SIGNS: Liza Minnelli Spousal Abuse Suit Tossed

Sep 25, 2006 15:17

This is funny because it refers to Davis:
  1. A judge threw out a $10 million civil assault lawsuit Monday filed against Liza Minnelli by her estranged husband, David Gest, who claimed she beat him so badly during alcoholic rages he had to be hospitalized:
    1. David Gest = Davi(S) G(U)est
    2. Davi(D) = Davi(S) when D(4/Cancer/Eternal Mother) = Superman(S)
    3. G(...)est = G(U)est when Nothing(...) = Old God(U/V in Old Alphabet/5/Leo)
  2. State Supreme Court Justice Jane Solomon granted Minnelli's motion to dismiss the lawsuit on the ground that Gest's doctor had failed to rebut the 60-year-old actress-singer's medical expert, who said Gest's headaches were caused by a strain of herpes that causes shingles and not by beatings:
    1. Solomon = King Solomon
    2. I said that God is the Final Judge
    3. King Solomon had a daughter
    4. In "Da Vinci Code," they claim it's Mary Magdalene
  3. "He said it was the beatings," Nadel said Gest's doctor reported:
    1. Technically, it's true
    2. It's referring to Davis who kind of brought it upon himself
    3. Davis born Valentine's Day runs parallel to Isabella Valentine
    4. Isabella Valentine got punished early by her mom
  4. Minnelli and Gest were married March 16, 2002, in a star-studded ceremony with Michael Jackson as best man and Elizabeth Taylor as maid of honor. They separated in July 2003 and filed for divorce later that year:
    1. 3/16 = Elizabeth Valentine's Birthday
    2. Elizabeth = Isabel in Spanish
    3. Elizabeth Valentine = Isabella Valentine
    4. That's how you know the Marriage was doomed
  5. Solomon said the only issues remaining in her court are those in which Minnelli claims in a $2 million lawsuit that Gest misappropriated her earnings:
    1. I said Davis borrowed all that money and misspent it
    2. Davis as of 9/25/2006 has yet to repay the loans he took
    3. We can talk about what he claims he'll pay back and what promises he's made, but it's not even in writing
    4. He just takes his time because there's no threat or an interest being incurred on those loans
    5. Those loans he took out on my family are still incurring interest by the Banks still charging him
  6. The divorce case is pending before state Supreme Court Judge Harold Beeler. Gest's lawyers have asked Beeler to order a trial to determine the validity of a prenuptial agreement:
    1. Harold = Hold with AR inside = meaing grasp on IR
    2. Beeler = Bee/Le-R = Queen Bee(Bee) Definite(Le/The-Fr.) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II)
  7. Gest's lawyer, Lorraine Nadel: Initials LN = 12/14 = 1214 = 1/2-4 = God(1) Valentine(2-14)
Notice the embedded tags hinting at people and who's been doing what. That's why when people want to see who's been up to something sneaky, just use a "Black Light" that will cause everyone's Special Tags to glow.
  1. I said 9/24/2006 about the Mentally Handicapped Benedict
  2. When we were kids, Benedict would want to go eat at "Herphy's Restaurant"
  3. However, because he was mentally retarded, he would pronounce it as "Herpes"
  4. He'd say, "Mommy, can we go eat at 'Herpes'?"
  5. It mentions about David Gest having Herpes
  6. I said Pope Benedict is "Ratzinger"
  7. Davis (David Gest) is born Year of the Rat :)
You see those tags lighting up to draw a comparison:

Mentally Retarded Benedict = Pope Benedict XVI = RATzinger = Davis born Year of the RAT = David Gest = Herpes

Those are tags lighting up. Notice how Isabella Valentine gets dragged down with Davis born Valentine's Day as well to point the guilty finger. That's why when he'd soaked up all the money from me and my mom that he could get, he abandoned me like a "Rat" fleeing a sinking ship.

It's so funny! Isabella Valentine did the same thing after she got money out of me. I got hung out to dry for her miscalculation about Charlie of BCB coming home early catching us chatting. I got abandoned. This was way before any Psychic Phenomenon manifested.
  1. In the song "Hello, My Name Is..." by Eminem says to "David from White Castle" that line "Thanks for the Support. ASSHOLE."
  2. Davis = David
  3. I said Kal Penn in "Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle"
  4. Davis is from Pennsylvania...LOL
  5. Eminem = EM in EM = 5/13 = Sunny Leone's Birthday = Isabella Valentine = Davis born Valentine's Day
  6. Eminem spawned 50 Cent
  7. 50 Cent = the 50 Cent Piece with John F. Kennedy's Head
  8. I'm born on JFK's Birthday
  9. If Eminem is Sunny Leone as the Goddess Danu (Mother of All), 50 Cent would be the "Son" (Jesus Christ)
  10. David would be referring to the Virgin Mary's Husband
  11. I said Davis and I were in a Business Marriage
  12. Davis is Sean PENN (Pennsylvania) and I'd be the Male Virgin Mary (Madonna)
  13. That's how you get that movie flop "Shanghai Surprise"
  14. it's why Sean Penn won an Oscar for Mystic River = MR = 13/18 = 13:18 = Mark of the Beast = Anti-Christ
  15. I said all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77 = IR on the Periodic Table
  16. If I'm IR = 77 = CHRIST, then Davis who is in opposition to me would be the ANTI-Christ
Anyone who goes against me transforms into an "Anti-Christ" if I'm IR = 77 = Christ.

Eminem's little comment slid in there when Davis tries to push forward his version of events and how things unfolded. I said that Davis stiffed me with his debt and then walked away. That's why you see that omen where he got into a Car Accident in October 2002 where the BWM (Rod as the Corporate Vehicle) was completely demolished while Davis walked away without a scratch.

