This is noteworthy because it refers to "The Confessions of Nat Turner" regarding Slavery and Discrimination.
"Styron was called "psychologically sick" and "morally senile." He was criticized for making Turner an "indecisive and emasculate wimp" and condemned for even writing the book, with some saying a white, Protestant Southerner could not truly understand or explore the thoughts of an African slave."
I said that the reason why I had to go through this crap and why Davis is an African-American is so that when the African-American Community tries to go off on me about not knowing what it's like to be a slave and mistreated, I can not only refute that claim but turn it back on them pointing to one of their own.
- People will have to acknowledge that I have Psychic Abilities that influence the Planet
- Upon conceding that, it means that my complaints about Davis taking advantage of the Networking Leads and Contacts I was bringing in using my Psychic Abilities is valid:
- If you know that I can influence information, data, and people around the Planet, that goes for who calls Davis on the Phone
- I said that I make a "Psychic Phone Call" communicating telepathically to people to call Davis
- Because Davis thinks I just sit around doing nothing, any money he received he'd just pocket for himself
- Davis was given a huge leeway where he didn't get charged interest or penalty fees on his loans
- On top of that, he was having me chauffeur him around, riding off my Cell Phone Plan he couldn't pay, and using me to borrow money off my mom
I once complained June 2006 and said that my mom would never have lent Davis money if Davis hadn't used me to do it. I said my mom is a retired Teacher in Washington State who has no interest in the Film & Entertainment Industry and it doesn't make sense as to why she'd forward $15,000 to Davis' roommate whom she doesn't even know.
Davis told me that his sister Heidi, who is an African-American Law Graduate from Barry University, said that makes my mom sound Racist. His sister Heidi even told Davis to stop working with me because I'm crazy.
Davis even put his foot in his mouth when he said, "I'm not worried about you suing me because all I have to do is prove that you're crazy."
You get to see what African-Americans say when they don't know who's watching. That's the way the Planet wanted it. The whole point of being hidden or disguised is so that I could be dangled in front of people like bait to see who nibbles.
The Planet even knew that African-Americans are going to try and poke their noses around in every little aspect of my Private Life looking for dirt on me to discredit me.
Amusingly enough, that's the reason why Davis got sued and taken to court by very specific people with specific names and initials:
- Jason Clay sued him over the film "Fontana"
- Jason Clay = JC = Jesus Christ
- His girlfriend is Brie for the Cheese
- Cheese = Wisconsin Cheese = Wisconsin = 5/29 = My Birthday
I know how to blow people out of the Water with Information. When you command Information and know how to summon it to you, you can show who's guilty.
Even if people complain saying that I'm "cheating" by nudging all the information in my favor, we still come back to how Davis was taking credit for my work and making money off of it as well as hooking up with all those Celebrities.
Even if people don't want to believe my story, people can dig up the Bank Records for both me and Davis:
- Davis is always delinquent on payment and broke
- He's always shifting money and trying to make ends meet
- He's always trying to negotiate extensions on payments
- It wasn't until I met Davis in October 2002 that he started having me charge things on Credit Card
Even if people don't want to believe me or discredit me, they'll find that my mother was also borrowing off her credit card to loan money to Davis.
People, especially the African-American Community, can pour whatever dirt they want on me but they'll have a Hell of a time making that stick with my mom.
Even if you want to take the approach that my mom is prejudiced and racist, which is ridiculous, how come she loaned that much money to Davis? Davis knows how much he borrowed.
The whole point of having Davis born on Valentine's Day aligning with Isabella Valentine and his BMW getting totaled October 2002 where he walked away without a scratch is so that you see the "God Force" in action fiddling with his life right down to the birthdates of his siblings.
The whole reason why I had crap dumped on me by an African-American is because the Planet wanted me to be immune or highly resistent to the bratty attitudes of the African-American Community.
They get their way all the time because people are afraid to stand up to them. Any Caucasian who attempts to say anything will get branded as Racist. That's why I'm Asian and not pure White in case the Caucasian Community wants to gripe about how Jesus Christ isn't Asian.
I'm doing the Caucasian Community a favor having to take all the brunt.
The reason why the African-American Community got set up where one of their own screwed things up for them was so create Balance. The Pendulum was swinging in the other direction of the "Discriminators of the Discriminators."
When you discriminate against Discriminators, that's still Discrimination.
If Davis as an African-American hadn't financially abused me the way he did and exploited my finances, I would've been vulnerable as Jesus Christ to be a pawn for the African-American Community because they'd argue that if it wasn't for Davis, I wouldn't be where I am today.
They'd try to spin doctor the information to make it look like it's an African-American that helped Jesus Christ get to where he is. That's untrue because you see how my Mom born 12/8/1941 was way before Davis' time as well as my grandmother born 12/20/1913. My Godfather was born 9/18/1933.
