Here's an interesting article that surfaced. It's significant because it's talking about how people do good things, but usually it's when people are watching them.
The reason why it's noteworthy is because Jasmina had told me she'd come across my Blog. She asked if it was okay, and I told her that's why it's public. Oddly enough, it did make me feel a bit uncomfortable though it's not her fault.
The reason why it made me uncomfortable is because it's nice just writing in your Blog and thinking no one is reading or not knowing that people are watching. It's sort of like singing in the shower and thinking you're alone not realizing there are people watching.
The irony of it is that people are under the same conditions with the Subconscious Realm. They don't realize that there are 7 Billion Subconscious Minds watching them:
- Your mom's Subconscious is watching you
- Your dad's Subconscious is watching you
- Your boss' Subconscious is watching you
- Everyone's Subconscious is watching you
If it hasn't dawned on you what the significance of this means, let me elaborate:
- It means that when you're having sex, the Subconscious Minds of your mom and dad are watching you
- When you're taking a crap in the toilet, the Subconscious Mind of your boss is watching you
- If you're picking your nose, the Subconscious Mind of your significant other is watching you
- When you shoplift from a store, the Subconscious Minds of the clerks know
People don't believe in God or a Consciousness of God anymore because they don't think it's scientifically possible. So they behave badly and no longer believe in the saying "God is watching you."
This is where we come back to the "Adam and Eve" Prophecy:
- Snake symbolizes Satan
- Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge
- When Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge, they suddenly realized they were "naked" and covered themselves up
- When God found out, he banished them from the Garden of Eden
- My Blog is symbolic of the Tree of Knowledge telling you this
- People who stumble across my Blog take on an Eve Character
- People who are Eve and encourage their friends to read my Blog re-enact Eve encouraging Adam to eat from the Tree of Knowledge
- I'd be symbolic of the Snake = 1977 = 77 = IR on the Periodic Table = My Initials
- God = Go/D = IR(Go-Spanish) Mother(D/4/Cancer/Eternal Mother)
- Ignorance is Bliss
- I take on the aspect of "Go/D" banishing you from Eden (Ignorance)
When it finally dawns on you that you're being monitored, that's being kicked out of Eden.
The reason why this is significant for me about Jasmina reading my Blog is that it changes things a bit. I'd type all kinds of things on my Blog including sexual stuff. It really shouldn't matter, but now that you know someone's watching, you kind of feel a bit self-conscious.
It's not Jasmina's fault though. The time was going to come when other people are going to start reading my Blog and I have to get used to it.
I simply mean that it was kind of nice when no one was reading my Blog because I just write whatever I wanted. Ever notice how undiscovered people tend to be more genuine or pure, but as soon as they gain a following and start going mainstream, they become a bit commercialized.
You can't always tell if they're doing things because they're now acting in front of an audience or because they know there are people watching them.
The other reason I enjoyed "staying under the Radar" all this time is because I wanted to get as much of a head start posting Blogs that are "intimate" and just about myself giving me distance between me and the pack of hounds that are going to try ripping apart everything I say.
By posting so many Entries before anyone discovers this Blog, it's like fortifying or reinforcing the Foundation of this Fortress that preps me for the onslaught of naysayers, critics, and opponents that are going to try tearing down what I've built.
Some people won't like my "Jesus Christ Software Program." They won't care if it's a technicality and that it's a Software Program. To them, they'll just be offended thinking I'm perverting a Holy or Religious Icon to suit my own selfish purposes.
- They don't care about Math
- They don't care about my Family Tree
- They don't care about how all the Data fits
To them it's offensive and there's nothing you can ever do to persuade them otherwise. Their mind has already been made up.
This is what I've been prepping for.
This is how you get the "Noah's Ark" Prophecy where God said to prepare for the Flood. The Flood is referring to the Flood of Information. It's going to rain down all kinds of things and people are going to try to sink my Blog as Noah's Ark.
All the Entries that overlap and criss-cross are the Support Beams and the Structure. My Family Tree and Information is the Skeletal Foundation of the Hull that I've been reinforcing with Information and Data to prove that all of it fits together.
