Here's a cute Psychic Prediction:
- NASA's Opportunity Mars rover returned its first photos of Victoria Crater at Meridiani Planum:
- Victoria = Crown Victoria
- I said 9/28/2006 about "Taxi" starring Queen Latifah
- The Taxi that transforms into a Muscle Car is a Crown Victoria
- "This is a geologist's dream come true," said Steve Squyres of Cornell University, principal investigator for NASA's twin rovers Opportunity and Spirit:
- Twin Rovers = Gemini Twins
- Rovers = Rover/S = Rover Superman
- I said 9/27/2006 that I run a Planetary Haven Chat Place running parallel to Bliss' Haven
- Bliss named her Command for retrieving things "Rover"
- Bliss' Rover is a Ball of Light that retrieves things like a Dog
- Steve Squyres:
- Initials SS = Gemini Superman
- Squ(Y)res = Squ(A)res when the Male(Y) = God(A)
- From that spot, Squyres added, the rover will use its set of navigation cameras, as well as acquire portions of the landscape with its Panoramic Camera, as well as utilize to some degree its Mini-Thermal Emission Spectrometer, or Mini-TES. This instrument sees infrared radiation emitted by objects:
- I said I use people's eyes as Planetary Surveillance Cameras
- You can have people's Subconscious Minds monitoring what people say and do
- The Planet always knows what you're up to
- Opportunity and its twin, the Spirit Mars rover, have been exploring Mars since January 2004. The Mars Exploration Rover mission is part of NASA's Mars Exploration Program, a long-term effort of robotic exploration of the red planet:
- Spirit = Horse
- Sp(IR)it = Spit with IR inside
- Writer Leonard David:
- Leonard = Leo
- Davi(D) = Davi(S)
Remember when Ben Affleck in "
Armageddon" is in the Space Shuttle that supposedly crashes and is destroyed?
The survivors are:
- Ben Affleck = George Reeves = Superman
- The drunk Russian = Peter Stormare = Satan in "Constantine"
- Ben Affleck is A. J. FROST. I said 9/27/2006 about the Robert FROST Poem rediscovered
- The rediscovered Robert Frost Poem is like A.J. Frost in the Rover that comes to the rescue in "Armageddon" when the other Rover breaks down
- It's referring to Subconscious Scott and Subconscious Rob coming to the rescue from the other side to help me
- I said 9/28/2006 about Robin Nilsen = RN = Registered Nurse = Sunny Leone who wants to be a Nurse
- I said 9/27/2006 how in "While You Were Sleeping" how Sandra Bullock (SB/Scott Boone) wants to go to Florence (Florence Nightengale)
- I said 9/27/2006 about Hillel Italie (Italy) where Florence is
There are othe clues in the Cast of "Armageddon"
- Jason Isaacs who celebrated his birthday on 6/6/6 is Dr. Ronald Quincy
- Chris Ellis plays Walter Clark:
- WA/Lt-ER = Washington(WA) Light(Lt.) Sun Gemini(ER/VII)
- Clark = Clark Kent
- He's born 4/14 = Sarah Michelle Gellar = Buffy the Vampire Slayer = Bliss
- Keith David was Lt. General Kimsey:
- He plays Father in "Mr. and Mrs. Smith"
- He also plays the Father in "There's Something about Mary"
- Owen Wilson was Oscar Choi:
- Oscar = OS/C-AR = Operating System(OS) Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) IR(AR)
- Choi = C(Ho)I = Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) Prince(Ho/67-Periodic) God(I)
- Marshall R. Teague is Colonel Davis for my former associate Davis who dies and you see his body bounce off the windshield of the shuttle
Bruce Willis volunteers to stay behind and voluntarily manually detonate the charges, that's me who volunteered.
When the shuttle pilot is about to detonate the charges, Harry Stamper asks him why he's going to take advice from people over there that don't know what's going on. He assures the shuttle pilot that he'll hit his mark.
It's the same with me. I've been doing Psychic Readings and Predictions every single day and I know my Research. The time is going to come when people who find out about me are going to be wavering unsure who to believe.
I'll be asking them the same thing as Harry Stamper: Why are you going to listen to a bunch of people from far away who don't know anything about drilling?
- Drill = D/RI-LL
- D/RI-LL = Mother(D/4/Cancer/Eternal Mother) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Lois Lane(LL)
- I said the Planet is like a huge Ovum
- Drill = Practice
I've been "Drilling" all my Life. I've been practicing all my Life. I'm damn good at what I do. I know what Signs to look for:
- Will Patton's character Charles Chapple has a restraining order against his ex-wife and his child
- He stops by and leaves a toy shuttle there
- The ex-wife says he's not allowed to be anywhere near them
- It's referring to Bliss who turned her back on me and told me never to come back
- Bliss didn't believe my story about Psychic Phenomenon
- Chapple = C-H/Apple = Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) Scorpio(H) Apple
- Bliss uses a Mac = Apple
It was referring to Bliss. I kept saying that Bliss would have a change of heart if she ever found out that my claims about Psychic Phenomenon were actually true. The only reason why she turned cold toward me was because she thought I was mentally ill.
