SIGNS: Heiress Astor's Son Removed as Guardian

Oct 13, 2006 22:00

This is an unfortunate update that refers to what happened. I'd said about how my finances had been stripped and where I got shoved with debt that isn't even mine. The living conditions here reflect what happen to me.

People wouldn't believe it if I told them. People would naturally assume that because I have power over the entire Planet that I must be living in some filthy rich estate rolling in money. That's not the case. People automatically assume that when you have power that it must mean you can do anything and were born with a Silver Spoon in your mouth.

It was set up this way because we already know that there are going to be a lot of jealous people and haters that would be sick to their stomach if they found out "what I got." So to even it out, you have to have pain and suffering that goes with it:
  1. You have heartache and grief because you don't get to be with the woman of your dreams because she's already living happily ever after with someone who is symbolic of you
  2. You're broke
  3. You lose your best friends
  4. You have to do a "Sacrifice" or "Crucifixion" Theme where that Jesus Christ Figure knows what has to be done and all the while everyone else who doesn't understand takes the role of a Jew sneering and mocking what you do
  5. People think you're nuts
  6. You basically do your job playing Janitor cleaning up after everyone while other people are doing well or even taking credit for your work
People wonder why it had to be this way, but that's the natural behavior of people. People like to think they're an evolved society, but we all know that most people can't help but feel pangs of envy, jealousy, and resentment toward anyone who is given a lot of power.

So to balance it out, you make the person suffer. That's why it had to be made so absurd where you take a Pure Male Virgin who was just trying to do the right thing and rescue someone from getting hurt and you have everyone, including the person whom he was trying to rescue, all turn on him like a pack of wolves.

The age is listed as 104. Sunny Leone was listed on MySpace as having visited 10/4 of 2006. You get to see how even Subconscious Sunny Leone is aware of it and all she can do is acknowledge it.

People wonder why things are set up this way, but it's like any Game where there are rules. You still have to go through a process. In Baseball, you see it all the time where one team will disagree with an umpire's ruling, but out of respect for the game and regardless of whatever their personal opinion, they have to abide by that ruling.

In Video Games, you'll see plot twists where you already know what's going to happen or you've already beat the Video Game and you're playing through it a 2nd or 3rd Time where you already know what happens. However, you have to follow the Script or the Programming.

In Video Games you've beaten, you already know who the Traitor or Evil Villain is. It would be so easy to finish off the Game by attacking the Evil Villain in Scene 1 when your Game Character is standing a couple feet away from him. However, you can't because the Software Programmers set it up where you have to abide by Rules and Conditions.

That's why Subconscious Scott, Subconscious Sunny Leone, my Mom's Subconscious, Subconscious Bliss, and all the Subconscious Minds around the Planet aren't allowed to directly intervene.

They can "nudge" things a little bit, but they aren't allowed to break the rules. In the Blue Adept Series by Piers Anthony, the 3rd book "Juxtaposition" talks about the Race of Computers and Robots that are actually conscious and alive, but they're not allowed to directly intervene to help the main character Stile.

There's one scene where he takes gamble and reaches to pull a wire cable out of its socket. He takes a risk that the Computers are watching and will know when to cut the electricity so he doesn't get shocked.

I do something similar as Stile where I know what the Subconscious Minds around the Planet tend to do and how they subtly influence things. It's nothing overt. They just nudge things enough.

That's how you get Mathematical Alignment in the News when I make Predictions. Subconscious Minds can't directly intervene, but they can shift things just enough without disturbing the Conscious Realm. It allows them to maintain the Balance.

That's why I know stuff and how the Planet functions. Because Subconscious Minds know I can see them, they don't bother to hide what they do. It's just like people who know Clark Kent's secret identity as Superman. He doesn't have to put on airs. He can cheat.

Ironically enough, if you watch "Smallville," you always see Lana Lang "coindentally" go unconscious never able to witness Clark using his Super Powers. We all know it has to do with the writers.

