SIGNS: Leo Tolstoy, "War and Peace," Seinfeld

Sep 23, 2006 17:45

There's a little hint about Seinfeld:
  1. The Mistress would Subconscious Sunny Leone.
  2. War = WA/R= Washington(WA) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II)
  3. War = W/AR = Final(W/Omega Symbol) IR(AR)
  4. Leo Tolstoy = LT = 12/20 = My Grandmother's Birthday
  5. I said Isabella Valentine who uses pictures of Sunny Leone got her name from her Grandmother
  6. Leo = Sun
  7. Tolstoy = T-OL's/Toy = Female(T/20/XX) Sunny Leone(O/15+L/50=65=5x13) 's Play Toy(Toy)
I'd be the the "Leo T-OL's Toy" because I'm Sunny Leone's "Toy" she plays with ;).
  1. I'm born Year of the Rabbit and why she has a Pet Rabbit
  2. She's a "Penthouse Pet"
  3. That's how you get Jessica Rabbit and Roger Rabbit :)
She likes to ride Horses
  1. I'm the Horse = Ho/R(S)E = Prince(Ho/67-Periodic/6-7 Prince B-Day) 1975(Re/75-Periodic) with Superman(S) inside
  2. I'm a Stallion = S-Tall/I-On = Superman(S) Female(T/20/XX) All God(I) Activated(On)
  3. Sunny Leone would be a Filly = FI/LL-y = Unconditional(FI/Non-If) Lois Lane(LL) Male(Y)
  4. Sunny Leone is born Year of the Rooster, which is a Cock for Male
That's how you get that Gay Superman Theme. Sunny Leone is actually Male while I'm "Fe-Male" (IRon Male).

You had "The Black Stallion" by Walter Farley:
  1. Walter = WA/Lt.-ER = Washington(WA) Light(Lt.) Sun Gemini(E+R)
  2. Farley = F-AR/Le-Y = Virgo(F/6) IR(AR) Definite(Le/The-Fr.) Male(Y)
  3. Black = B/Lack = Taurus(B/2) Lack
  4. Sunny Leone is Taurus and "lacking" in my life
  5. So I'd be the Black Stallion
That's how you get me as Black Beauty:
  1. Black Beauty has a Diamond on its forehead
  2. It's for the Superman Insignia
  3. I said I'm the real Superman
  4. B/LA-CK = Gemini(B/2) Los Angeles(LA) Clark Kent(CK)
That's why I'm B/LA-CK or B/Lack.

who coined the phrase all is fair in love and war?


That was a good question. It reminds me of that Seinfeld episode about Leo Tolstoy.

In Episode 14, Season 5 of Seinfeld titled "The Marine Biologist," Jerry falsely informs Elaine that Tolstoy originally intended for his book "War and Peace" to be entitled "War, What is it Good For?" but that his mistress disagreed with the former title.

[Click Here for Link]

black, seinfeld, sunny leone, humor

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