PREDICTION: Twin Sisters Give Birth on Same Day

Jan 27, 2007 02:14

Here's a cool Psychic Prediction about Twin Sisters who gave birth on the same day on 1/27/2007. I was talking to Jasmina about it:
  1. Twin Sisters Give Birth on Same Day:
    1. Jasmina and I are both born in Gemini
    2. Gemini = Twins
  2. Naomi Sale:
    1. I worked in the Sales Field
    2. Jasmina is one of the Buyers
  3. Twin Birth:
    1. I had this "idea" together to work together on this music thingie'
    2. Ideas manifest themselves as real people
  4. Nicole Cramer:
    1. Nicole Cramer = Kramer = Michael Richards = MR = Mark of the Beast = Anti-Christ
    2. I said all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77 = IR on the Periodic Table
  5. Auburn, Indiana:
    1. Auburn is a city in WA State
    2. Indiana = India/NA = Sunny Leone who's East Indian
  6. 1/26 = AZ = Arizona inducted Valentine's Day = Love
The doctor states, "This solidifies the theory on the bond between twins," Weghorst said. "Even their uteri have a bond."

This is a really important passage:
  1. Weghorst = W(EGH)orst
  2. W(EGH)orst = Worst with EGH
  3. Worst = Superlative of Bad
  4. EGH = EG/H = 57/H = LA(57-Periodic) Final(H/Scorpio)
It's referring to the inaccurate assessment of a Physician

It's partially true but it's referring to how the Subconscious Minds of those Twin Mothers defer to me like the rest of the Subconscious Minds on the Planet

This is a really important point to make because it's about being able to communicate through the Subconscious Collective to anyone on the Planet and the Subconscious Collective overriding the Conscious Minds.

Unconscious Love
That's why you'll hear me complain about Sunny Leone's boyfriend Eric. I keep saying that if you pay close attention to the things that Subconscious Sunny Leone does in pictures, she'll have Conscious Sunny Leone wear certain types of clothing, position her body a certain way, or give hints as to how she likes me more than she likes Conscious Sunny Leone's boyfriend Eric.

Now, if you make this all about me, it sounds conceited.

However, for people who take a look at the long-term effects of incorporating this 6th Sense when it comes to Love, it indicates something deeper.
  1. I said that Subconscious Minds around the Planet are all connected by the Eletromagnetic Field the same way the Electrical Field in the Human Mind interconnects individual brain cells
  2. Individual Brain Cells in a Human (creating Human Consciousness) all pool from the same Pool of Information in the Subconscious Collective on a Human Level
  3. Individual Planet-Sized Brain Cells (creating a Planetary Consciousness) all pool from the same Pool of Information in the Subconscious Collective on a Planetary Scale
It means they know everything about each other and have all the information at their disposal.

For example:
  1. A Conscious Woman is in love with Two Men
  2. Guy #1 is Honest and Sincere but doesn't communicate himself well
  3. Guy #2 is deceitful, using mind manipulation, stacking the deck, and doing all kinds of things to sabotage the chances of the suitor
  4. Guy #1 is thoughtful and caring towards others
  5. Guy #2 pretends to be thoughtful and caring towards others when the woman is present or watching but, in reality, doesn't really treat people nicely
  6. The Conscious Mind of the Woman doesn't know this and may be indecisive
  7. The Subconscious Mind of the Woman knows exactly what kind of person Guy #2 is even though he hids it well from the Conscious Mind of the Woman
Anyone watching, who knows the whole story, would tell the woman to ditch Guy #2 and go with Guy #1. Based off of those actions, Guy #1 would treat her better.

It means that if the Subconscious Mind of a woman was trying to decide between two men, it would know.

When Word Gets Out
There is one drawback to this System or Method. It only works when no one knows about this secret. When word gets out, people will ultimately find a way to mask or hide their intentions more effectively or send out False Information.

Publicists trying to cover up for the problems of Celebrities try to do Spin Doctoring or Damage Control to downplay actions of Celebrities. The well-crafted and diplomatic "Public Statements" are examples of where words may not always match actions.

In my case, I watch how people behave. A lot of people dismiss things I say or do because they don't know who I am. It's just like Employees who aren't aware the Boss is watching them and behave badly. If they knew the Boss was present, they'd project a Fake or Superficial Mask to show to a Boss.

That's why the best time to test people or catch them in the act of behaving badly is when they don't know they're being observed.

There is a way to bypass this, which is how you get Pisces following after Aquarius when people figure out how to make "L-E/Ad" or their own "Pisces Sun Ads." When people learn how to write their own information, they can play God.

