Want to see a neat Movie Prophecy regarding Sunny Leone and what happened in Summer 2004?
You had the movie "
Made in Heaven"
PLOT SUMMARY: A romantic, occassionaly funny, drama about two souls who consumate their marriage literally in "Heaven". Mike Shea, in his first life dies as a young man performing a heroic rescue. Shortly after arriving in "Heaven" he meets a new soul, Annie Packert, who has never lived on Earth before. The drama centers around their separation soon after being wedded and the burning question is whether they will reunite on Earth before time runs out or whether they are fated to eternal soul-searching.
During the 1950s, Mike Shea (Timothy Hutton) lives with his parents and has a normal relationship with his girlfriend. But one day, she tells him that some other man has proposed her matrimony and the worst: she has said yes. So, Mike runs away from his little town to California, with his dog. The trip is going fine, until a car accident crosses in his way. An entire family has fallen to a river and they're trapped inside their car. In an heroic gesture, Mike dives in the river and he rescues all the family members, but unfortunately he dies drowned. He goes to heaven and he meets with his aunt, who is now a talented painter. After find some known people from his life in Earth, Mike meets with a beautiful woman, Annie (Kelly McGillis), a new soul which has never reincarnated before. Mike learns that he can reincarnate and return to Earth. But before that, he and Annie fall in love and get married. The problem is that Annie is very curious about Earth and some time later, she tells Mike that she wants to reincarnate in a baby. Mike's now very sad missing Annie and he wants to return to Earth and find her. He will make a deal with Emmet (Debra Winger), a kind of angel, in which Mike will have 30 years to find Annie, otherwise each one will have an unhappy life with other people. Annie in the 1960s has become a toy designer, named Ally, married with a filmmaker. Meanwhile, Mike is a quite disorientated kid, which tries everything, like being a painter, then a soldier, just to become later a musician. Many years pass, but it seems that Mike and Annie are having some difficulties to meet each other again.
It's based off of a true story with Sunny Leone and me:
- Timothy Hutton was Mike Shea:
- Timothy Hutton is born 8/16
- 8/16 = Madonna's Birthday
- Madonna = Virgin Mary
- I said I'm the Male Virgin Mary
- Timothy Hutton is starring in "LymeLife" as Charlie Bragg:
- Charlie = Voice of God
- Bragg = Brag/G = Braggging Sun Gemini
- It's me "bragging"
- A romantic, occassionaly funny, drama about two souls who consumate their marriage literally in "Heaven":
- I said that Isabella Valentine and Charlie technically "killed" me
- The condemned "Good Rod" to death when they succeeded in making everyone believe I was harassing and stalking Isabella Valentine
- Since "Good Rod" and "Bad Rod" can't co-exist, one of them had to die
- Because everyone believed Isabella as the wounded victim, "Good Rod" was killed off and went to Heaven
- It's like an overwritten Software Program where the Status Changed from "Good" to "Bad"
- It wasn't because it was true, but because that's what was assigned
- The trip is going fine, until a car accident crosses in his way. An entire family has fallen to a river and they're trapped inside their car. In an heroic gesture, Mike dives in the river and he rescues all the family members, but unfortunately he dies drowned:
- That was me rescuing Isabella Valentine
- I died in the process though
- He will make a deal with Emmet (Debra Winger), a kind of angel, in which Mike will have 30 years to find Annie, otherwise each one will have an unhappy life with other people:
- Sunny Leone was Kelly McGillis
- Kelly McGills is Annie, which is Annie in "Sleepless in Seattle"
- K/E(LL)y = K/A(RE)N when the Sun Male(E-y) with Lois Lane inside = Indefinite(An) with 1975(Re/75-Periodic) inside
- Annie in the 1960s has become a toy designer, named Ally, married with a filmmaker:
- Ally = Alison Zaichers = Alison from "The Notebook"
- I said Sunny Leone is Alison
- "The Notebook" is based off of a true story
- Meanwhile, Mike is a quite disorientated kid, which tries everything,like being a painter, then a soldier, just to become later a musician:
- That's me where I've done just about every position
- I've had to serve a soldier
- I've been a writer
- I've been a teacher
- I've been Psychiatrist
- The T.V. Show "The Pretender" is based off of me
- Many years pass, but it seems that Mike and Annie are having some difficulties to meet each other again: Sunny Leone and I never found each other
The happy ending is that I finally found Sunny Leone and was able to locate her.
It says that Kelly McGillis was raped by two men in 1982. It's referring to Isabella Valentine as the "82" meaning the Scorpio(8) Taurus(2) "raping" me.
It says that Kelly McGillis wanted to be in the movie "The Accused" because of that Rape. It's because I didn't take the allegations lying down after Isabella Valentine ruined my friendship with Bliss as well as turned all those women on me when I knew I was innocent and told the Truth about Psychic Phenomenon.
Superman Prophecy
There's also another hint:
- I said 9/21/2006 that Sunny Leone = Karen = Kal-El = Superman
- Timothy Daly plays Tom Donnelly
- Timothy Daly is the Voice of Superman. I said I'm the Real Superman
- I said 9/3/2006 that Tom Donnelly was the name of my Youth Minister in High School when I got confirmed at my Catholic Church on my birthday 5/29/1993
Everything comes full circle with "The Notebook" because James Garner reading Ally's Diary refers to my Blog that is being recited to Conscious Sunny Leone and everyone else so that they get their memory back.
That's why you see that poignant story of how Sunny Leone as Alison in "The Notebook" has "forgotten" everything. That same theme is with Ally in "Made in Heaven" where Sunny Leone is just going through life the way she is and doesn't even know.