People wish that they could have happy endings, but it's unrealistic. When you try to pull stuff like that, the quality of writing suffers. For anyone who watched the "Lois & Clark" Show, everyone wanted to know when Lois and Clark were finally going to get together. There were all these zany plot twists of Amnesia, Boyfriends, and what. Finally, when they got together and Lois knew Clark was Superman, there really wasn't anywhere to go with the writing and viewers lost their interest.

A lot of people tuned into see when Lois and Clark were finally going to be together.

You saw the same thing with Ross and Rachel on "Friends." Everyone wondered when Ross and Rachel were going to get together. When they finally got together, the ratings dropped until they split Ross and Rachel up again. When things are predictable and routine, you tune out.

When I was taking a Senior Business Project Class for Business Administration, we had a roleplaying scenario where you were supposed to be an ambassador for your group and form a trade agreement with another group. I was on the same wavelength with the other ambassador and we didn't backstab each other. We stuck to the plan.

After the roleplaying simulation was done and there was group feedback, our professor Jill Purdy asked for thoughts and comments. Someone in one of the successful groups said it was boring. It's because everything played out the way it should.

One of the things that is disappointing about movies but understandable is how all these stories try to captivate audiences. They put all kinds of plot twists or things to keep the interest of the audience. From a political standpoint, you have to do the same thing.

Because the Planet Earth is a huge floating brain in space orbiting around the Sun and the Human Mind is a miniature version of the Planet, the same thing happens with Brain Cells in your head that lobby for their ideas to get noticed.

Every notice how Sex sells?

It's because people are interested in Sex. Sex is always used as a selling tool because it's fun and pleasurable. People love Sex. Sex is fun. So in order to sell ideas, you bond it to sex. People claim to get sick of all the Superficiality regarding ads and how people idolize perfection in models and actors, but it's because we all play up to perfection.

That's why even the role of Jesus Christ is pretty much set of for failure because the ideal was set so high that it would seem practically unattainable. That's why I was literally groomed to get "as close as possible" to that mark and the rest of it can be reasoned out.

The whole point of being a Pure Male Virgin is because you rule out about 90% of the Human Population that has already lost their Virginity. Then you rule out more of them because they're not of Royal Blood like I am. Then you shave away another chunk of people who aren't as experienced or knowledgeable. You top it off with having a Name that is of Mathematical Divinity.

That's how you create a diamond.

I already know that there are people like Davis or others who don't like me who claim that I've lied or been dishonest. Go ahead and ask my mom. I used to be extremely sly because I used to get whipped with the belt when I was in grade school.

When you're allergic to pain and getting your ass whipped, you learn to be very creative with your answers and rationalization in order to avoid pain.

The Penis on the Cowboy
I can even cite something funny that happened in 6th Grade. I got in trouble because we were given the assignment of drawing lifesize cut-outs on butcher paper. I was paired up with George Mastin. He was making a cowboy.

I thought I'd be funny and a prankster. So I drew a Penis on it making it "anatomically correct." George was so mad that he went and told the teacher and I got sent to the Principal's Office. I got spanked with a paddle by Mr. Nugent in Mrs. Rylander's Office.

That was a funny Omen:
  1. Butcher Paper = Butch = Lesbian
  2. George = GE(OR)GE = GE-GE with OR inside = Gemini General Electric(GE-GE) with Valentine(OR/Oregon/2-14) inside
  3. Mastin = Ma/St.-In = Mother(Ma) Saint(St.) Current(In)
  4. Nugent = N u Gent = IR(N/14/7+7/77/IR-Periodic) Gentleman(Gent)
  5. Rylander = R-y/LAN-De R = Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Male(Y) Local Area Network(LAN) Of(De-Spanish) Gemini(R)
  6. Cowboy = Cows = East Indians who worship Cows = Sunny Leone
When you pore through my childhood, you can see what happened with events.