You can even go further back with my stepdad born 1937 where his mother is DeJesus. I don't know the birthdate of my stepdad's mom, but it's safe to assume, she was at least over the age of 15 when she conceived my stepdad's older brother and my stepdad.
People wonder why Subconscious Minds and Conscious Minds are separated and it's for this purpose.
Psychological Discrimination
We get to witness the African-American Community guilty of Psychological Discrimination.
I've told Davis numerous times about who I am as well as how Psychic Theories work. You should listen to his responses. He'll just "Uh-huh" or "Mmm." Then he'll just change the subject to talk about stuff he likes to talk about.
I'd tell Davis about important Psychic Occurrences and told him to follow along on my Blog, but he never did. If he did, he'd be shaking in fear or have a nervous breakdown knowing over 300 people in 3 Nigerian Planes crashed and burned because of him.
Because Davis doesn't believe I have Psychic Abilities, he doesn't see the big deal.
That's why I'm able to go to sleep with a clear conscience each night when it comes to how many people lay down their lives for me. So many people die for me. It's because their particular name and event serve as tags. It's because they know I actually care about what happens to them.
No one else does because they don't know the Psychic Realm exists. So they just go on doing what they do resulting in Negligence that leads to Death.
At least when I make decisions, I try to do so in a way that leads the least amount of Human Casualties. I get ticked off when someone does something stupid that gets someone else killed.
I especially get ticked off when people do something against me that knocks me off balance where I "trip and fall" that causes a disturbance in the Force that gets other people killed.
Davis is one of the people who gets a lot of leeway. I haven't even punished him for anything. I'm leaving that "debt" for the African-American People so that when they try to go off on me or claim I'm being "unfair" toward them, I'll have my Rap Sheet of all the people who died as a result of Davis' Negligence.
You get to see an ugly little trap that was set for the African-American Community where they've been racking up debt all because of one individual.
Even if people try to go off on me as Jesus Christ, that's why I can switch Roles to that of "Male Virgin Mother" or "Go/D" when one role doesn't work. The whole point of being revealed as the real Superman and all these Legendary Superheroes is so that people have a point of reference and they know where my Credibility stems from.
That's why you say "S/IR" for "Superman IR" (me) as a Title of Respect.
It's so that you remember that the Language created thousands of years ago is stemming from the Planet that throws its support behind me. And who are you to question the Authority of the Planet that gave you Life and allows you to live on it?
Like I said, we go by House Rules. If you're going to live under this House, you go by the House Rules.
If you don't like it, GO FIND ANOTHER PLANET TO LIVE ON.
People can brand me as an awful Tyrant, but you get so tired of listening to everyone acting like a bunch of BRATTY, SELFISH, and IMMATURE KIDS.
"Sophie's Choice" Author William Styron Dies
NEW YORK (Nov. 2) - William Styron, the author of "The Confessions of Nat Turner" and other novels whose explorations of the darkest corners of the human mind and experience were charged by his own near-suicidal demons, died Wednesday. He was 81.
Kathy Willens, AP
William Styron won the Pulitzer Prize for his 1967 novel 'The Confessions of Nat Turner.'
Styron's daughter, Alexandra, said the author died of pneumonia at a hospital in Martha's Vineyard, Mass. Styron, who had homes in Martha's Vineyard and Connecticut, had been in failing health for a long time.
"This is terrible," said Kurt Vonnegut, a longtime friend. "He was dramatic, he was fun. He was strong and proud and he was awfully good with the language. I hated to see him end this way."
A handsome, muscular man, with a strong chin and wavy dark hair that turned an elegant white, Styron was a Virginia native whose obsessions with race, class and personal guilt led to such tormented narratives as "Lie Down In Darkness" and "The Confessions of Nat Turner," which won the Pulitzer despite protests that the book was racist and inaccurate.
His other works included "Sophie's Choice," the award-winning novel about a Holocaust survivor from Poland, and "A Tidewater Morning," a collection of fiction pieces. He also published a book of essays, "This Quiet Dust," and the best-selling memoir "Darkness Visible," in which Styron recalled nearly taking his own life.
Styron was a liberal long involved in public causes, from supporting a Connecticut teacher suspended for refusing to say the Pledge of Allegiance to advocating for human rights for Jews in the Soviet Union. In the 1990s, Styron was among a group of authors and historians who successfully opposed plans for a Disney theme park near the Manassas National Battlefield in northern Virginia.
Although he was often cited along with Vonnegut and Norman Mailer as a leading writer of his generation, he produced little over the past 15 years. Styron was reportedly working on a military novel, yet published no full-length work of fiction after "Sophie's Choice," which came out in 1979. He did remain well connected, whether socializing with President Clinton on Martha's Vineyard or joining Arthur Miller and Gabriel Garcia Marquez on a delegation that met with Cuban leader Fidel Castro in 2000.
