I work with Cryptanalysis, which is the study of Codes. That includes Numbers, which includes Birthdates.
Today is Christopher Reeve's Birthday. It's also the birthday of Barbara Walters and the married couple Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas.
For people who know their Astrology, Christopher Reeve's Birthday is 3 months off from that of Jesus Christ. 3 is the Sign of Communication, and also symbolizes the 3rd Eye or "Communication Eye."
Technically, if you add Communication (3) to 9/25, you'd get 12/25. People talk about the parallelism between Superman as a Savior Figure and Christ in Christopher Reeve's name. Both Kal-El and Christ are of Royal Blood.
I happen to know a lot about this because I'm the inverse of Christopher Reeve as 9/25. I'm born 5/29. Marlon Brando was the Godfather and Kal-El's father.
My Godfather is born 9/18 translating IR for my Initials. Marlon Brando was the Godfather. My Royal Family Name is Ramos. My stepdad's name is Ramos. My stepdad's mom had the maiden name of DeJesus, meaning "Of Jesus" in Spanish.
My name "Isabelo Rod" meanins "Ruler Consecrated by God." The IR representing the day that my Godfather was born on is of Mathematical Significance because all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table.
I'm born in the Sun Sign of Gemini. It's ruling Planet is Mercury. Virgo for the Virgin also shares the Ruling Planet of Mercury. Virgo translates to V/IR-Go or Sun IR IR(Go-Spanish).
When it comes to Planetary Alignment, you can use Cryptanalysis (Study of Codes) to follow the Planet's movements.
I'm born on 5/29, which is John F. Kennedy's Birthday. There are only two pairs of states inducted on the same day but different years. Rhode Island and Wisconsin were both inducted on 5/29. Notice that would be Gemini for Mercury.
The other two states are Oregon and Arizona inducted on 2/14 for Valentine's Day. In Astrology, the other shared Planet is Venus. It's the Ruling Planet of Taurus and Libra. Venus is the Roman Goddess of Love, which would be 2/14.
The other clue about the Power of IR is that IR is found in Rhode Island as the thIRteenth state and Wisconsin as the thIRtieth. Wisconsin goes one step further as the DaIRy State.
Notice on MySpace how they have "Got Milk" Commercials where they worship the "Cow God" pronounced as "Da IR y". In Spanish, it means "The Giving IR Male.
Rhode Island is RI. Notice that on the Crucifix, it's "IN RI" and 13 is for Bad Luck. If RI is Bad Luck, then the opposite IR would be Good Luck.
The other clue is in the word "FIRst." F is the 6th Letter for Virgo the Virgin. As Number One and with Religious References, it would only make sense that God who impregnated the Virgin Mary and made her "Mother Superior" or the First Woman in his Harem would name that word after her.
A huge clue that is staring everyone in the face that people completely overlook is the War in IRaq, People don't realize that it's a Holy War of Religious Significance. IR/Aq. is for the Christ(IR) Aquarius(Aq.).
We moved from the Age of Capricorn to the Age of Aquarius. That's why in the movie "40 Year Old VIRgin" with Steve Carell, you see him singing in the end credits the "Age of Aquarius" by the 5th Dimension. Rod Serling from the "Twilight Zone" is born Christmas Day.
Steve Carell as the Male Virgin is born 8/16 for Madonna's BIRthday. It's referring to a Male Virgin Mary.
As we all know, any Female who claims to be the Virgin Mary will be branded as a liar. They'll claim that the Jesus Christ Child is an imposter with a human father who merely hasn't surfaced yet.
However, you can solve the Immaculate Conception Riddle if you make the Virgin Mary Male. All you have to do is prove a Male can get pregnant, which really isn't as hard as one may think.
You "impregnate people with thought" so that they "give birth to" or "CONCEIVE" an Idea. So if a Pure Virgin Male "conceived" the idea of a Jesus Christ Software Program or a Jesus Christ Corporation, that would be the act of a Male Virgin getting impregnated with Holy Thought and after having "conceived" the idea, still remained a Virgin afterward.
The one thing people can't deny is that it's anatomically impossible for a human male to impregnate another human male. If a Virgin Male claims the Title of the Virgin Mary, then it satisfies the Riddle.
Getting back to the Astrological Significance, people say "God is Love." Well if there are two pairs of States where one is 2/14 for Valentine's Day, that would technically be God.
Therefore 5/29 would be the Non-God or the Virgin Mary. That falls in the Sign of Gemini, which is Mercury as the FIRst Planet and VIRgo the VIRgin sharing Mercury.
Virgin Mary can actually unlock to mean Virgin Ma(R)y meaning the Virgin of the Month of May with Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) inside.
Alanis Morissette played God in "Dogma." She's famous for the song "IRonic." As it just so happens, she has a Fraternal Twin named Wade. Twin is for Gemini or the PaIR.
That's why if people are looking for the HeIR to the Throne, there's a high probability that Christ is born in the Sign of Gemini. It's an AIR Sign.
Ever notice how you can't survive without AIR?
Call me crazy, but if I was God and I wanted to establish Authority over Humankind so that they'd never forget who gave them Life, I'd most likely embed it in something they can't live without...
Like. AIR.
On a side note, notice that we live on the thIRd Planet. IR is Go in Spanish. Th(IR)d translates to TH(Go)d or TH God.
Did you know that A is the First Letter for One or God while Z would be the Last Letter for the End. The 26th Element on the Periodic Table is IRon. It's symbol is FE.
If the Virgin Mary is Male, he could technically qualify as FEmale or the IRon Male. I'd like to point out that the movie "IRon Man" is coming out next year.
This brings us back to Christopher Reeve. His final appearance on "Smallville" with Tom Welling as Clark Kent was playing the brilliant Mathematician Dr. VIRgil Swann.
People wonder how I'd know all this stuff, but I work a lot with Numbers. I said that the Electromagnetic Field surrounding the Planet interconnects everyone's minds like Planet-Sized Brain Cells in the same way that the Human Mind has an Electrical Field that interconnects all the Human Brain Cells creating your Consciousness of Thought.
If your Consciousness is derived from millions of brain cells strung together by that Electrical Field, wouldn't it be safe to say that the Electromagnetic Field would string together all the Minds on the Planet to create a Consciousness akin to that of God?
I keep saying that God is the Forest and People are the 7 Billion Trees that make up that Forest. God would be the Digital Image and people would be the 7 Billion Pixels that make up this image. Most people can't see the Forest (God) from the Trees.
If God was Human, People would be like Fruit Flies that only live for 4 hours. That's why it's so important that historians kept on documenting all the events that occurred throughout history. It's so that when future generations of people carry on where others left off, they'll be able to piece together the clues to figure out what's going on.
Cryptanalysis is a fascinating subject. That's what Robert Langdon does in the "Da Vinci Code" when he's unlocking all the puzzles and clues.
That's what my job is in case anyone is curious.