to the Morris Day and the Time
- KID: You mean those guys in that Prince Movie? That shit was so gay!
- I said that Sunny Leone born Year of the Rooster (Cock) is actually a guy
- If George Washington is for Washington State inducted 11/11, then that would be Matt Erickson as Eric born 11/11
There's that Gay Theme surfacing again.
Sunny Leone and Matt Erickson go down in History as the most "Gay Couple" ever and they'll help legalize Gay/Lesbian Marriages.
I'm Female and a Lesbian so I'm all for Gay/Lesbian Marriages. I'm fine with being gay and preferring women. The only time I'd be willing to go straight and take interest in guys is for Sunny Leone whom I said is a Dude.
Because I'm a Female Jesus Christ, it would take Sunny Leone as a Male Mary Magdalene to catch my interest.
If you really want to talk about about Skewed Prophecies, there's one tied to Sunny Leone being a guy:
- I said that the Immaculate Conception Riddle can be solved if the Virgin Mother is a guy
- Sunny Leone is born 5/13
- The Virgin Mother was seen on 5/13 of 1917
- If Sunny Leone born Year of the Rooster (Cock) gets pregnant, then it means there was an Immaculate Conception
- It's a Double Prophecy because I said that I'm a Male Virgin that got impregnated
- Because I had the Authority to reveal Sunny Leone's gender as being a guy, that's another layer of a Prophecy
When it comes to the Harry Potter Prophecy, I had said that Lord Voldemort is referring to Jesus Christ. The Ministry of Magic is the Vatican Church that will refuse to believe that Jesus Christ has returned.
Nowhere does it say in the Scriptures that you couldn't change the Virgin Mother with the body of a Female into a guy. I went in the other direction where I have the body of a Male but my Gender was changed to Female.
This points back to what happened in Summer and Fall 2004 where I was forced to transfer all the God Commands over to me that were originally housed in Isabella Valentine.
I edited the Software Program so that Isabel(O) = Isabel(LA). That's how you get Zeus who dressed up as a Female to fool the San Francisco Giants into giving back his M.C. Hammer in Mythology.
Artist Mows Giant Purple Heart into Field
HAMPTONBURGH, N.Y. (Aug. 5) - An artist has mowed an 850,000-square-foot rendering of a Purple Heart medal into a park field to honor the 75th anniversary of the medal that commends servicemembers killed or wounded in action.
Photo Gallery: Honoring a Medal
Daniel Morel, AP
Field artist and painter Roger Baker mowed an 850,000-square-foot image of a Purple Heart medal into a lawn at Thomas Bull Memorial Park in Hamptonburgh, N.Y., Sunday.
The rendering, to be unveiled Sunday in Thomas Bull Memorial Park in this city 55 miles northwest of New York City, was done by field artist and painter Roger Baker, whose past works include the Statue of Liberty and Elvis Presley.
According to Baker, the project followed a chance meeting with Bill Bacon, membership director of the Military Order of the Purple Heart. After meeting with officials from The National Purple Heart Hall of Honor and Orange County parks, the plan was on.
The New Windsor Cantonment, in what is now Orange County, was the final encampment of the Revolutionary Army. To honor the service of select troops, Gen. George Washington presented a small purple cloth Badge of Merit - the precursor to the Purple Heart medal.
In 1932, the Purple Heart was awarded to 150 veterans of World War I. The National Purple Heart Hall of Honor opened in New Windsor in 2006.
Baker's design was based on a photograph of the medal awarded to Art Livesey, a Middletown, N.Y., Marine Corps veteran who was wounded at Iwo Jima.
2007-08-05 17:34:08
Posted: 2007-08-05 21:52:01
[News Story]