"He was always generous to me as a younger writer," said E.L. Doctorow, who, like Styron, has been published for decades by Random House. "He stood in my mind as a sort of writerly presence, an iconic Southern writer."
The son of a shipbuilder, William C. Styron Jr. was born in Newport News, Va., to a family whose history extends to colonial Virginia. He was awed by the torrential fiction of fellow Southerner Thomas Wolfe and knew by his late teens he wanted to be a writer. His own life offered strong material.
At age 13, his mother died, transforming him into a "hell raiser" with an unhealable wound of guilt. He served as a lieutenant in the Marines during World War II and in 1945 was stationed in Okinawa. He was to take part in the invasion of Japan and didn't expect to come out alive.
The battle never took place; the United States dropped the atom bomb instead.
"Some of my problems I think came from a continuing anguish over my mother's death and if I had gotten shot it would have been, I suppose, some kind of completion. It's hard to say how that would have worked out," Styron told The Associated Press in a 1990 interview.
"When I was a young Marine platoon leader, there was this incredible sense of fate. The myth at that age is you're going to live forever. Well, I never believed that and my friends didn't. I thought I was going to die."
After the war, Styron graduated from Duke University and moved to New York, where he worked briefly as a copy editor at McGraw-Hill until the publisher fired him "for slovenly appearance, not wearing a hat, and reading the New York Post."
With extra free time and financial help from his family, Styron was able to complete "Lie Down in Darkness," detailing the destruction of a Southern family in a tempest of alcoholism, incestuous longing, madness and suicide. It is told in the third person - except for the final passage, a soliloquy by the daughter, Peyton Loftis, in the moments before she commits suicide by jumping out a window.
Styron was recalled to the Marines in 1951, just as "Lie Down in Darkness" was being published, and his second book - "The Long March" - drew on his experiences at Camp Lejeune, N.C. He took a lengthy tour of Europe after his discharge, offering moral and literary support for the founding of The Paris Review and meeting his wife, the poet Rosa Burgunder, with whom he had four children.
After publishing the novel "Set This House on Fire," in 1960, Styron turned to what had been a lifelong obsession: Nat Turner and the slave revolt of 1831. As a child, Styron lived near where the uprising had taken place and he never forgot a brief, harsh reference to Turner in his grade school history book.
In the early 1960s, "intensely aware that the theme of slave rebellion was finding echoes" in the growing Civil Rights movement, he worked on a fictional account of Turner, who Styron concluded was both hero and madman. "The Confessions of Nat Turner," published in 1967, earned Styron the Pulitzer Prize, but also fulfilled his friend James Baldwin's prediction that "Bill's going to catch it from black and white."
Styron was called "psychologically sick" and "morally senile." He was criticized for making Turner an "indecisive and emasculate wimp" and condemned for even writing the book, with some saying a white, Protestant Southerner could not truly understand or explore the thoughts of an African slave.
The novel was furiously condemned in a 1968 book, "William Styron's Nat Turner: Ten Black Writers Respond." Styron's reply: Writers of fiction have a duty to "meditate" on history and bring understanding through imagination.
Styron turned to the Holocaust for the novel "Sophie's Choice," which won the National Book Award and was later made into an Academy Award-winning movie starring Meryl Streep . Based partly on Styron's years in New York, "Sophie's Choice" is narrated by a young Southerner who meets a Polish-Catholic survivor of the war and learns of her sufferings in a Nazi concentration camp.
Once again Styron was the target of critics, who said he could not possibly navigate the feelings of a woman, a Jew or a survivor of the camps.
Styron would claim vindication in 2002 when the Auschwitz Jewish Center Foundation, an organization led by his friend, the businessman Fred Schwartz, gave the author its third annual Witness to Justice Award. "This award sort of clears the air for me," he told the AP in a 2002 interview. "It is a kind of solid validation for me of what I tried to do as a novelist."
But he also had enemies from within to conquer. In late 1985, suffering from depression that only worsened when he was prescribed the drug Halcion, Styron narrowly stopped short of killing himself and instead checked into a hospital. In a brief book, "Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness," Styron discussed his own experiences - including speculating that some of his early characters grew out of his own depression - and other writers who have suffered from mental illness.
"Death ... was now a daily presence, blowing over me in cold gusts," he wrote in his memoir. "I had not conceived precisely how my end would come. In short, I was still keeping the idea of suicide at bay. But plainly the possibility was around the corner, and I would soon meet it face to face."
2006-11-02 06:54:25
Updated:2006-11-02 07:32:25
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