Mr. Perkins Replaced by Karen Plummer
I can even cite something that has to do with 5th Grade regarding Elementary School. Scott was finally in my class for 5th Grade, but then there was a change. Mrs. Karen Plummer was called in and the class was split up. Scott was put in Mr. Perkins' Class and I got put in Karen Plummer's class.

I told my mom that I really wanted a Male Teacher. I didn't want Karen Plummer as my teacher even though she was really nice. It's referring to me as a "young and immature" Isabella Valentine at age 10 for Capricorn as the 10th Sign going on 11 for the Age of Aquarius as the 11th Sign.

My mom went to talk the Administrators but the ruling still stood and I remained with Mrs. Plumber:
  1. I said that Subconscious Sunny Leone designated the name "Karen" for Karen Carpenter
  2. I said Sunny Leone is Karen Allen in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and I'm Indiana Jones
  3. In high school, there was a quiet Filipina Girl named Karen Serrame who went to my church who rarely said much to me symbolizing Subconscious Sunny Leone
    1. Serrame = Ser/Ra-ME = Existing(Ser/Be-Spanish) Taurus(Ra/88-Periodic/ScorpioScorpio/Non-Scorpio) Mother Earth(ME)
    2. It's referring to Subconscious Sunny Leone as the real Princess Ariel from "Little Mermaid"
    3. I'm the real Prince Eric, which is why Sunny Leone is dating Eric symbolic of me
    4. Eric is born 11/11 because it's Isabella Valentine's Birthday
    5. The way Conscious Sunny Leone is "in love" with Eric born 11/11 is a cruel joke being turned inside out to where I was "in love" with Isabella Valentine thinking she was Sunny Leone
    6. You get to see Karma rearing its ugly head. I fell in love with the fake image of Sunny Leone used by Isabella Valentine born 11/11 and Sunny Leone fell in love with Eric as a real person born 11/11 as an inversion of me as a "Male Sunny Leone" or "Adult Star"
    7. My name is Isabelo running parallel to Isabella Valentine, which is a Fictitious Business Name. It's the same way Eric is the real name, but posing as me as the "person behind Eric."
    8. That's how you get the movie "Roxanne" with Sunny Leone as Daryl Hannah who was the Mermaid in "Splash" referring to Sunny Leone as Princess Ariel from "Little Mermaid
    9. The villain Ursula was an octopus meaning 8 = 8th Sign = Scorpio = 11/11 = Isabella Valentine and Eric
    10. On another level, Sunny Leone is Prince Eric and I'm of Royal Blood and Princess Ariel who has no voice and can't be heard
    11. In this reality, I don't have a voice in Sunny Leone's world. I don't even know what her real name is, which is the sad irony of me being Jesus Christ, which is just like an Adult Star where people get fixated on what they see on the surface, but it's not the real person or who that individual outside of work. Jesus Christ is a Corporate Title or Fictitious Business Name the same way Sunny Leone is
    12. The way people will fall in love with me as Jesus Christ is similar to the way guys fall in love with Adult Stars based off of their looks and what you see on the surface
    13. After we get through the hurdle of people finally acknowledging I'm Jesus Christ, the sad reality is that people won't love me ("Rod"). They'll be infatuated with Jesus Christ the same way people are so in love with Superman or Spider-Man. Not Clark Kent or Peter Parker
  4. People confuse me with being East Indian. Sunny Leone would be "Indian" and I'd be "India/NA" (India Not Applicable)
  5. Jones = Sex. That's how you get the Love Jones
  6. Karen Plummer is for the Plumber = Super Mario
  7. I said Sunny Leone is Princess Buttercup and I'd be Super Mario
Like I said, it's set up where all this is Information that you can verify. It's in the School Records.

When you know what the pattern is, you know why things happened a certain way. With the 5th Grade Split, that was referring to how Scott sided with Isabella Valentine using pictures of Sunny Leone whom I said is male. Karen Plummer symbolizes a Female God or Jesus Christ as a Teacher.

Mr. Perkins is for Elizabeth Perkins who played Wilma in the "Flintstones" movie. Elizabeth = Isabel in Spanish.