They mask things because they program whatever variables they want vs. how it is now. The last 2,000 years were preprogrammed. However, the Geological Dates and Stamps still serve as a reminder of the Traditional Layout.

It's a smart system so if people ever think they're deviating off course, they can look back on History as the Model. On top of that, it takes Centuries for really good Variables to come in. Because the Process is slow, it gives Philosophers time to think about things and look at words from different angles to ensure no one tries to "pull a fast one."

Can people cheat still? Probably, but the passage of time as a slow process allows for better reviews.

Rodent Problem
That's why you've got a Rodent Problem:
  1. Rodent = Rod/Ent = Rod Entertainment
  2. My stepdad born in Pisces once caught a sneaky mouse in the Garage
  3. That mouse always figured out how to outsmart the trap and get at the Sunflower seeds
  4. Once my stepdad caught the mouse, he refused to kill it
  5. He just put the mouse in a little container, drove out a block or so away and released it into the wilderness
  6. I'm Mice = M/Ice = 5/29 Superman
My dad said that when he freed the Mouse, the Mouse looked up at him for a bit, and then scampered away. My dad symbolizes the Age of Pisces. On another level, it's also referring to Scorpio using the "M" Symbol.

AESOP'S FABLE: Lion and the Mouse
This is also how you get the story about the Lion that was going to eat a mouse for dinner. The Mouse begged for its life and promised to repay the Lion if the Lion set it free. The Lion was amused and decided to let the Mouse go.

The Lion was walking in the Jungle and got caught in a Net made by Humans. The Mouse that the Lion had freed showed up and said, "I told you I'd pay you back." The Mouse then began chewing through the Ropes on the Net allowing the Lion to escape.

The Lion is Sunny Leone or the Sun in our Solar System, and I'd be the tiny mouse :). That's how you get me as the 3 Blind Mice (Gemini Blind M/Ice). See how they run (like a Software Program). Children's Stories are Prophetic.

Pied Piper Prophecy
You also have the tale of the Pied Piper:
  1. I'm the Rowdy Roddy Piper
  2. I got rid of the Mouse Problem
  3. The German Town refers to the People that didn't want to pay me for my Services
  4. The Piper taking all the children away is referring to the K/Ids or Aquarius Selfish
I don't remember the full story of the Pied Piper or what happened at the end, but it's referring to what's been going on here. People can complain about how I have way too much power. However, it was set up where I "evolved" as a result of people who were Selfish and protected their own interests.

When you do Research following my Finances, you see all these incidents where money flowed away from me and where I was left broke while other people were able to escape unscathed or without punishment. In some cases, I took the blame and had my name, credit cards, and Social Security Number tarnished while the real culprits didn't get blamed for anything.

That's why all the people who did things to me all got "infected" with Special Tags and Markers that light up showing that they've been under Psychic Influence and where Subconscious Minds have been stacking the deck.

It's so that when I cite Psychic Phenomenon and that Software Program, all the Names, Birthdates, and Special Tags light up following that same Software Program reinforcing my statements about what I said and their actions.
Twin Sisters Give Birth on Same Day
AUBURN, Ind. (Jan. 26) - Nicole Cramer had little idea when she went to the hospital to see her twin sister's newborn son that within hours, she would give birth to a son of her own.

"Bond Between Twins"

Lindsay Winslow Brown, Auburn Evening Star / AP
Identical twins, Nicole Cramer, left, and Naomi Sale, right, hold their baby boys on Wednesday.

Her sister, Naomi Sale, had scheduled a Caesarean section on Tuesday morning and gave birth to Ethan Alexander at 8:29 a.m. Cramer, also nine months pregnant, visited Sale and her new nephew in the hospital but was having contractions and didn't stay long.

"I thought, after I did the C-section, on my way home, 'I wonder if her sister would go into labor?"' said Dr. Thaddeus Weghorst, the obstetrician for both women.

Within hours, Cramer was in the delivery room of DeKalb Memorial Hospital.

After 90 minutes of labor, Cramer delivered Carter Nathaniel Birchfield.

"This solidifies the theory on the bond between twins," Weghorst said. "Even their uteri have a bond."

Cramer and Sale turn 23 on Monday. They were due to give birth within a day of each other at the end of the month, but Weghorst's office didn't figure out they were twins until they were eight months along.

The sisters explained, in unison, that they usually had their appointments on the same day, but at different times.

Weghorst, who has been in practice for eight years, said the close deliveries were a first for him.

"I've delivered two sets of twins in the same day, but never this," he said.

2007-01-26 22:06:37
Updated:2007-01-26 22:06:37

[Click Here for Original Link]

subconscious, gemini, birth, prophecies, signs

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