PREDICTION: "SK8R Boi," "While You Were Sleeping," Sierra Leone

Nov 03, 2006 05:00

Here's a funny Psychic Reading. Subconscious Sunny Leone was teasing about the about the song "SK8R Boi" by Avril Lavigne.

  1. Rachel has a Guitar:
    1. Rachel starts with Ra = 88-Periodic = ScorpioScorpio = Non-Scorpio = Taurus
    2. Sunny Leone is a Taurus
    3. I said 11/3/2006 about "SK8R Boi" by Avril Lavigne
    4. There's the line "Now he’s a Superstar slammin on his guitar to show pretty face what he’s worth"
  2. Saul Doing Construction:
    1. I said 11/1/2006 about building Noah's Ark
    2. Saul was played by Jack Warden in "While You Were Sleeping"
    3. Jack Warden is born 9/18
    4. I said my Godfather is born 9/18 = I/R = IR (My Initials
  3. Sierra Mist: I said 11/3/2006 about the Sierra Leone
I've been practicing on my Skills and have been getting much better at doing "Called Shots" where you call it and whatever you cited gets nailed and manifests in the News. You see the the Subconscious Minds on the other end playing around.
  1. Peter Gallagher played Peter Callahan
  2. Sandra Bullock was Lucy who was in love with but never talked to Peter
  3. Bullock = Bull = Taurus = Sunny Leone
  4. I said I'm Sunny Leone's Twin Brother as "Senthouse Set Punny Leone"
The movie is an inversion when you pull the genders of me and Sunny Leone inside out where Conscious Sunny Leone is in a "Conscious Coma" unaware of what's going on. I'd be Lucy who's falling in love with Subconscious Sunny Leone who's the sibling.

That's why Isabella Valentine was Lucy the Bartender for Lucy from "While You Were Sleeping."

The Prophecy is left open-ended. Conscious Sunny Leone will be Peter "the Coma Guy" who ends up being a "Putz." My personality has always been mild-mannered and like that of Lucy.

The way that Lucy would schmooze over Peter as he'd take the train is the same way I'd schmooze over Sunny Leone. Guys do it just like girls.

You see how Conscious Sunny Leone finally wakes up from her "Coma" to learn all about what's going on. Jack Warden as Saul tells Conscious Sunny Leone as PETer (Penthouse Pet) that she's being a "Putz."
  1. Ally Walker plays Ashley Bartlett Bacon
  2. That's a Female Version of Sunny Leone's Boyfriend Eric
  3. Walker starts with WA = Washington
  4. Washington was inducted 11/11
  5. Eric is born 11/11
That argument with Ashley in the Hospital Wing is making fun of the Dialogue that Conscoius Sunny Leone and Conscious Eric would have. Sunny Leone's boyfriend Eric the Scorpio as a Female (Ashley). Peter is Conscious Sunny Leone as a Male.
1 hour 24 minutes
Ashley storms into the Hospital Room
PETER: Ashley!
ASHLEY: Scumbag!
Ashley glares at Peter
ASHLEY: You're engaged???
Peter nods
ASHLEY: May I remind you that you proposed to me?
PETER: You said no. We broke up
ASHLEY: N-No! I was confused. We stepped back.
PETER: You moved Portugal
ASHLEY: Y-Yes, well, I didn't think you were going to run out and marry the first BIMBO that you came across
PETER: Lucy's not a Bimbo
ASHLEY: Lucy??? Lucy who?
PETER: I don't remember
PETER: I don't remember proposing. I was in a coma. I have amnesia
ASHLEY: Amnesia? Oh, well now that's rich. Alright, fine. I want my stuff back
PETER: Fine. Then I want my stuff back
ASHLEY: What stuff?
PETER: Your nose
Ashley gives Peter a horrified look and covers her nose
ASHLEY: You can't take my nose back!
PETER: I paid for it
ASHLEY: (cupping her breasts) Well, then here. You paid for these, too!
PETER: Keep 'em. I'm a changed man
ASHLEY: Go ahead! Go ahead and marry her, you one-balled bastard!
Ashley storms out of the room
It's kind of makes you feel sad though if it turns out that Sunny Leone ends up being just like Peter. Lucy built Peter up to be this wonderful person, but then he ended up being nothing like that.

This comes back to why I was never anxious to take up this job position that I have.

Everyone already has expectations of Jesus Christ set way up on a Pedestal. Anyone who takes up the role will be a disappointment on some level when compared to an Idealistic Model of Perfection.

Supermodels deal with that all the time. People only see the polished and airbrushed image. Models aren't like that.

When you're a Celebrity, people treat you differently. You're no longer normal. One of the things I envy about Sunny Leone's boyfriend Eric is that Sunny Leone loves him for him.

The only reason why Sunny Leone would ever take notice of me is because I'm in the Media, Superman, and Jesus Christ. It means the only way she ever would've noticed me is because of my Status. Not Rod.

I know because I've already talked to Sunny Leone as Rod. She treats me just like everyone else, which is really all she can do because she has tons of fans. I'm just another fan like everyone else.

That's what's in store for me. I knew that when I took up this job it would wreak havoc on my already nonexistent Love Life.

The reason why no one ever knew about the Identity of Jesus Christ as a child was so that Jesus Christ growing up would have normal friends and know what true friendship was like.

When I took up this assignment, it already started doing damage to my current friendships. Friends stopped calling me or taking my calls. People left while others just distanced themselves. Even though this was tragic, at least I once knew what it was like to have true friends that liked me for me and not because of a Title or Power.

When it comes to Love, I never got to experience that. I'd watch other people growing up in Junior High and High School develop relationships. I never got to experience that because I was your typical geeky nerd. It extended through college.

Having my first real girlfriend that actually loved me back was something I'd been eagerly awaiting. All those hopes got dashed when I had to implement that Male Virgin Mother Title to maintain that extra layer of protection for the Planetary Software Program.

That's how you develop a Male just like Lucy in "While You Were Sleeping." The Planet is a Master at manipulating people's emotions and fashioning certain types of personalities and behaviors.

predictions, sunny leone, movies, signs

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