It's so that when people "attack" me, my reinforced Hull will be able to weather through most of the damage they try to inflict upon me.
This is Spiritually Strategic Warfare.
You have to be a Spiritual Tactician and do lots of planning, calculating, and setting a lot of traps. All the Booby Traps or the "Psychic Mine Field" refer to people's Birthdates, Names, Initials, and Family Trees that have very specific Numbers that are designed to "detonate" when certain people try to come at me with objections.
That's why the Number One Defense against most people coming at me is when they were born and their names.
It won't get everybody, but it will mow down most of the Opposing Forces that go up against me so that I only have to do "Spiritual Hand to Hand Combat" againsta select few people.
That's why I have a whole arsenal of Historical Dates, Music Lyrics, Movie Quotes, the Alphabet, and the Number System to use as Weapons in Intellectual Hand to Hand Combat.
That's how you get me as Superman taking on all these people :). That's why I look like Superman. It was made to look so blatantly obvious, but how people just miss it :).
'Tis the Season to Give Money
As Long as People are Watching
by Zachary Slobig
SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) - Christmas might be the season of goodwill and a time to help the needy, but a new study has found that people are conspicuously more generous in giving when observed by others.
"You see this a lot around the holidays within families and social networks," Robb Willer, author of the study and Professor of Sociology at University of California, Berkeley told AFP.
"Of course we do not want to demystify the season of gift-giving because we all like to pretend the act is absolutely sincere and not self-interested."
"Competitive altruism" is the phrase used by Willer and his partner Pat Barclay of Cornell University for this strategic one-upmanship of beneficence.
The juxtaposition of these terms may seem riddled with contradiction, but Willer disagreed.
"Altruism is defined in evolutionary biology as a behavior that is costly to one individual and beneficial to another," said Willer. "It's not hung up on motivations."
The study, "Partner Choice Creates Competitive Altruism in Humans," was published this week in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences.
The findings signal significant implications for our understanding of human cooperation in everyday life, said Willer.
"People value money and resources, but they also value having a good reputation and are willing to invest in maintaining one," said Willer.
"We had this feeling that people do this all the time, but no one had ever set up the conditions where you could say 'ahah' this is competitive altruism."
Willer and Barclay conducted their laboratory experiments with 31 women and 23 men paired off with "lab dollars" which they could donate to their partners.
The researchers found that subjects would donate more when the amount would be disclosed to possible future partners, a way to signal generosity.
The incentive to compete in giving comes when choice enters into the equation, said Willard. When subjects were allowed to choose their partners, they were more likely to give above and beyond what they would give to simply signal generosity, entering into the realm of "competitive altruism."
But how do human subjects exchanging phony cash in a cubicle have bearing on the way we relate in everyday life?
"People give more to gain access to a third party," said Willer. "People will be more generous if they know they're being watched. It could be to find a mate. It could be to make friends."
Conspicuous generosity is a feature of competition for social partners, argues the study. Both males and females value generosity, said Willer.
"People want to spotlight their most positive attributes," he said. "In a large party at a restaurant, the person who picks up the check gets the glory."
This research also may shed light on large-scale corporate giving. "The golden age of philanthropy is now," recently announced Peter Singer, an influential US philosopher.
Bill Gates, chief executive of software giant Microsoft and the world's wealthiest man, gave 30 billion dollars this year towards fighting disease in the developing world. Warren Buffet, the second richest man, made history this year with the largest charitable donation to date -- 31 billion dollars to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
But the beginnings of corporate philanthropy appeared right around the time of the rise of the robber barons, said Willer.
"I'm not suggesting that Gates and Buffett aren't sincere," he said. "But Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, and Carnegie were responding to allegations of selfishness in the face of anti-trust issues."
Though Willer allowed that no real data exists to support that there is a spike in competitive altruism around the holidays, he offered some compelling anecdotal evidence.
"You know how there is always that one family member who really goes overboard and then you essentially give this weird second order gift of not trying to outdo them because it would ruin their Christmas," said Willer.
"Well, that's competitive altruism at work."
Sun Dec 24, 1:06 PM ET
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