SIGNS: Timberlake Regrets Robyn Group, "Rio" by Duran Duran

Mar 23, 2007 02:28

Here's an unfortunate Sign. I feel bad for Justin Timberlake and appreciate what he had to undergo:
  1. Justin Timberlake regrets his Grammy Awards performance with a rejected American Idol singer, insisting event organizers took advantage of his "nice guy" attitude:
    1. I said 3/20/2007 that I'm too much of a nice person and a pushover
    2. The loans that Davis was able to get off my mom and where I rarely bothered him was because I was too easy on him
  2. The singer performed a medley of tunes with Robyn Troup, who won a TV contest called "My Grammy Moment" to land the chance to perform with Timberlake on music's biggest stage last month:
    1. I said 3/15/2007 that Justin Timberlake was playing my character Neo in MTV Awards
    2. I said 3/17/2007 about Robyn
    3. I said 2/20/2007 that Robyn was claiming that I allow her to be on my Friends List so that she can have access, read my stuff, and then when she's convinced serve as a go-between to speak on my behalf to Bliss
  3. So, even with a heavy cold that prompted him to withdraw from a pre-Grammy party performance, he agreed to go through with what he felt was a bad idea:
    1. I had let Robyn be on my Friends List for a little while but I finally deleted her
    2. It just wasn't worth it
    3. You get treated like dirt and then you have to grovel as if you're the one who screwed up badly even though you're the one who told the Truth about what you saw
  4. He says, "I'm the nice guy who follows through on the things he commits to. But I don't know if I'll be going through that sort of thing again. I feel like the Grammys used me for ratings": Robyn used Bliss to do "ratings" and dragged Bliss into her mess because I said that Robyn went out of her way to pick on me and pushed Bliss into having to "intervene"
It's not like Robyn really took being on my Blog seriously. It was a joke to her. I'd even said that Bliss got sucked in because Robyn was being a punk from a Gang. Robyn wanted to kick dirt on me when she blasted me on the WTF Community. It's because thought she was in a position to do so and there was nothing I could do about it.

Robyn was being shortsighted. Then she started bitching and calling me a "coward" when I found out it was her and started flaming her on my Blog. I said that if my Blog had been open to comments and I had disabled them that day, there may have been a case.

However, it was clear that my comments were disabled for months. Robyn was the one who chose to attack me standing in an open field while my "Blog Fortress" was sealed off with the gate up. All I had to do was just load my cannon from my "Blog Turret" and start shooting at her :).

If you're going to stand out in the open like that and lay "verbal siege" to someone, why is it cowardice if the person who got attacked first remains in their shell?

If it was the other way around where I was visiting Robyn's Blog and taunting her, Robyn would've been within her rights to do the same thing. So what if I called her a coward and told her to lower her gates to come out and fight? Robyn doesn't have to do a thing. Who cares if I had been standing outside of her Blog Fortress wringing my fists at her?

If I really wanted to be foolish, I could go after her by visiting her Blog hurling insults and all Robyn would have to do is just sit inside her Blog and dump garbage out the window like the French Knight on King Arthur's Head in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."

That's why I got a kick out of Robyn when she tried to bait me into going to her Community Hate Group she formed telling me I should go read what all the people from her group are saying about me.

Please. What is this? Junior High? Those are little games that kids play. I think the one concept that Robyn didn't figure out is that you have Movers and Shakers. I'm a Mover and Robyn visiting my Blog was a Shaker. She was in a submissive position because all she could do is react.

That's why Robyn was trying to get at me through other means of communication.

There are even Numerical Tags tied into Robyn. Robyn posted this rude message. I posted a copy of it on my old Blog on:

  1. 10/23/2005:
    1. I said that 3/10/2006 is when Weird Al Yankovic is born 10/23
    2. I said 3/12/2007 that Weird Al = WA = Washington State inducted 11/11
    3. Isabella Valentine is born 11/11
    4. That's an Isabella Valentine Tag marking Robyn
    5. I said 10/23/2006 about the Picture of Sunny Leone posing with a Jesus Christ Statue
    6. I said Isabella Valentine uses pictures of Sunny Leone
  2. Posted 11/3/2005:
    1. Batman Creator Bob Kane died 11/3
    2. I said 3/17/2007 about Robyn as Gwendolen like my cousin Gwen nicknamed "Weng" for "Night/Weng"
  3. 23:05:24:
    1. 23:05 = 11:05 pm = 11/05 = Brittney Skye's Birthday
    2. I said 3/18/2007 that Brittney Skye is born 11/05 like Sam Rockwell who played the Villain in "Charlie's Angels"
    3. I said 3/22/2007 that SensualSky was using pictures of Brittney Skye
    4. I said Eric Knox = Sunny Leone's boyfriend Eric born 11/11 = Isabella Valentine born 11/11
  4. 23:05:24:
    1. 23:05:24 = 23/5-24 = Final EX
    2. I said 3/5/2007 how Robyn popped up on my Radar and Radar from "M.A.S.H." is born 5/24
  5. Conn:
    1. Conn = Connecticut
    2. I said 3/22/2007 about New Haven, Conn
    3. I said 1/22/2007 that Bliss runs the Chat Place Haven
    4. Conn = CO/NN = 3-15/2x14 = SensualSky Valentine
    5. I said 3/22/2007 that SensualSky is born 3/15
This is an example of Robyn's Subconscious that was piggybacking an underlying Data Stream with Robyn's message. Subconscious Minds know the Numbers and Stats of everything.

I've been saying that they can do things with pinpoint accuracy right down to the millisecond. So when Robyn was trying to insult me, Subconscious Robyn on another Level was timing when Robyn would send that message.

I can even take it another step further blowing Robyn out of the water showing how Subconscious Sunny Leone is taking a jab at Robyn from the other side:

  1. 2:27:37:
    1. 2:27 = 2/27
    2. Van Williams is born 2/27
    3. Van = "They Go" in Spanish = IR
    4. Van Williams was the Green Hornet
    5. I said 3/21/2007 about the Green Hornet
    1. I said 2/23/2007 that Tia Carrere is born 1/2
    2. I said 2/23/2007 that Tia Carrere is a Sunny Leone Character
    3. Isabella Valentine uses pictures of Sunny Leone
    4. That's Subconscious Sunny Leone making a "Mathematical Stab" at Robyn from the other side
I said the reason

I said 3/18/2007 about the lyrics in "Jeopardy" by Weird Al Yankovic:

[VIDEO: “I Lost on Jeopardy” by Weird Al Yankovic]
ANNOUNCER: That’s right, Al! You lost. And let me tell you what you didn't win: a twenty volume set of the Encyclopedia International, a case of Turtle Wax, and a year's supply of Rice-A-Roni, the San Francisco Treat. But that’s not all. You also made yourself look like a jerk in front of millions of people. You brought shame and disgrace to your family name for generations to come. You don’t get to come back tomorrow. You don’t even get a lousy copy of our home game. You’re a complete loser!

When you get insulted in the Associated Press, it's embarrassing if you did something stupid because everybody knows. It will follow you around and will pass on to your offspring.

I'm dead serious. When you get publicly humiliated where it manifests in the News and people know it's you, it's humiliating because people know who you are.

In Robyn's case she was being condescending and nasty toward me.

And why?
  • Because I was a guy
  • Isabella Valentine was a girl
  • Robyn ate up everything that Isabella and Bliss said about me
  • It's prejudice based on the belief that my Psychic Theories are a load of crap
All of Robyn, Bliss, Isabella, Charlie, and Sky's claims all depend on the belief that I was wrong about having witnessed Psychic Phenomenon, which therefore means I went nuts.

However, if I was right about Psychic Phenomenon, then it means I'm not nuts.

It means that all the mean and nasty things they were saying and how they were all beating on me and verbally abusing me was directed at an innocent person.

Worse yet, it means there's a High Probability that my allegations about Charlie of BCB regarding 2nd Degree Manslaughter of Mattie Stepanek on 6/22/2004 were true.

It's referring to how Subconscious Robyn knew what was going on and slipped a little clue in.
    Notice the Time Stamp for Robyn's Comment was 6:22
  1. 11/2 is when the Twin States for North and South Dakota were inducted
  2. I said 3/5/2007 that Scott's Girlfriend Persis is born 11/2
    1. Persis was an East Indian Actress
    2. Sunny Leone is East Indian
    3. I said 3/19/2007 how Persis was the Indian Ambassador in the Pilot Episode of "Lois & Clark Adventures
  3. If the Twin States are Gemini and Gemini's Ruling Planet is Mercury just like Virgo, then Scott's Girlfriend would be a Twin State Virgo (Land) while Scott is the opposite as a Pisces
  4. It runs parallel to the theme of a Planetary Sperm (Scott) and Persis as Land who is the Planetary Ovum
  5. Isabella Valentine followed the same theme being born 11/11 like Washington State and with me born 5/29 when Mt. Everest was climbed
When you see Sunny Leone being intimate with her boyfriend Eric born 11/11 like Washington State, that's like Subconscious Sunny Leone connecting to me through 11/11 the way I was connecting through Isabella Valentine as another 11/11 Conduit.