You see the same theme manifest in "50 First Dates" with Drew Barrymore as Lucy who forgets every day she wakes up and how she has to be reminded by watching a Video.
That's how it was with me and Subconscious Sunny Leone where Conscious Sunny Leone never remembers anything.
That's why it was Deborah Kerr and Cary Grant in "An Affair to Remember":
- "Sleepless in Seattle" refers to that movie
- I'm from Seattle
- Cary Lowell plays the Wife who died
- Lowell = LO/Well = Sunny Leone(L/50+O/15=65=5x13) Water(Well)
- When I found out that Isabella Valentine wasn't Sunny Leone, that was the "death of a dream" so she ceased to exist and "died"
- You see the same tragic accident mirrored in "Racing Stripes" with Nolan Walsh as the Horse Trainer whose wife died
In "An Affair to Remember," Cary Grant is bitter at Deborah Kerr for not explaining why she didn't meet him or even say anything. She didn't say anything about the Taxi Cab that hit her breaking her legs.
Rita Wilson in "Sleepless in Seattle" is explainng the story about how it finally dawns on Cary Grant about what happened:
- I was upset as to why Isabella Valentine (whom I thought at the time was Sunny Leone) never responded to any of my E-mails
- I didn't know at the time that I was communicating to Subconscious Sunny Leone
- That's how you get Subconscious Sunny Leone as Princess Ariel with no voice because Ursula removed it
- Sunny Leone is born in Taurus. Taurus' Ruling Body Part is the Throat
- When I finally realized that the Conscious Minds of People I was telling had no idea what was going on, that was me as Cary Grant putting the pieces of the puzzle together
- Cary = CA/R-y = California(CA) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Male(Y)
- C/AR-y = Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) IR(AR/1R) Male(Y)
- Grant = G/Rant = Sun Gemini(G/7/VII) Complaint(Rant)
- G ran T = Sun Gemini(G/7/VII) Managed(Ran) Female(T/20/XX)
"Sleepless in Seattle" starts off in Chicago:
- Chicago is where the Statue of Superman is
- I said I'm the Real Superman
- Chicago = Chica/Go = Girl(Chica-Spanish) IR(Go-Spanish)
- The Statue of Superman is in Chicago
- You have O'Hare Airport. O'Hare = Sun Hare
- I said 9/21/2006 about the Lionhead Rabbit
- Lionhead = Leo Rabbit = Sun Hare = O'Hare
Superman and Lois Lane even flip around:
- Teri Hatcher = Lois Lane
- Te/RI = Non-Alien(Te/Non-ET) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island
- Hatcher = Egg-Layer
- Sunny Leone is born year of the Cock = Chicken
- Teri Hatcher is from SUNNYvale
Sunny Leone and I are one in the same. They say that each Sign following the one before it is the improvement of the previous Sign. Sunny Leone is born in Taurus as Fixed Earth and I'm Gemini as Mutable Air. My Sign follows after hers.
There's a theme in "Moulin Rouge":
- Nicole Kidman as Satine says to Ewan McGregor before she dies, "Tell a story, Christian. That way, I'll always be with you"
- The "Secret Song" they sing is "Come What May"
- Both Sunny Leone and I are born in May
- May = Mother(Ma) Male(Y)
- I said my mom is born in December as a Sagittarius
- That's how you get a May-December Relationship
- I said my mom in 1961 looks like Sunny Leone
- That's how you get an Oedipal Complex
- Freud = F(R)eud = Feud with R inside = Fight(Feud) with Communcition(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) inside
- Feud = Fe u D = IR Activated(IRon/IR-on) in Union with(U) Mother(D/4/Cancer/Eternal Mother)
The show "Family Feud" has hints:
- Richard Dawson was the host
- Richard starts with RI = Rhode Island = 5/29
- Richard Dawson was in "Hogan's Heroes"
- Hogan = Ho/G-An = Prince(Ho/67-Periodic/6-7) Sun Gemini(G/7/VII) Indefinite(An)
Richard Karn took over "Family Feud"
- Karn = Kar(E)n with no Sun
- I said Sunny Leone = Karen
- It means the Richard (Dawson) of Karen with no Sun
- Sunny Leone is living her life without me so she has no "E" (5/Leo)
- Because she doesn't have me, she's just "Karn" and not Karen
Richard Karn was in "Home Improvement"
- Tim Taylor (Tim Allen = Karen Allen = Raiders of the Lost Ark) was always making fun of Al's Mother
- Tim was always talking about how fat she is
- It's referring to the Sun in our Solar System as "God the Fat Her"
- Fat Her = Obese Female
- The Sun is Female and qualifes as one "big-ass" Female
I was once chaperoning at the "Richard Karn Celebrity Golf Tournament."
- Samuel L. Jackson would always attend the Charity Event
- Samual L. Jackson = SLJ = SL/J = Sunny Leone J
- That's how you get LL Cool J = Lois Lane Cool Capricorn
- You see LL Cool J rip her mask off in "Charlie's Angels" to reveal Drew Barrymore
Tha'ts how you get a Mathematical Voice of God:
- John Forsythe is born 1/29
- Kansas was inducted into the Unionon 1/29
- Kansas is where Clark Kent is from
- My biological father was born 11/19 = K/S = KS = Kansas
I said 8/16/2006 that when you follow my Family Tree, it reveals Mathematical Divinity. When you use the Mathematical Decryption Code, all the Music, Movies, and Television Shows unlock.