PROPHECY: "Friends," Ross' Red Sweater, "Sunny and Cher"

Nov 05, 2006 15:33

There's an interesting Clue embedded in the "Sunny and Cher" DVD that ties into the show "Friends."

I said 11/4/2006 about the "Red Rabbit Sweater" listed on the Newspaper Lux Kassidy is reading

In "Friends" Episode 8.02, the Red Sweater belongs to the Father of the Child:
  1. Joey remembers Rachel had someone spend the night a month earlier, who left behind a Red Sweater
  2. Ross sees the sweater on the table, picks it up, and announces he's been looking for it for a month
  3. I'm born in 1975 = Year of the Rabbit
That's the Red Rabbit Sweater was placed there as a Marker. It was intentionally embedded in an Adult Video so that Religious Leaders can't cover up its ties to Sex.

You also see it marked by the "The Sweater Song" by Weezer that makes mention of Superman. I said I'm the real Superman.

If the Sun is God and the Sun is for Leo, which is the Sign of Sex and Self, it shouldn't surprise anyone that it would be Sexual. It knocks Religious Leaders off balance that have been discriminating against the Adult Industry.

The only reason why Sex was listed as a Sin 2,000 year ago was because people weren't mature enough to understand Sex, Jealousy, Venereal Diseases, and Homosexuality. The reason why Homosexuality was branded as bad 2,000 years ago was because the Planet didn't want people pairing off in Same Sex Relationships yet.

The objective was to populate the Planet first going for Quantity not Quality. Once that was achieved, then you could cut back on Heterosexual Unions and have Same Sex people get together.

If Homosexuality was approved of back then, it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that when Same Sex People pair up, there's little risk of Pregnancy. You can have as much sex as you want without worrying about unwanted pregnancy.

If Homosexuality was acceptable back then, we would've had a society of Sex-Crazed Gay people that never got around to improving Technology, Science, Math, and Education because they were too busy having sex all the time. If anything, the only inventions they'd have to show for it would be different ways of pleasuring each other using toys.

With the Religious Significance, the Cast of "Sunny and Cher" and Subconscious Sunny Leone knew I'd pick up on that Red Rabbit Sweater and know its significance. They're following an operating procedure and aligning information.

The whole point of Lux Kassidy being chosen is because she represents me:
  1. Eric is 11/11 (It doesn't matter if it's his real birthday or not. That's the Number assigned to him)
  2. LK = 12/11 = 1 +11/11
  3. I said God = 1
  4. Because I assigned the Variable of "1" to me, Lux Kassidy as 12/11 means Eric as 11/11 with me inserted when Sunny Leone and Eric consummate
  5. When Isabella Valentine born 11/11 was impersonating Sunny Leone, Subconscious Sunny Leone on the other end inserted herself into Isabella Valentine making Isabella 1+11/11 = 12/11 = LK = Lux Kassidy
You can go the other direction with Lux Kassidy's Initials:
  1. When you add "1" for God to the latter half for the Day, you get 12/12, which is when Pennsylvania was inducted
  2. 12/12 = L/L = Lois Lane. I said Sunny Leone is the real Lois Lane
  3. Pennsylvania is the 2nd State inducted into the Union
  4. Taurus is the 2nd Sign
  5. Sunny Leone is a Taurus
  6. When the God Force of "1" inhabits Lux Kassidy, she transforms into Lois Lane and Sunny Leone as the Gemini Sun represents a female version of me
  7. It's referring to Subconscious Sunny Leone as Lux Kassidy getting Rod off as the "Sunny Leone" or Gemini Sun
  8. It's Sunny Leone making me "Sq u IR-T" or "C u M" creating that "Org as M"
That 11/11 Tag refers to the Land because Washington State is Physical Landmark:
  1. Isabella Valentine born 11/11 as Washington State is the Physical Prop Subconscious Sunny Leone used to make me cum
  2. Sunny Leone's boyfriend Eric born 11/11 is the Physical Prop I use to make Sunny Leone cum
  3. Eric's entire Physical Body is really just "Rod's Penis" that has its own name and Consciousness
  4. The reason why Isabella Valentine is a Phone Sex Operator is because Sunny Leone is Taurus with the Ruling Body Part of the Throat, which gives that Voice
  5. Kansas was inducted 1/29 = John Forsythe's Birthday
  6. 1/29 = 129 = 12/9 = 12/8 + 1 = My Mom's Birthday + God inserted into her
The First State of the Union refers to my mom's creation with the God Force in her:
  1. The first state inducted was Delaware
  2. De-LA/WA-Re = Of(De-Spanish) Heavenly(LA/Los Angeles/City of Angels) Washington(WA) 1975(Re/75-Periodic)
  3. Delaware was inducted 12/7
  4. Delaware + God/1 = 12/7 + 1 = 12/8
  5. My mom is born 12/8
When I say my mom is "Go/D" = IR 4 = IR Cancer = IR Eternal Mother = IR Mother, it's a True Statement. When she wasn't pregnant with me as "Go/D," she was Delaware as 12/8 -1 = 12/7.