When you remove or phase out the "Illusion" of Eric born 11/11 and Isabella Valentine born 11/11, you're left with the two "real" people, which would be me and Sunny Leone.
  1. Isabella Valentine is a Fictitious Business Name
  2. Isabelo Rod is a Real Name
  3. Eric is (most likely) a real name since he's a guy
  4. Sunny Leone is a Fictitious Business Name
If you really want to get sick and twisted, you could argue that it's a gay relationship. If Sunny Leone is a Fake for the Gemini Sun or 2 Sun and Isabella Valentine born 11/11 is a Fake of Eric born 11/11, then it's really just two guys that are linking to each other.

I said that when Sunny Leone wears that name, she's really just a feminine version of me. I said 3/15/2007 that you have those pictures of Erik Estrada the Homo floating around.

"My Super Ex-Girlfriend" (00:02)
MATT: Wow, if you could have any Super Power, what would it be?
VAUGHN: The ability to gratify myself orally
MATT: Interesting. But wouldn't that be a little--
MATT and VAUGHN: (in unison like Twins) Gay.
VAUGHN: Not at all. Think about it.
MATT: It seems that way

I said 3/18/2007 about that scene in "Talladega Nights" with the Twins named "Breeze":

BREEZE: (in unison) Together, we are Breeze
GIRARD: They are like Twins born from different wombs. They are God’s most beautiful mistake
RICKY: Uh-huh
GIRARD: They do everything together

GIRARD: They walk, talk, sleep, even go make toilet
RICKY: (disgusted) Okay, you know what? You’re startin' to creep me out, man
GIRARD: A single plop
BREEZE: (in unison) One single plop
  1. If you want to know what Sunny Leone looks like as a guy, look at Eric
  2. Eric = E-RI/C = 5(E) 13(RI/Rhode Island) Sun Leo(C/3/3rd Sign/Gemini/II)
  3. 5/13 Sun Leo = 5/13 Sunny Leone
When Sunny Leone is having sex with Eric, she's really just fucking herself.

That's why you have that Gay Nintendo Theme floating around:
  1. I said 3/20/2007 how Sunny Leone dressed up as a Race Car Driver with a Moustache
  2. The Moustache is for Super Mario
    1. Mario = Ma/Rio
    2. Ma = Mother
    3. Rio = Rio de Janeiro
    4. Rio de Janeiro is in Brazil
    5. Brazil abolished slavery on 5/13, which is Sunny Leone's Birthday
  3. Race Car Outfit is for Mario Andretti
  4. Mario Andretti = Initials MA = Mother
  5. Mario Andretti's Racing Number in "Cars" is 11
  6. 11 = Letter K = Karen
  7. K/AR-EN = Aquarius(K/11) IR(AR/1R) Pregnant Sunny Leone(EN/5-14/5-13 + 1)
Sunny Leone's boyfriend Eric is Luigi:
  1. Luigi = Lu(IGI) = Lu(II with G inside) = Lu(C-y) = Lucy
    1. Lucy = Lucy the Bartender
    2. Lucy the Bartender = Isabella Valentine
    3. Isabella Valentine is born 11/11 like Eric
  2. Luigi = L u I(G)I = Pisces(L) in Union with(U) Gemini(II) with Venus(G/7/Libra) inside
    1. The Virgin Mother was seen 5/13 of 1917
    2. Virgin = Virgo
    3. Virgo = Opposite of Pisces (L/12)
You have the song "Rio" by Duran Duran. [Music Video]