That's why the person who rammed into Davis' car with the truck was also named "Blaney." How many people do you know are named Blaney and where someone named Blaney would hit other person named Blaney? LMAO

That's why I've got Davis and Isabella Valentine pegged when they try to deny what they did.

That's how you get the Power of the Planet as a Lie Detector that will show who's lying or not. Too bad it only works now while no one is aware of these hidden tags being planted on people without their knowledge.

As we all know, as soon as people find out about it, they'll then start cheating again and sidestepping the Sensor:
  1. They talk about Superman who can't see through Lead
  2. I said I'm the real Superman
  3. Lead = Le/Ad = Definite(Le/The-Fr.) Advertising(Ad)
People wonder that if I'm so smart, why do I allow myself to get fooled by Davis:
  1. Davis is from Pennsylvania
  2. Pennsylvania = PA = Father = Fr. = French = Le = "The" In French
  3. When Davis lies and is being sly, he's covering up his tracks like Lex Luthor and using "Le-Ad" Shielding
That's why I can't always tell or peer into what he's doing. I have to triangulate his position by going through other people.

Sadly enough, sneaky people will catch on and do the same thing to dodge my sensors. People are naturally adaptable. While you don't know about it, I pretty much have free reign.

When people do know about it, they can start modifying their shields so that they can hide what they're doing.

Once again, we come back to people who don't believe my Psychic Theories. The trade-off of revealing these Trade Secrets of how I do it validates that my Theories are indeed correct. Then I can be taken more seriously.

In the mean time, people just laugh and shrug it off thinking it's the dumbest thing they've ever heard. That's fine. It sucks for me in the mean time, but it help me out in the future.

People can't chew my ass out 10 or 20 years from now when I had been saying how it works. Why should it be my fault if people don't believe me and then they start bitching and complaining when they didn't heed my warnings and advice before?

How does that become my fault?

I've said repeatedly about the Beehive Analogy:
  1. I tell someone that he shouldn't rattle the beehive because he'll piss off the bees. They'll come and sting him
  2. He laughs at me, calls me stupid, and ignores my warnings
  3. He grabs a stick and starts prodding the beehive
  4. The swarm of bees come out and start stinging him
  5. He has to go to the hospital for bee stings and runs up a a hospital bill
Do you think it's FAIR if he comes to me pissed off blaming me and then saying I'm the one who has to pay for the hospital bill?

If you warned someone and said how it works and they ignore you, they absolve you of being held liable if they don't listen to your warnings.

As we all know though, people will always try to find a scapegoat to pin the blame on whenever they get a chance. I said that as the Holy Grail, if I'd been an inanimate object, they'd have no one to blame but themselves when they screw up.

You see the same thing with Davis. He couldn't pin the blame on that October 2002 accident because he was the one behind the wheel of his BMW. However, when he had me as his "Financial Advisor" supplying the money, he said "You could've said no any time you wanted."

What he neglects to mention is that he seeks out specific people who are pliable and "open-minded." I said his behavior is akin to that of a "Financial Child Molester" because he specifically targets individuals who are naive. Or as he saysk "New to California."

If you pay attention to Davis' Screening Process for "Candidates" to work with, he doesn't want to work with people who have too much experience on their Acting Resume. He doesn't want to work with people who have lived in California for too long. He wants people who have just recently moved to the Los Angeles Area. Those are telltale hints of a Financial Predator.

He doesn't realize it. That's why I'd get mad at him when he'd pull that crap on me. It's the very reason why I don't want to know anything about his business dealings so that he doesn't drag me down with him if anyone files a Class Action Suit against him. I warned him and said that if he's not careful and his face is posted in Southern California, people would step forward mentioning the loans he's taken out and failed to pay on time.
Liza Minnelli Spousal Abuse Suit Tossed
NEW YORK (Sept. 25) - A judge threw out a $10 million civil assault lawsuit Monday filed against Liza Minnelli by her estranged husband, David Gest, who claimed she beat him so badly during alcoholic rages he had to be hospitalized.

State Supreme Court Justice Jane Solomon granted Minnelli's motion to dismiss the lawsuit on the ground that Gest's doctor had failed to rebut the 60-year-old actress-singer's medical expert, who said Gest's headaches were caused by a strain of herpes that causes shingles and not by beatings.

Gest's lawyer, Lorraine Nadel, said she would appeal the ruling. She said that although Minnelli's physician diagnosed Gest's headaches as being caused by herpes zoster, Gest's doctor said he tested negative for the virus.

"He said it was the beatings," Nadel said Gest's doctor reported.

The 53-year-old Gest, who was in Memphis, Tenn., said through Nadel that he was "shocked" and "stunned" by Solomon's ruling.

Solomon said the only issues remaining in her court are those in which Minnelli claims in a $2 million lawsuit that Gest misappropriated her earnings.

Gest has denied that he wrongfully took money from Minnelli and has said she owes him money because of what he spent trying to revive her career.

Minnelli and Gest were married March 16, 2002, in a star-studded ceremony with Michael Jackson as best man and Elizabeth Taylor as maid of honor. They separated in July 2003 and filed for divorce later that year.

The divorce case is pending before state Supreme Court Judge Harold Beeler. Gest's lawyers have asked Beeler to order a trial to determine the validity of a prenuptial agreement.

Updated:2006-09-25 16:48:24

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humor, davis, signs, jesus christ, anti-christ, 214, 77, beehive, law, isabella valentine, eminem, 50 cent, ir

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