As I kept saying, my mom in 1961 looks like Sunny Leone:
  1. My mom graduated from the University of the Philippines in 1961
  2. 1961 = 1(96)1 = 11 with 96 inside
  3. 96 = Opposite of 69
  4. 69 = Cancer Symbol
  5. Cancer = Eternal Mother
  6. 96 = Non-Eternal Mother = Mortal Father
  7. That's how you get a Male Virgin Mary and a Female God
Sunny Leone is a very unique Female. It wasn't a coincidence how in Elementary School that I thought that Mary Magdalene and the Virgin Mary were the same person. I thought the Virgin Mary's last name was Magdalene making her the "Virgin Mary Magdalene."

It's just like in "Wheel of Fortune" when they merge two phrases together linked by a Common Word.

I'm a Hybrid because my Physical Body is a Pure Virgin, but my Mind is literally "slutty" like the Mary Magdalene. It has to be because I'm always receiving Telepathic Transmissions, which is symbolic of being "impregnated with thought and ideas."

I'm the Hub or Central Intelligence Agency (CIA = C/IA = Gemini I o' WA)

Subconscious Sunny Leone is always communicating with me telepathically planting information and filling my head with dirty, sexual thoughts.

In fact, there's been increased stimulation on the brain in the last two years. When Subconscious Sunny Leone is literally "mind-fucking" me, I can feel the release of endorphins being dispensed to various parts of my brain. It's like "Brain Pleasure" when Subconscious Sunny Leone is having Psychic Sex with me.

As I said, the Mind is like a House. Sunny Leone will write erotica where she talks about how her girlfriends will visit and play with her. If the Mind is like a House and one of her girlfriends comes to play with Sunny Leone, that's the same thing as someone transporting themselves telepathically over to another person's mind.

When you're fantasizing about someone else, that's like the person coming over to your Mind as a House to play with you. That's how you get Sunny Leone's picture gallery set with where she's laid out in the back seat undressed.

It's referring to how Subconscious Sunny Leone visits me and when we make out in the back of my car (my mind).

Zeus Impregnating the Mother of Hercules
It was said that Zeus who took the form of the Father and impregnated the mother of Hercules so that he was Half-God and Half-Human. The story of Hercules as Half Human and Jesus Christ having a Virgin Mother who was Human is the same theme.

That's why you'll always see parallelism between me and Sunny Leone as Twins:
  1. Alanis Morissette is from Canada like Sunny Leone
  2. Alanis Morissette played God in Dogma
  3. She has a Fraternal Twin named Wade
  4. Wade = WA/D-E = Washington(WA) Mother(D/4/Cancer/Eternal Mother) Sun(E/5/Leo)
  5. I'm "WA/D-E" from Washington State and Sunny Leone is my Fraternal Twin Alanis from OttaWA
The birthdate of Alanis marks this as a Historical Event:
  1. Alanis is born 6/1
  2. The two states inducted on 6/1 on different years are Kentucky and Tennessee
  3. Rhode Island and Wisconsin were inducted on 5/29 (My Birthday)
  4. Oregon and Arizona are inducted 2/14 (Valentine's Day)
  5. Davis born Valentine's Day runs parallel to Isabella Valentine using pictures of Sunny Leone
Those Historical Dates refer to the Love Relationship that Sunny Leone and I share. It was embedded in History that is Public Knowledge.

When people try to challenge what I said, they have to review that Data in conjunction with the Psychic Readings and Predictions that I continuously nail in the Associated Press that align with my Psychic Blog.

If those are true, then it means that the Mathematical Formulas that point to me as a Mathematical Jesus Christ as well as Mathematical Virgin Mary must also be valid. That's how you get the "God Force" on the Planet throwing its support behind me.

history, sex, gay, signs, adult, kinky, predictions, omens, prophecies

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