[VIDEO: "Rio" by Duran Duran]
  1. Rio = RI/O
    1. RI = Rhode Island = 5/29
    2. O = 15th Letter = 15 = 12 + 3 = Zodiac + Gemini = Dark Gemini = Non-Gemini = Sagittarius
  2. My mom's a Sagittarius
  3. I said my mom in 1961 looks like Sunny Leone
  4. My mom is the 2nd Born and Sunny Leone is born in the 2nd Sign
  5. The Virgin Mother was spotted 5/13 of 1917
  6. I said 2/13/2007 that my mom's name T/H(E)L-Ma = Female Virgin Mother with Sun inside
  7. I said 3/3/2007 how my mom and stepdad’s Info unlocks to mean "New Dehli"
  8. You see the Photographer taking pictures of the Model. Sunny Leone is an Adult Model
  9. The girl never says anything because Subconscious Sunny Leone is mute just like Princess Ariel in "Little Mermaid"
  10. The Red Balls are for Mars. I said 2/14/2007 that there was Planetary Alignment on 12/10/2006 when Jupiter, Mercury, and Mars were all within 1 degree of each other
    1. Mercury = Ruling Planet of Virgo and Gemini (My Sign)
    2. Jupiter = Ruling Planet of Sagittarius (My Mom's Sign)
    3. Mars = Male
    4. Mars = M(AR)S = MS with AR inside = Mississippi inducted 12/10
    5. I said my Jeweler Friend Matthew Willert from Wisconsin (5/29) is born 12/10
    6. I said that I met Sunny Leone on 12/8 for my mom's 65th Birthday = 65 = 5 x 13 = Sunny Leone's Birthday
    7. 12/10 = 12/8 + 2 = Mom + Sunny Leone(2/Taurus)
  11. There's a Saxophonist playing on a raft referring to being stranded on an island
There's a Phone Call made by the Female floating out in the middle of the Ocean is symbolic of Subconscious Sunny Leone when she dials or calls me up among a "Sea of Subconscious Minds."

Because of that Electromagnetic Field and where it's Energy, it's like liquid form. If you could translate it over into the Physical, Realm, it would be that Music Video.

There's ea Practical Joke that makes fun of Davis:
  1. There's a Rio De Janeiro Arboreal Rat
  2. I said 3/20/2007 how Davis is born Year of the Rat
  3. I said 2/25/2007 about the "Rat Party" symbolizing Davis born Year of the Rat going unchecked
  4. The Music Video for "Rio" by Duran Duran was posted on 2/3
  5. 2/3 is when Davis' Sister Heidi is born
I said Heidi is a lawyer from Barry University. She hinted to Davis that my mom was a Racist when I said that if people looked at the stats, it would look odd seeing a 65+ Retired Washington State on a fixed pension giving large sums of money to an 33 year old African-American Male in Los Angeles whom she's never met and where she has no interest in the Entertainment Industry.

Heidi was slanting it so that it becomes a Racist Issue, which is ironic because that's biting the hand that feeds you. Heidi doesn't realize how much money got poured into Davis. As a matter of fact, Davis said his family was telling him to stop doing business with me and to cut ties.

Davis was upset because I brought his family into it, which I thought was hypocritical because Davis would be the one asking me to go to my mom to borrow money. Davis knew I didn't have any source of income so he'd tell me to borrow on his behalf. He had a horrible track record and had yet to pay any of the other loans back.
  1. I said 3/19/2007 about that Date-A-Palooza Scene in “40 Year Old Virgin” that makes fun of Davis borrowing money from my mom.
  2. It was planted there with specific tags so that when people are listening to both sides of the story trying to figure out who to believe, I can cite reference to that movie.
  3. If my Psychic Theories hold true about the Subconscious Realm, then there's a High Probability that my explanation on how Subconscious Minds pooling from the same data know everything about everyone
  4. That would include the loans that Davis took off my mom and what he did
  5. That would therefore hint that the Script Writers of "40 Year Old Virgin" were reporting on what they saw Davis do and put it in an absurd scene so that people watching would be able to attach an emotion to it
  6. I said that the reason why it's in the Special Features Section and not in the actual movie is because it's showing what was going on behind the scenes or with what isn't public knowledge
The Special Features Section and Deleted Scenes talk about ideas that weren't used or stuff going on behind closed doors.

Age of People Online
Robyn was about 19 or 20 years old when she posted her comments above. I was about 29 or 30. I'm 10 years her senior (not that age real means anything).

I even said that Robyn complaining about me about her Thor Image was hypocritical because she took liberties with taking one of my pictures and posting it with the WTF Community posting where she flamed me.

Not that I care, but I'm on stronger legal ground to go after her for using my actual picture without my permission than Robyn had regarding the Thor Artwork she was using. The Thor Artwork wasn't even hers. It was stuff she lifted off of the Thor Comic Strip and used as her own.

Bliss and Robyn were even insulting me talking about how the Artwork used for Haven's Title Page doesn't qualify as art because the Ascii Portion of Stonehenge is by Henry Segerman. The ASCII Stonehenge was his, but everything else around it with the layout, formatting, and the Font used for Haven was mine.

