LESSONS: "Da Vinci Code" Spam

Jan 27, 2007 17:13

My Da Vinci Code stuff got categorized as Spam. Interestingly enough, no one was really posting anything on that Group. There wasn't much of anything. When I did post something, it created two posts. It stimulated activity.

That's ironic considering what's posted for the Description of the Group:

This groups serves as a forum For all those who wish to discuss the works of Dan Brown as well as the upcoming D Vinci Code movie. These works include The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Deception Point, and Digital Fortress.

"Blinding ignorance does mislead us.
O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes!"
- Leonardo Da Vinci

MODERATORS NOTE: This group is open to everyones opinion, whether everyone else want to hear it or not. No one should be made to feel disrespected, or that they cannot speak freely. If I see this happening people will start being banned. Consider this the warnin
I actually love cases like this because when people strike me down the way they do, it gives me the Justification when it comes to defending myself against the Future Onslaught of Criticism and Complaints that will be directed at me.

I tried posting my thoughts and research, but I got banned from posting anymore topics and deleted.

If people want to do that, it's their Right to do so.

However, in exchange for those people who turn their back or shun me, I don't have to put up with crap from them anymore. Why should I? If people don't want to listen to what I said and it turns out that everything I said is correct, why should I have to be responsible for any complaining, bitching, and anger directed at me from the very people who wanted me out of their lives.

It's just like Bills in the mail. If you want to ignore the Bills you get in the mail, that's your right. You can just dump them in the Trash. Nobody's stopping you. However, if action is taken where your phone is canceled, possessions are repossessed, or you lose the mortgage on your house, you really have no reason to complain about your status.

This is an important point I want to make when people try to get angry with me demanding why they weren't alerted or no one told them about what was going on. You have 7 Billion People on the Planet and you charge one individual with the responsibility of getting that Message out there where he gets the door slammed in his face each time.

That's how you get the Prophecy regarding the Virgin Mary who went door to door asking for a place to stay and everyone shut the door. It was only a kind farmer that let them stay in a Barn:
  1. The people shutting the door on the Virgin Mary refers to all the people who closed their Minds off like houses when I, as a disguised Male Virgin Mary, sought refuge
  2. The Barn is a Ba/RN or Spiritual(Ba-Egyptian) Registered Nurse(RN)
  3. Sunny Leone wanted to be a Nurse and is the "Ba/RN" where the Jesus Christ Software Program was born
  4. Bethlehem = Beth-L(E)H/EM = Elizabeth(Beth) 12/8(LH) with Sun(E/5/Leo) inside, Sunny Leone(EM/5-13)
People wonder why all the people turned away a Pregnant Woman and left her out in the cold, but it was referring to the Symbolism and where certain individuals as Icons represent Male and Female Characters depicted in the Scriptures.

I told all the Subconscious Minds on the Planet to spare the Moderator and the people from that Group who rejected what I said. The condition is that they're spared and no harm comes to them.

However, in exchange, I get to use this information as Reinforcement in the Future as protection when people try to chew my ass out about things I've done. Any actions I've taken with the usage and application of the Jesus Christ Software Program should not be as critical when you look at the Harsh Social Climate.

When people turn their backs on you and abandon you, what Loyalty do you have to them? Why should you be giving them Leniency? When the shoe was on the other foot and you asked for mercy, sympathy, and understanding, there was none.

The whole point of disguising me this way was to catch people in the act of behaving badly. If Power was just bestowed upon me and I began issuing changes and creating Policies, people would complain or be upset. Even if it was a Legitimate Authority granting such power, people would have a bad attitude about it.

So in order to balance that out, it was set up where People are given the "First Move" where they are tested and set up in scenarios where they can show their True Colors. Would they be merciful and understanding, or would they behave otherwise.

In most cases, the people I ran into behaved badly. It was just as expected with their initial reactions so that everyone else can bear witness to how they act and see for themselves how they behave.

I can count on one hand the number of people who were nice to me after this whole ordeal and open-minded enough when it came to this whole ordeal. That's what makes it all so sad and the whole point of why I was made to be a Pure Virgin with all these Titles that point to my Identity.

This also hints as to why I'm Anti-Social and don't care to be around people. Why be around people who don't even want you around? The only time when people will be camping outside my front door and wanting to see me is because they want something.

It's only when people find out that someone has power that they show up at your doorstep begging for alms. However, you have to ask, "Where were these people when you were down in the dumps wallowing in the mud and needed help?"

Before anyone comes to me begging for help, they should ask if they would've been counted among the people who would've turned their back on me as of 1/27/2007. Before a person walks up to me asking for help, they should ask themselves if they really would've helped me.

They know they can't lie to themselves either because their Subconscious Minds around the Planet know exactly what you were thinking or the type of person you were on 1/27/2007. That's how you get Selfishness.

When people want something and think you can give it to them, they'll ask for help. When they don't think you have anything or are of little value or use to them, they don't want to deal with you.

psychology, discrimination, da vinci code, lessons, signs

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