However, I kept saying that I was sure about my Psychic Readings. She just didn't try hard enough to understand the Math Formulas on how to interpret the data.
Ironically enough, the only person to this day who actually understood what I wrote with my Math Formulas was Robin. However, she thought it was a joke and would just mock what I wrote by simulating my Math Formulas and writing it in a way to insult me.
It just goes to show how nasty people can be. The only reason why Robin's even being mean is because she's going off what Bliss and Isabella Valentine told her. Both of their stories are full of holes.
- Isabella Valentine skims over the part where she was the one who invited me to talk to her without telling me Charlie, her co-partner, was away on vacation
- Bliss claims I was obsessed with her when she skips over the part how she was using a Kara alias and pretending to disconnect and then log back on
- The worst part is when she tells everyone how I was stalking her when I separated from her September 2001 to be with Valerie and she begged me to come back
- If Bliss was supposedly threatened by me, you'd think she'd be relieved to see me gone
- Instead, she literally got back down on her knees and begged for me to return to her
My relationship with Valerie was doomed because Valerie knew I was still smitten with Bliss. No woman likes to be 2nd Fiddle to another woman. If Bliss had just left well enough alone, I would've moved on and she would've had her wish granted having gotten rid of me.
I kept saying that her belief that I turned mentally deranged allows her to go to sleep at night without feeling any guilt or remorse over how mean and nasty she was toward me when I didn't deserve it.
I was telling tell the Truth and she should've known me better than that. I don't waste people's time when it comes to Psychic Readings. This is important when people's lives are at stake.
Bliss and I used to tagteam on "Eternal Night II." Both of us liked helping people. She should've known by now I won't stand by and watch people get hurt or killed. She would've done the same thing I would have.
I said though that if the situation were reversed, I would've believed Bliss and Scott if they said they witnessed Psychic Phenomenon. It's because I've never known them to be the type to lie or make stuff up about that.
I've known Scott since 1982. Scott would never lie to me about something like that. Scott is not the type to waste people's time. People who saw us growing up knew that we were very similar. I just happened to be more childish and not as focused as Scott was when it came to studying and never really applied myself.
If I was as responsible as Scott and had applied myself, I would've turned out just like Scott. I'd probably be in Computer Science and working for Aerospace as well. When you're looking at Scott, you're seeing a "Mature" version of me.
I'm the Twin or other half that got all messed up in the head with all these Psychic Readings and had to find my way back home. That's how you get the U.S.S. Voyager that is thrown way out in the Delta Quadrant.
Mars Rover Sends First Photo of Victoria Crater
Leonard David
Senior Space Writer
NASA's Opportunity Mars rover returned its first photos of Victoria Crater at Meridiani Planum.
The robot has started to relay tantalizing glimpses of the huge impact crater after a lengthy day-by-day grind across the martian landscape that ended up being a 20-month journey to reach the destination.
Initial images show rugged walls with layers of exposed rock. The floor is shown to be blanketed with dunes, as researchers already knew. The far wall is about a half-mile away.
"This is a geologist's dream come true," said Steve Squyres of Cornell University, principal investigator for NASA's twin rovers Opportunity and Spirit. "Those layers of rock, if we can get to them, will tell us new stories about the environmental conditions long ago. We especially want to learn whether the wet era that we found recorded in the rocks closer to the landing site extended farther back in time. The way to find that out is to go deeper, and Victoria may let us do that."
Reaching the crater promises to be a trip down memory lane, a look into Mars' history, said David Des Marais, an astrobiologist at NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, California in an interview prior to the milestone announced today. By scanning and studying the exposed bedrock within the crater, he said, scientists gain a view into the planet's past.
The plan for studying the 2,625-foot-wide (800 meters) crater is to first map out the terrain that's inside the feature, including the large dune field at the bottom of Victoria.
In an earlier interview with, Squyres detailed what's next: After reaching the rim of Victoria at what's been dubbed Duck Bay, there are good views from there of Cape Verde, Cabo Frio, and much of the crater interior.
From that spot, Squyres added, the rover will use its set of navigation cameras, as well as acquire portions of the landscape with its Panoramic Camera, as well as utilize to some degree its Mini-Thermal Emission Spectrometer, or Mini-TES. This instrument sees infrared radiation emitted by objects.
With close-up imagery in hand, ground controllers and scientists will begin to piece together a strategy to intensively study Victoria Crater.
According to NASA's Des Marais there remains the prospect of driving into the large crater. But getting out could be tricky, he said.
Opportunity and its twin, the Spirit Mars rover, have been exploring Mars since January 2004. The Mars Exploration Rover mission is part of NASA's Mars Exploration Program, a long-term effort of robotic exploration of the red planet.
Wed Sep 27, 5:45 PM ET
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