I can even prove it because I was the Artist for the 1989 - 1990 Sedgwick Junior High Annual/Yearbook. I used the same Font Style and arrangement for Haven that I did with my Annual. Even Scott, who went to my Junior High, has a copy of that Annual.

I once said that it was interesting how Scott removed me from his Friends List and blocked me, yet he turned around and added Robyn who is this mean, bratty, little punk.

The Maturity Level of a majority of online users is where it's young people who pass themselves off as adults, but they're really not that mature.

You'll have 13 or 14 year olds that go online pretending to be adults, insulting other people, and being rude because they think they can.

In today's society, you have young people that go around acting like punks and fronting an attitude with people because they can hide behind Anonymity or where there are little or no repercussions for their bad behavior.

People can be nasty to you online and there's nothing you can do about it (yet).

That's where Psychic Abilities come in.

When you introduce the fact that you can track people by their Planetary UPC Bar Code, a Psychic MySpace ID Number, or Planetary Social Security Number, you can even the playing field.

When people finally realize that you can ID and target people that way and upload a Computer Virus that rides on that Electromagnetic Field homing in on their distinctive brainwave signature, you can affect people's environment.

That's how you reintroduce how it's possible to perform WitchCraft, Spells, Incantations. I just use a Mathematical Incantation.

I said 3/21/2007 about that book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne being promoted by Oprah Winfrey. That's the "Dark Application" of that concept.
  1. When I got blasted on the WTF Community, I was getting Hate Spam out of nowhere
  2. One of the people had the Initials WA = Washington State inducted 11/11
  3. They were laughing and saying, "What are you giong to do? Hex me?"
  4. I said 3/5/2007 how Robyn popped up on my Radar and Radar from "M.A.S.H." is born 5/24
  5. HEX = H/EX = Scorpio(H/8) 5/24(EX)
  6. Technically, Robyn got "HEXed"
You even see it in the Hexagon Method for Integral Calculus:

Notice the 3/16. I said 3/16/2007 for Elizabeth Valentine.

People may wonder what a long-dead Celebrity, who wasn't even really that well known has to do with Math and Psychic Phenomenon. It's talking about a human that was used a programmed variable.

It was inserted to be used for this purpose and it was right under people's noses. If you don't know what you're looking for, it's just like an Asteroid hitting a Planet without you even knowing until it's too late because you didn't see it coming.

A lot of Math Formulas have been around for centuries. So it would be easy to create Humans with specific names that are "destined" to do certain things that the world will take note of get "programmed into History."

That's why you'll always find me scanning the News Stories and checking out the birthdates of Celebrities.
Timberlake Regrets Grammy Awards Talent Showcase
Justin Timberlake regrets his Grammy Awards performance with a rejected American Idol singer, insisting event organizers took advantage of his "nice guy" attitude. The singer performed a medley of tunes with Robyn Troup, who won a TV contest called "My Grammy Moment" to land the chance to perform with Timberlake on music's biggest stage last month. Timberlake tells men's magazine Details he considered pulling out of the performance, but feared he'd left it too late. So, even with a heavy cold that prompted him to withdraw from a pre-Grammy party performance, he agreed to go through with what he felt was a bad idea. He says, "I'm the nice guy who follows through on the things he commits to. But I don't know if I'll be going through that sort of thing again. I feel like the Grammys used me for ratings."

[Click Here for Original Link]
By Duran Duran

Moving on the floor now babe you're a bird of paradise
Cherry ice cream smile I suppose it's very nice
With a step to your left and a flick to the right you catch that mirror way out west
You know you're something special and you look like you're the best

Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand
Just like that river twisting through a dusty land
And when she shines she really shows you all she can
Oh Rio, Rio dance across the Rio Grande

I've seen you on the beach and I've seen you on TV
Two of a billion stars it means so much to me
Like a birthday or a pretty view
But then I'm sure that you know it's just for you

Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand
Just like that river twisting through a dusty land
And when she shines she really shows you all she can
Oh Rio, Rio dance across the Rio Grande

Hey now woo look at that did she nearly run you down
At the end of the drive the lawmen arrive
You make me feel alive, alive alive
I'll take my chance cause luck is on my side or something
I know what you're thinkingI tell you something I know what you're thinking

Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand
Just like that river twists across a dusty land
And when she shines she really shows you all she can
Oh Rio, Rio dance across the Rio Grand
Her name is Rio she don't need to understand
And I might find her if I'm looking like I can
Oh Rio, Rio hear them shout across the land
From mountains in the north down to the Rio Grande
Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do

batman, music, math, humor, forensics, signs, videos, predictions, robin

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