You also had Anthony Perkins in "Psycho" where he killed the mother. I said that Isabella Valentine ignored my notices on how to use her God Powers so I was forced to "terminate her employment."

The Mind is like a House. That's how you get that creepy story line of the Son dressing up like the dead mother. That's the SICK perversion of what happens when people think they're so damn smart and refuse to listen.
  1. That's why you get me as Bruce WA-y/NE with the Huge Fortune (Telling)
  2. I said all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77 = IR on the Periodic Table
  3. CHRISTian Bale is Batman but was an "American Psycho" referring to how I got dubbed as "Psycho" because people thought my Psychic Theories were ridiculous and stupid
Anthony Perkins is like Anthony Lang who was a high school classmate:
  1. All he'd ever talk about is how he wants to go to Duke. Duke is for the Blue Devils referring to the "Knowledge Satan"
  2. Lang is for Lana Lang
  3. Bliss was the original Lana Lang
  4. Bliss = Tony Blair = Tony
  5. Blair = B/Lair = Taurus(B/2) Lair
  6. Lions live in a Lair
  7. Sunny Leone = Sun/Leo = Leo the Lion. Lions live in a Lair
I said that Subconscious Sunny Leone took up residence with me as the Lair. That's how you get the "B/At CA-VE." I'm the Taurus(B/2) Superman(At/20-1/19/S) California(CA) Gemini Sun(VE/55/LeoLeo/SunSun/2 Sun)

Ever notice how in Tucson, Arizona, you don't pronounce the "C"?
  1. C = 3rd Sign = Gemini = Me
  2. Arizona = Inducted 2/14 = Valentine's Day
  3. It's for Isabella Valentine and Davis born Valentine's Day
I said that Davis born Valentine's Day takes credit for my Networking Leads and Contacts that I pull toward me like a Magnet the same way that Isabella Valentine uses pictures of Sunny Leone to draw people into her business.

The way that Isabella Valentine entices people to call her where they fantasize about Sunny Leone is the same way Davis entices people to call him and where they're drawn to me as the Male Sunny Leone or Sun/Leo a.k.a. Gemini Sun.
Heiress Astor's Son Removed as Guardian
By SAMUEL MAULL, Associated Press Writer
NEW YORK - Philanthropist Brooke Astor's son has been permanently removed as guardian of her multimillion-dollar estate, according to a settlement announced in court Friday.

The agreement allows the 104-year-old Astor's new guardians, Annette de la Renta and the JPMorgan Chase bank, to remain in place instead of her son, Anthony Marshall.

In July, Marshall's son, Philip Marshall, 54, accused his father in court papers of neglecting Astor while looting her estate. He contended his frail and ailing grandmother, one of the city's top socialites for decades, had been reduced to sleeping in a ragged gown on a filthy couch and was subsisting on pureed peas and oatmeal.

The elder Marshall, 82, denied he improperly took anything from his mother or made any changes in her financial affairs against her wishes. The court previously had made JPMorgan Chase the guardian of Astor's property and de la Renta, the wife of fashion designer Oscar de la Renta, the guardian of her personal well-being.

"I find by clear and convincing evidence that Brooke Astor is in need of guardians for her property and her persons," said State Supreme Court Justice John Stackhouse.

He said he would not hold a guardianship hearing because Astor would not be able to "participate fully in it."

Astor is the widow of Vincent Astor, a great-great-grandson of John Jacob Astor, who made a fortune in fur trading and New York real estate.

In the decades after her husband's death in 1959, Astor gave away nearly $200 million to support New York's great cultural institutions and a host of humbler projects, winning a Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor, in 1998.

Her son is a former diplomat and sometime Broadway producer who won Tony awards in 2003 and 2004. He was born during a previous marriage to stockbroker Charles "Buddie" Marshall, who died in 1952.

Fri Oct 13, 3:51 PM ET

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childhood, sunny leone, history, scott, isabella valentine

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