PREDICTION: 4-Legged Duck in Britain, "Howard the Duck," Bugs Bunny vs. Daffy Duck

Feb 18, 2007 09:25

Hey! Here's a cute Psychic Prediction. What do you think about that 4-Legged Duck found in England? :)

It reminds me of Donald Duck who was always trying to hog the spotlight from Bugs Bunny:
  1. Webbed feet run in Stumpy's family, but he's the first to have four of them:
    1. 4 = IV in Roman Numerals = Isabella Valentine
    2. Leg = Hip = Sagittarius
    3. I said my mom is born in Sagittarius
  2. Nicky Janaway, a duck farmer in New Forest, Hampshire, 95 miles southwest of London, unveiled the duckling to reporters on Saturday:
    1. Nicky Janaway = Initials NJ = New Jersey
    2. I said Isabella Valentine's former co-Partner Charlie was in New Jersey
    3. Nicky = Little Nicky
    4. Little Nicky was the offspring of Harvey Keitel and Reese Witherspoon
  3. Stumpy would probably not survive in the wild, but Janaway, who runs the Warrawee Duck Farm in New Forest says he is doing well:
    1. Warrawee = WA = Washington State inducted 11/11
    2. I said Isabella Valentine is born 11/11
  4. "Howard the Duck":
    1. You had the movie "Howard the Duck" starring Lea Thompson
    2. I said 10/31/2006 that Sunny Leone's boyfriend Eric is Howard the Duck
  5. Holly Robinson Peete:
    1. Holly Robinson Peete was KC in "Howard the Duck"
    2. She's born 9/18 = I/R = IR = My Initials
    3. She gave birth to Twin Boys: Rodney Jackson and Ryan Elizabeth
    4. Rodney = Rod
    5. Elizabeth = "Isabel" in Spanish
  6. Husband Rodney Peete:
    1. Holly Robinson Peete's husband Rodney Peete is born 3/16
    2. I said 2/18/2007 that Elizabeth Valentine is born 3/16
    3. I said 2/18/2007 that Erik Estrada is born 3/16
    4. Rodney Peete (Rod) is tied with Scott Mitchell (Scott) for 99th on NFL All-Time Passing Attempts List (2,346)
  7. 10/19:
    1. Rodney Jackson and Ryan Elizabeth were born 10/19
    2. John Lithgow is born 10/19
    3. I said 2/18/2007 that John Lithgow was in "Twilight Zone the Movie" as John Valentine
      (Doesn't that count as a Twilight Zone Coincidence?)
  8. Roman Peete:
    1. Holly Robinson Peete (born 9/18 for IR) gave birth to Roman
    2. I said 2/10/2007 about my Best Friend Roman
    3. I said 2/10/2007 that Roman married Karen
    4. Karen = Sunny Leone's real Name
    5. Both Karen and Roman Linsao are born in Taurus
    6. Sunny Leone's a Taurus
  9. William Shatner: William Shatner makes fun of the movie "Howard the Duck" in his Tribute to George Lucas
The reason why "Howard the Duck" was a dumb movie is because it was drawing comparisons to the Isabella Valentine's co-Partner as Howard K. Kamil and Sunny Leone's boyfriend Eric as Howard the Duck.

Davis as a Duck
There's even reference to Davis as a Duck:
  1. I said my former business was Davis
  2. Duck = D/UC-K
  3. D = 4th Letter = 4 = Isabella Valentine
  4. Davis is born Aquarius
  5. K = 11
  6. UC-K = UC-11 = UC-Aquarius = UC-Davis
  7. D/UC-K = Isabella Valentine/UC-Davis
That's how you get Looney Toons.

In Looney Toons, you'd always see Daffy Duck trying to hog the spotlight away from Bugs Bunny.

BUGS BUNNY: It's Duck Season
DAFFY DUCK: It's Rabbit Season!
BB: It's Duck Season
DD: It's Rabbit Season!!
BB: It's Duck Season
DD: It's Rabbit Season!!!
Bugs Bunny pauses looking at the Audience
BB: It's Rabbit Season
DD: It's Duck Season!!!
BB: It's Rabbit Season
DD: It's Duck Season!!!!!!
Bugs Bunny shrugs looking at the Audience
BB: Okay. It's Duck Season
Elmer Fudd takes his shotgun and blows Daffy Duck's head off

That's what happens when people try to act selfishly. They always fall into the Daffy Duck role when going up against me as Bugs Bunny.
  1. Bugs Bunny:
    1. I'm born Year of the Rabbit
    2. Rabbit = Bugs Bunny
  2. Daffy Duck:
    1. Duck = Daffy Duck
    2. D/UC-K = Isabella Valentine/UC-Davis
    3. I said Isabella Valentine born 11/11 runs parallel to Sunny Leone's boyfriend Eric born 11/11
  3. Elmer Fudd: People of Earth trying to figure out whom they should go after
When other people try to take credit for things, they end up getting burned or looking really silly.

I said that Davis is sneaky always finding a way to draw things out in court with appeals and how to avoid getting in trouble:
  1. Davis = Daffy Duck
  2. Daffy Duck = Duck Dodgers
  3. Davis is the Duck who dodges trouble
Those are very specific tags attached to him. That's how you know it's him.
Four-Legged Duck Born in Britain

A rare mutation left "Stumpy" the duck with two legs behind the usual two.

(Feb. 17) - Webbed feet run in Stumpy's family, but he's the first to have four of them.

A rare mutation has left the eight-day-old duckling with two nearly full-sized legs behind the two he runs on. Nicky Janaway, a duck farmer in New Forest, Hampshire, 95 miles southwest of London, unveiled the duckling to reporters on Saturday.

"It was absolutely bizarre. I was thinking 'he's got too many legs' and I kept counting 'one, two, three, four,"' Janaway said.

Stumpy would probably not survive in the wild, but Janaway, who runs the Warrawee Duck Farm in New Forest says he is doing well.

"He's eating and surviving so far and he is running about with those extra legs acting like stabilizers," Janaway said.

The mutation is rare, but cases have been recorded across the world. One duckling named Jake was born in Queensland, Australia, in 2002 with four legs but died soon after.

2007-02-18 09:17:50
Updated:2007-02-18 09:20:00

[Click Here for Original Link]

cartoons, humor, scott, isabella valentine, davis, birds, karma

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